U.S. Military is Coming for the Old Men and Women

U.S. Military is Coming for the Old Men and Women
U.S. Military is Coming for the Old Men and Women

U.S.A.-(Ammoland.com)- Military retirement came to me at the age of thirty-nine. There have been twenty-four years of not wearing the Air Force uniform on active duty. In my dreams, I have, however, put it on many a time.

There is this reoccurring dream where the Air Force recalls me back to active duty with plans to put me to work defending the nation. The interesting thing is in my dreams, I am usually the thirty-something major in my freshly starched and ironed battle dress uniform. The age is much younger and the weight is much lighter than real life.

Until the other night I was never my actual real age, but that has changed. In my latest dream, I was sixty-three years old putting on the Air Force’s current camouflage patterned uniform and sitting in on, in-processing briefings at the local air base, right along with new baby Airmen arriving at their first permanent duty assignment.

For fifteen years after I retired from the Air Force I continued to live on Air Force Bases as I followed my active duty wife to numerous new assignments. In my dreams being on the airbase was not that odd, just being there in the most recent one as an old man in uniform really got my attention.

The driving factor to this change in my dream paradigm came after I had a long conversation with a credible source who works for the US Army, and in the conversation, he advised me the Army is working up procedures for recalling old, and really old Army retirees. If the Army is openly thinking about this issue then you must consider the idea that all of the Department of Defense branches are planning for the same concept.

We recalled military retirees well beyond the age of sixty during WWII. They were not put on the front lines, but they served for the duration of the war just like the youngsters did. More than one sexagenarian died for his country in WWII. Remember General George Patton was sixty when he died during that war.

In 2018 we have a couple of issues that will affect our readiness for combat. Our ability to swiftly generate tens of thousands of new battle-ready troops after plucking them, only weeks before off the streets of American civilian life does not happen in a vacuum. None of this happens without seasoned leadership.

We have a draft, but our great nation stopped using it in 1973. We have three generations of Americans who have not feared the draft, and how being forced into the armed services would impact their “safe” lives back home. Of course, we have opened all military jobs and career fields to women, but they are somehow not subject to the draft.

Even if you send in the SWAT teams and rounded up all the eighteen-year-olds in the high schools, and ship them off to basic military training, you still need trained and experienced NCOs and officers to lead them. You can’t make master sergeants and majors overnight.

What you can do is force a bunch of old senior NCOs and officers who are enjoying their well-earned retirement, back into uniform.

We are going to be recalling the old men and women of the retired military. DOD is going to force those NCOs and officers currently on active duty to stay on active duty. They will not to be allowed to retire or separate from the military–this is coming.

The US has headed for a war that our nation is not ready for, and cannot even imagine what is potentially going to happen. China is running out of land. They have too many people and they have screwed up their own real estate so they want ours. China needs land to house its people, and land to generate food to feed it’s overpopulation.

China does not want Las Angeles or New York City, China wants Iowa and the surrounding states and Canadian provinces. There is a reason their current leader Xi Jinping studied in Muscatine, Iowa and speaks very good English. The Chinese eat corn and where does the corn grow tall in the US?

Xi Jinping is changing Chinese law that will allow him to remain in office after his second term is completed. For those of you old enough to remember President F.D. Roosevelt he was in his third term as president of the US at the start of WWII and was elected to an unheard of fourth term during the war. The alleged scare factor the Democrats sold our nation during a time of war was, the US could not handle a change of political regime in the middle of WWII. Of course, FDR was pretty much ineffective his last year and we still won the war after he died in office.

The point is China knows what is coming, Xi Jinping is a very effective leader and the Red Chinese leadership is gearing up for a major combat operation, so no, they do not want to change leaders any more than the 1943 Democrats.

Many of those last three generations of non-drafted Americans do not have a healthy fear of their government. They also do not necessarily have an understanding of what the 2nd Amendment is truly about. They do not fear a tyrannical government like I do. What they fear is their big government is not going to be able to save them from evil. Whether that evil is nukes coming from North Korea or mentally disturbed people shooting up a high school.

As an old retired policeman, I have asked the question many times “why do you think you have the right to expect I will risk my life to come and save you in time of crisis? What are you doing to mitigate your risk of injury and death when evil appears in your presence?

