Refusal To Correct Misleading Documentary Gets Couric a $12 Million Dollar Lawsuit

Misleading Documentary Misfire Gets Katie Couric A Lawsuit
Misleading Documentary Misfire Gets Katie Couric A Lawsuit
AmmoLand Gun News
AmmoLand Gun News

U.S.A.-( Katie Couric is facing a $12 million defamation suit for her unprofessional edits to responses given from members of the Virginia Citizens Defense League for use in her documentary, “Under the Gun”.

Couric and the films director, Stephanie Soechtig, made the decision to omit direct responses to a simple question concerning background checks in order to depict the VCDL as being caught in an awkward silence.

The propagandist (Couric), asked the group: “If there are no background checks for gun purchasers, how do you prevent felons or terrorists from purchasing a gun?”

From the documentary the members of the VCDL appear at a loss for words, staring down at the ground in complete silence for eight seconds. Released audio tapes show the reality of the interview. The group had nearly two hours of reasoned, factual, and incisive pro-gun commentary, that repeatedly dispatched Couric’s B.S. liberal arguments. The audio from the actual interview is thoroughly entertaining, definitely more than the actual documentary could be.

Although Couric’s interview with the Virginia Citizens Defense League lasted for nearly two hours, she used hardly any of the footage in her documentary. This was because the group so thoroughly refuted each of her questions.

Ultimately her decision to purposefully edit responses to create a scenario that was entirely untrue. The point being to manipulate viewers into seeing a pro-gun group being unable to defend the argument against background checks. But, as anyone who understands gun laws knows, background checks are a joke. In accordance with this knowledge the VCDL laughed at the stupidity of Couric’s question about felons or terrorists buying a gun in the absence of background checks.

The only people affected by background checks and any gun legislation is a law abiding citizen. Felons and terrorists will use whatever they can to inflict damage, it does not matter to them. That fact is indisputable, just look at the use of knives and pressure cookers this weekend alone.

The Virginia Citizens Defense League rightfully explains to Couric that the only people affected by background checks are the ones following the law.

Video by Conservative Review

About Duncan Johnson: Duncan Johnson is currently a student at George Mason University, finishing his studies in History and Legal Studies. He contributes to Ammoland regularly and also assists with daily gun news publishing as an assistant editor. He has also contributed articles to the History News Network that take a historical view of current issues.

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It is not a problem for her, thanks to the clinton foundation

John in AZ

Where can we find the full released tapes? I’d like to watch the informed un-edited responses from the VCDL.

Shawn Alexandre Grammont

Serves her right.


$12 million? The lawsuit should be for $120 million at the minimum.


I have never ever in my life seen the media this scared. In the end we may not have to remove them society. When they are vulnerable as they are now, it’s time to pound the hammer harder and harder.


Couric, You have been found wanting! ‘couric’ and your boss, PAY UP!!!!!