Stop James Now, Or Lose Every Pro-Second Amendment Group

The NRA-ILA Announced a partnership with 6 companies for $1 million. IMG NRA-ILA

New York/Texas – -( The fact that the NRA’s petition to reorganize was rejected should frighten every loyal Ammoland reader. Those who celebrate need to answer one question: If this can happen to the NRA, what do you think happens to other pro-Second Amendment groups?

The Second Amendment Foundation and Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms are headquartered in Washington state and presumably were incorporated there. Does anyone recall the track record of Governor Jay Inslee and Attorney General Bob Ferguson of that state on Second Amendment issues? Here’s a hint: It’s lousy.

Gun Owners of America, like the NRA, is headquartered in Virginia. Anyone remember the records of Ralph Northam and Mark Herring on Second Amendment issues? Their records suck, too. The Firearms Policy Coalition is in California. Gavin Newsome’s record on the Second Amendment stinks, too, and so does that of the state’s new attorney general.

So for those celebrating the NRA’s loss in court, think carefully about the blueprint Letitia James is trying to create – one that can be combined with Andrew Cuomo’s actions as well. Then sober up and get scared because there’s a four-letter word to describe those groups: Next.

What do you think happens to all the membership records of the NRA should James dissolve it? What about the donation records to NRA-ILA and NRA-PVF, which had the mission to elect pro-Second Amendment candidates? Talk about handing our enemies everything they need for a campaign of doxing and harassment… and even those who left because they didn’t like Wayne LaPierre won’t be safe from this.

You will be “named and shamed” by anti-Second Amendment extremists. Look at what has become all too commonplace these days – employers get contacted, there are demands to fire employees. The harassment often will come from one’s own co-workers who will (falsely) claim that YOUR advocacy for the Second Amendment makes them “unsafe.” Banks will be pressured to financially deplatform these other pro-Second Amendment groups.

This does not include the loss of the NRA’s safety training, hunter education, and many other services that have been provided outside of advocating for the Second Amendment. Much of those activities, in their way, also defended the Second Amendment by helping people learn how to responsibly exercise their Second Amendment rights.

Even if you don’t like the NRA’s political strategy or their legislative tactics, what replaces those programs?

I’ve been on record as saying LaPierre needs to go. Warning signs that were present in 2013 and 2014 were ignored, and now the NRA is in a desperate fight with existential implications for every pro-Second Amendment group out there. He also seems to have had no plan to counter corporate gun control, either.

Because as much good as these other groups do, they have nowhere near the resources or membership of the NRA. Hating on the NRA and Wayne LaPierre is like dumping Donald Trump for re-election over his mean tweets. Yeah, you might not have liked him, but as America is facing the reality of President Joe Biden, we’re paying a dear price. Second Amendment supporters should learn from this before it is too late.

About Harold Hutchison

Writer Harold Hutchison has more than a dozen years of experience covering military affairs, international events, U.S. politics and Second Amendment issues. Harold was consulting senior editor at Soldier of Fortune magazine and is the author of the novel Strike Group Reagan. He has also written for the Daily Caller, National Review, Patriot Post,, and other national websites.Harold Hutchison

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I have supported the NRA for a long time. My problem is with the current Exec. Committee. Until the NRA cleans house I can’t support it. NRA needs to make the next move.

Last edited 3 years ago by RUKiddingMe

The scumbags who became insanely rich running the NRA gave the New York attorney general the hammer they needed to go after the organization. Without those scumbags, the NRA would not be having this worry. The NRA is no longer a firearms rights advocacy group; it is a money-raising machine to make the executives rich, with as little money as possible spent on the issues of gun rights.

Henry Bowman

Don’t forget the NRA is a political machine that cons its membership into supporting the RINOs that NRA endorses, so that together, the NRA and RINOs can sell you down the river.

NRA. Negotiating Rights Away.


The legal eagles have a saying about “the fruit of the poisoned tree.” In my “public futility” days we said, “how many attaboys are wiped out by one ah sh*t?” (all of them). Over the years the NRA BOD has had a practically infinite number of opportunities to pull their heads out of where the sun don’t shine and get the organization to straighten up and fly right. They nerfed each and every one of them. Not one more dime of my money for Wayne’s wardrobe, his private plane trips, or his intern’s rent. Not one more dime! DDS NRA… Read more »

Last edited 3 years ago by DDS
Henry Bowman

There’s a reason why NRA is so good at fumbling the football. It’s throwing the game to the other side!!


