Few Points of Clarification Before a Democrat, Republican & Media Kumbaya

Michael Bane
Michael Bane

USA – -(Ammoland.com)- Both Democrats (predictably), the Republican establishment (also predictably) and the discredited MSM (because they don’t have a clue) are giving their “mend a divided nation,” peace love and flowers speech.

Before we all sit down at the same drum circle, I’d like to clarify a few points:

1) We didn’t elect Trump to “end the gridlock in Washington.”

2) We didn’t elect Trump to “reach across the aisle to get things done.”

3) We didn’t elect Trump to cozy up to the Democrats and see if they can find a “compromise” way to chip away at our rights.

We elected Trump — and I have been all-in for a long time — to END the “fundamental change” of America, to drag the “Obama legacy” into the sunlight, tie it to a post, execute it, then bury it in unhallowed ground.

Only then can America move ahead.

A couple of more points of clarification, at least from my point of view (which is, parenthetically, the only one I am qualified to give):

1) I unconditionally respect the rights of other people to their own opinions. I respected it on Monday; I respected it on Wednesday. That doesn’t mean I have to respect those opinions.

2) After the progressive far-left takeover of the Democrat party, those Democrats plotted — gleefully — how they were going to strip me of my rights as soon as they were in office. They made it a talking point. They did not give a damn that the vast majority of Americans were against them; rather, they operated on Barack Obama’s coda of, “Elections have consequences.

3) Socialism, even in it’s Democratic Party guise of “progressivism,” is evil, a boot on the face forever, to paraphrase Orwell. Socialism is the handmaiden to totalitarianism. It has never worked; it will never work. If you, as an individual, would like to participate in a socialist experiment, move to Venezuela  or any number of African pest-holes. They would be happy to have you, and the money in your wallet. Bring your own food. I unconditionally oppose any compromise on moving America in that direction. I opposed it on Monday; I opposed it on Wednesday.

4) I see no difference between “progressives” and, say, violent anti-Semites or America Nazis — they hold opinions which I do not and can not countenance. Moreover, progressives, as are their analog anti-Semites and virulent racists, are evangelical in their zeal to spread their vile teachings. Compromise? What compromise is there with evil?

5) If you are a liberal, that is, you come with a different world view than mine, fine, we can talk, argue, maybe find some common ground. If, however, your liberalism extends to limiting my rights or exercising power over my life, there is no common ground to be found.

6) On Monday, I was a small “l” libertarian and a single-issue voter. Nothing changed on Wednesday morning.

7) I’m all for “civil,” not so much on “compromise.”

About Michael Bane

Michael Bane defies stereotypes. He has leveraged a career as a journalist, author, professional adventurer and acknowledged expert on firearms into some of the most innovative — and successful — shooting sports programming in the world. Read more at www.michaelbane.blogspot.com .

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Said the Republican party winner to the Democrat loser with class, I’ll gladly embrace your Elephant if you will kiss my ASS!


This is something that you would expect from a sore loser.

David Farrar

We didn’t elect Trump to increase the annual deficit even more than it already is under Obama. We didn’t elect Trump to increase the national debt any more than it already is under Obama. We elected Trump to force Congress to adopt a budget and live by it. We elected Trump to force government to not only learn to live within its means, but to also start paying down the national debt through its efficiency.


Bane, this was right on the money. Obama took the “cult of personality” created by his celebrants and proceeded to ram through Obamacare, he used every violent act done by a lunatic as an opportunity to speak out against a civil right, and when confronted by repeated repudiations from voters in ’10, ’12, and ’14, he responded with his “pen and phone.” I hope Trump does as promised with respect to Executive Orders – and on the first day.


I heard that Trump has the potential to rescind 50-55 illegal Executive Orders on Day One. The others might take a bit longer.


Well put, Michael! You have expressed my own sentiments almost perfectly, and very concisely, thank you. I have always been a tad confused about how to answer the question I often get about whether I am a Liberal, Conservative, Republican, or whatever. Now I know. I must be a “Small “l Libertarian. Now if I just understood why I’m not a “Large L” Libertarian, I’d be a happy camper!

Rick Davis

very well written. In complete agreement with you on your points. Now we can’t relax but must keep the “establishment politicians” in line and we need to keep reminding them who we “the people” are.


I am a Constitutional Conservative.
I salute your commentary and your opinion because that IS the American Way – to respect other people’s opinion and their Right to that opinion.
I would hate to see the day that the United States became ruled by a little-minded establishment that only thought of itself and not the Citizens of this great Nation.
I can only hope that President Trump (not my first choice) will do the job that he has been sent to do and not compromise with those who want “safe spaces” for their opinions while trampling on yours.


We have just put an end to a system of Party – Media and Philosophy that only thought of itself and not the Citizens of this great Nation. Open borders – no sovereignty – nation of immigrants? My great great grandfather was an immigrant. I am an American. Social Justice? We have to advise criminals that they , under the constitution don’t have to say a word to the government. But if you want to own a firearm you must submit to a government interrogation. We elected Trump because he was not politically correct. There once was a country that… Read more »