When the Twin Towers fell in New York on 9-11, I was teaching high school. I tried to explain the US draft system to my students. One of my allegedly tough-guy freshman, who prior to 9-11 kept telling the class he was going to join the Marines after high school, stood on his desk and yelled: “they cannot make me go in the Army”. He told us “it is a free county, and they cannot make me fight”.

The US has headed for a war that our nation is not ready for, and cannot even imagine what is potentially going to happen.
The US has headed for a war that our nation is not ready for, and cannot even imagine what is potentially going to happen.

Those who are not old, and currently do not harbor a fear of their government will most assuredly develop a new found understanding of the power of politics, and just how little the individual can really do to resist if they disagree.

Now, to be honest, us old American veterans could develop a heightened sense of political awareness when that official government letter arrives telling us to report to the nearest military base. We would be expected to show up, and be ready to assume our old leadership roles. We would also be expected to understand without question our country is headed for another shooting war that will consume a lot of Americans, young and old.

Should all the above come about, there will be combat destruction on US soil and that will lead to a break down in our society. Our power grid will be one of the first targets to come under in-country attack. Those who do not believe you should own a firearm will be sucking hind lady cow parts real quick.

Turn off the electricity and you turn off the money. When the electronic money stops working, life gets real unpleasant overnight.

I hope in the future my dreams go back to me being a good-looking, thin, young major, in a fresh uniform and spit-shined jump boots. Because, if I have to go back on active duty at my age the world will be a very ugly place.

The word safe, and the term “safe-spaces” will be a dream found only in your fox-hole when you pass out from combat exhaustion.

If you believe the new trade tariffs that President Trump is imposing is in fact about fair trade you would be wrong. This is about forcing our steel industry back in the high capacity production game. You cannot fight a war without steel, and you cannot buy steel from your enemy.

The Red Chinese, the Russians and the Iranians will come together like the Axis force of 1941. I do not know if the conflict will start in Korea, against NATO or an attack on Israel, but it will come and then it will morph into a three-front war. The US cannot fight a two-front war, how the heck do we fight and win a three front war?

Life is not fair and the Red Chinese are fixing to give the world an up-close demonstration of just how unfair things can get.

About Major Van Harl USAF Ret.:Major Van Harl USAF Ret Winter 2014

Major Van E. Harl USAF Ret., a career Police Officer in the U.S. Air Force was born in Burlington, Iowa, USA, in 1955. He was the Deputy Chief of police at two Air Force Bases and the Commander of Law Enforcement Operations at another. He is a graduate of the U.S. Army Infantry School.  A retired Colorado Ranger and currently is an Auxiliary Police Officer with the Cudahy PD in Milwaukee County, WI.  His efforts now are directed at church campus safely and security training.  He believes “evil hates organization.”  [email protected]

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In the words of General Neller, “Marines are going to have a ‘big ass’ fight on their hands” referring mostly to N. Korea and Russia.” Of course China will very likely join our enemy’s side of that fight.

Daryl Knox Msgt USAF Ret.

I think Maj. Van is commenting on a subject we all share but don’t express outwardly. I have to admit I have had the same dreams as Van occasionally. Retiring in ’88 at the age of 38 has given me ample time to think back as well ahead. Except for a few extra pounds I have kept a military appearance. I have used my dodge van as a visual reminder to thank and respect our military and first responders. If called up, I would serve proudly and without reservation. Our present state of affairs is gray at best but we… Read more »

Harry in Ohio

Can not argue one bit. Not a question of if, merely a question of when. The picture you paint will come to fruition whether people want to believe it or not. I can not help but wonder how much tolerance liberals will have at that time. It is difficult to remain accepting and kind when you are fighting for your life. Do I worry about it a lot? No. It’s like aging. It will happen no matter what I do. I can only hope that it doesn’t get too painful. Final thought – let’s hope we are both wrong.


I believe most retired GIs feel they have at least one good fight left in them.


Best article in weeks. Ammoland needs MORE articles to stay on target and subject. Especially when it’s on gun rights.

Ansel Hazen

I would sign up tomorrow if they would let me.

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