Lawsuit Filed against FBI for Denying Las Vegas Shooting FOIA Request

What “core values” are demonstrated by denying the requested information? (FBI/Facebook)

U.S.A. –( “Today, we filed a lawsuit against the Federal Bureau of Investigation over a Mandalay Bay FOIA [Freedom of Information Act] request that the FBI denied,” Stamboulieh Law, PLLC announced in a Thursday media advisory.

Firearms designer and Historic Arms, LLC President Len Savage is the plaintiff in the complaint that charges “Defendant FBI is unlawfully withholding records requested by Plaintiff pursuant to 5 U.S.C. §552.” As reported by this column in April:

The FBI has responded. They claim they have no way of knowing how many “bump stocks” have been used in crimes and the FOIA law doesn’t require them to be responsive.

“Contrary to the FBI’s position, in a similar FOIA to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, the ATF responded almost immediately and has currently produced thousands and thousands of responsive documents,” attorney Stephen Stamboulieh noted.

The latest revelation from those productions, reported Wednesday by AmmoLand Shooting Sports News, was a surprising admission by ATF:

“[O]n-scene ATF personnel were not allowed to physically examine the interior of the weapons for machinegun fire-control components or known machinegun conversion devices… [Emphasis in original]”

Another reason given by the FBI for denying information was “ongoing ‘law enforcement proceeding,’” Stamboulieh observed. “The Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department basically said ‘case closed,’ so, what is … proceeding?”

“It makes one wonder, why is the FBI not providing information about the case when, according to LVMPD, the shooter ‘acted alone’ and has no motive?” he asked.

About David Codrea:David Codrea

David Codrea is the winner of multiple journalist awards for investigating / defending the RKBA and a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

In addition to being a field editor/columnist at GUNS Magazine and associate editor for Oath Keepers, he blogs at “The War on Guns: Notes from the Resistance,” and posts on Twitter: @dcodrea and Facebook.

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This story sure got quiet really quickly, maybe too quickly. I don’t normally get out the tin foil hat, but this one has me wondering. The last thing I saw was the LVPD hiding in a stairwell a floor above the shooter waiting for the gunfire to stop rather than confronting the guy and trying to ‘serve and protect’ as they are sworn to do. Eerily similar to the Parkland shooting where the supposed ‘protectors’ were hiding outside the building or in a closet waiting for the shooting to stop.


This stinks from day one. The FBI telling the sheriff not to answer certain question to the media, and the lack of surveillance video on the alleged shooter.

James Andrews

The shooter was a former CIA employee…..this has Big Brother “stink” all over it!


Has even one chain of custody bullet been forensically linked to one of the bump stock rifles????

Jim Macklin

I suspect the motive was “to get a gun law passed.”
The idea came from a sick mind and the weapons chosen were what hillary, nancy and chuckie were filling the MSM with 24/7 for 750 days.
The sick mind put 2 and two together and got 0, 4 and 22.
If my guess is correct they won’t release the fact because that would make the PTB look really bad.


Great job. Keep up the pressure! This sure appears to be a typical fed cover up. Was there a Muslim version of PATCON being run? Did the operation go south after it was discovered like OKC? Was it a gun running op like fast and furious?

Those of you not familiar with PATCON: Google jesse trentadue.