U.S.A. –-(Ammoland.com)- Mark your calendars for January 20, 2020, for the most important VCDL Lobby Day ever held in Richmond.
Please plan to be there!
Gun owners and those who value liberty will be gathering from across the state to show the legislators in Richmond that Virginians will not accept their rights being infringed.
And there will be several speakers there, including GOA’s Senior Vice President Erich Pratt.

With a number of extreme gun control proposals set to be voted on the next session, it is vital for as many people as possible to be at the capitol on January 20 to tell the Governor and his legislator allies that this is unacceptable.
To facilitate getting as many people there as possible, buses and carpools will be running across the state on January 20 to get people to Richmond.
So, even if you can’t make the drive yourself you can still attend!
Go to VCDL’s homepage to get all the details about buses leaving from your area.
Again, GOA’s Erich Pratt will be speaking — along with GOA’s Director of Outreach Antonia Okafor.
And, Stephen Willeford — the hero of Sutherland Springs, Texas, — will be there, as well.
Willeford acted bravely in 2017 when he used his AR-15 to mortally wound a vicious gunman who murdered over 20 people inside a local church.
Other speakers will be there, including Dick Heller of the landmark Supreme Court Case DC v. Heller.
Again, for more information on the itinerary, transportation, or speakers, please visit the VCDL page found here.
And for further questions about carry at the event, please see VCDL’s alert here.
About Gun Owners of America (GOA) :
Gun Owners of America (GOA) is a non-profit lobbying organization formed in 1975 to preserve and defend the Second Amendment rights of gun owners. GOA sees firearms ownership as a freedom issue. `The only no comprise gun lobby in Washington’ – Ron Paul Visit: www.gunowners.org to Join.
There are multiple opinions here and it’s hard to predict the outcome, only the intentions of the pro 2A rally are set! We can assume anything, but we should all pray for a constitutional outcome not another deep state Las Vegas!
My concern is that a false flag attack will be perpetrated. An all too complicit lame stream media will sow the lies over and over and over. The violence WILL be blamed on the legal gun owner no matter what. It seems the boogaloo is inevitable. That’s my $0.02 YMMV
The organizers of this event are not thinking this through logically. Protests by conservatives in this country have achieved absolutely nothing forever. In fact, this little circus guarantees these draconian laws will be passed and stand as well as there being violence that will turn the fence sitting public against us. You are like naive children playing on railroad tracks. The Controllers already have a Patsy picked out and off his meds, an AR and Trump 2020 bumper sticker to leave at the crime scene and Hollywood scriptwriter wrote the Patsy’s racist stereotype manifesto to be posted online. How are… Read more »
Why would the VCDL tell attendees to leave their long black rifles at home? This is what this is all about for the most part. You need to bring them to show the guns can be at peaceful rally and hurt no one. And this is just another attempt to follow through in making VA and America a Police State. That makes no sense..
I’m hoping for the best but I keep seeing intel indicating that the commie billionaires like Soros are busing in Antifa, BLM, and other left-wing extremists to deliberately foment violence and disrupt the Lobby Day events that are planned. I hope VCDL has a plan for dealing with this.
ONE thing is for sure….the grounds will be clean after they leave, unlike the green hair, nose-ring fascist ‘antifa’ terrorists.
Green hair, nose-ring, metal in face, multiple tattoos…all symbols of the savage.