Gun Grabbers Lose In Caldwell, Win In Boise. Is Boise Gone?


Evangeline Beechler is the Idaho Democrat Party Chair
Evangeline Beechler is the Idaho Democrat Party Chair, Image Facebook

Idaho – -( It was a wild election night in Caldwell and Boise, Idaho this week.

Gun owners turned out in droves in one race and stunned political pundits.

The Caldwell race was of particular concern to gun owners as the head of the Idaho Democrat Party attempted to hide her identity and win a local election. Her plan failed when gun owners exposed her as a radical leftist who supported every major gun control politician and candidate alive.

It was a race that many did not know how it would turn out.

Runoff elections generally have an even lower turnout than a general city election.

Wednesday night however there were actually more voters in the Caldwell runoff race than the general election race last month.

Gun owners turned out in bigger numbers than political pundits expected last night in Caldwell and defeated gun control advocate Evangeline Beechler 61% to 39%!

In Boise, the story was much different. Challenger Lauren McLean defeated incumbent Mayor Dave Bieter is a landslide victory 66% to 34%.

McLean is as far-left as you can possibly get. She is a major supporter of Bloomberg’s Moms Demand Action and was endorsed by Planned Parenthood.

Is this the beginning of the end for Boise? Is Boise well on its way to becoming the next Seattle or Portland, and giving up any chance that it can maintain a strong pro-2nd Amendment voting base?

There is no question that Idaho is changing very rapidly.

Voters who care about freedom, and more importantly their 2nd Amendment rights, had better start getting involved in all elections in Idaho. Idaho’s population continues to explode and there is no telling what that means for our gun rights in the future.

Some want to blame all the Californians moving to Idaho, but we know firsthand that many are fleeing California and other west coast states to enjoy the freedoms here.

Sure, some anti-gun voters are moving here and there is nothing we can do about that.

We can, however, do a much better job of encouraging our native Idaho voting base to do a much better job of getting involved in these elections. Pro-2nd Amendment voters moving here from other states will tell you that voter apathy was their downfall.

Idaho is too great of a state to let radical gun-grabbers overrun us. We implore to you become more involved with defending your gun rights.

If you have not already,sign up as a member of the Idaho Second Amendment Alliance today!

Better yet, become one of our Liberty Members ($10 or more a month) and show the gun grabbers mobilizing in Idaho that our numbers are far greater than theirs! You can become a Liberty Member by clicking on the link here!

We are proud of the hard work and dedication that gun owners showed last night in the Caldwell race.

For now, Caldwell has one less radical gun-grabber that will not be on their city council.

Are you paying attention to your local races? If not, you better start!

Thank you all again for your amazing dedication to the pro-2nd Amendment fight here in Idaho.

For Freedom,

Greg Pruett
Idaho Second Amendment Alliance

Idaho Second Amendment AllianceAbout Idaho Second Amendment Alliance:

Idaho Second Amendment Alliance is a nonprofit, nonpartisan, single-purpose organization dedicated to preserving and protecting the Constitutionally protected right to keep and bear arms through an aggressive grassroots program designed to mobilize public opposition to the anti-gun legislation.
Our website can be located at

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Once they take your rights away you can’t get them back. simple


Boise is the largest city in Idaho and has a university (BSU). Just like almost every other state in the nation, the largest cities control the votes for U.S. Congress and Senate and usually Governor, which is where the problems begin. Local elections in smaller communities and counties are more responsive to the residents and reflect the community standards, but are often overshadowed by the “big cities” as there is no Electoral College system in the states to level the playing field across the state at that level.


Gun owners and 2A advocates need to get off their butts and get out and VOTE!! This is the only way we can defeat the leftist agenda to disarm America! TRUMP 2020!! KAG!!


This should serve as a call to action for gun owners to keep their rights. You cannot become complacent anywhere in the country. You must get out and vote.


When the California multi-millionaires ran away from California, they went to Idaho, Boise in particular. Boise was touted as the BEST place to live at that time. Boise is now Los Angeles. It has vehicle emissions checks (Boise never had smog), teaching the glory of being gay in schools, the hatred of America, losers sitting on streets begging for “spare change, man?” and the defiling our country with their illegal alien invader sanctuary. All the reasons they left California, they re-created in Idaho, and especially Boise. NO Californian should be allowed to leave the crap-laden, urine-smelling communist craphole that is… Read more »


A California “Conservative” often votes like an Idaho Liberal from what I have seen. So, yes, I think we can lay a lot of this at the feet of Californians. Boise has a flaming blue heart to it due in large part to BSU.

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