Can you include a graphic that is not SOOOO blurry?


Just like the US Government, the NRA was founded with great ideas, and provides some necessary services. Like the US Government, the NRA has grown to be self-serving, fat, and top-heavy. Maybe a good way to start fixing both organizations would be to institute term limits.


” Stop James Now ” ? Please explain this ability that we have to affect elected or appointed officials in states where we do not reside. I want to know because there are scores of politicians all over this country that I want to remove from office.

Henry Bowman

Little Harold is referring to the magical act of putting more money in Wayne’s wardrobe fund. Only by paying the vig will the NRA magically restore all your gun rights….. someday.


“Those who celebrate need to answer one question: If this can happen to the NRA, what do you think happens to other pro-Second Amendment groups?”

Ya know what? If other pro-Second Amendment groups are as poorly run and managed as the NRA has been for a long time, the same thing should happen to them, too!


For the good of the NRA, gun owners and our Second Amendment, Wayne La Pierre needs to quit and go home. He and several of the higher-ups in the NRA, have been, for a long time, a distraction from the defense of our rights through the looting of the NRA treasury


LaPierre isn’t going to leave on his own, he will have to be pried from his throne and dragged kicking and screaming out the door. It’s time for a revolt and the removal of the king.

Henry Bowman

Agreed, but he cannot be removed by the voting membership and the BOD refuses to do its job. NRA members are stuck with him. Worse, if what we know is true, then Wayne & Co. – including the BOD – have possible criminal charges waiting in their futures. Their greed, hubris and refusal to face accountability may very well destroy a historic organization.

Henry Bowman

The BOD protects Radioactive Wayne because they are complicit in his criminal malfeasance and mismanagement. Wayne will ride the NRA down to ground zero, expending every last penny in the process. Why should he care? He’s a closet leftist, his shark, William Brewer is a leftist who gives big $$ to antigun politicians, and before the NRA Wayne was a Demorat Party operative.

You think the NRA is a gun rights group; in truth it’s NOT.


Other pro second amendment groups are not known to be used as a personnal piggy bank for the ceo or what ever title the skunk wayne La P u gave himself. La P u has been looting the NRA for decades and the stupid members and gun community stand by even today and do nothing. The members should have pounded so much tar and feathers up La P u’s butt he should have to puke to defacate. It should have been the gun community that cleaned up and saved the NRA but instead a sworn enemy of the second amendment… Read more »

Henry Bowman

The gun community opposed Radioactive Wayne by NOT joining (or at least quitting) the NRA. I was a young lifer, and when I found out the truth about the nRA and Wayne over 20 years ago, I insisted on rescinding my NRA membership. When NRA refused, I threatened court action and they relented. The gun community 25 years ago was only 95 million strong, and of that only 3 million were NRA members. 10-15 years ago, gunowners were 110 million strong and the NRA was approaching their zenith of 5 million. Now, gun owners are very close to 150 million… Read more »


This can happen to the NRA because WLP thinks he’s king.

Henry Bowman

Yet more NRA shilling from the eternal quisling, Little Harold. GOA, FPC, SAF, JPFO and even groups like USCCA have nothing to fear because they are not corrupt like the NRA. They are not going bankrupt like NRA because they do not engage in financial malfeasance and mismanagement. Theor leaders do not have million-dollar bespoke wardrobes, either; or top-shelf call girls who are called “interns” who stay in organization-paid high-end housing. Harold, you sir are the worst sort of RINO I’ve ever encountered in online media. Writing on gun issues is merely a side hobby for you, based on your… Read more »


The NRA obviously has a top floor at headquarters. Fire all of them and get back to basics. It’s the only way it can live to fight another day.

Henry Bowman

The BoD refuses to fire Wayne. They’re consisting entirely of nothing but yes-men and women, and supposed critics on the BOD, like Allen West, are mum. Radioactive Wayne saw back in the 90’s when he was nearly ousted back then that he would need 100% insulation from any and all accountability to milk the NRA money train till the day he died… so he set about rigging NRA elections so that voting members of the NRA could not en masse remove him, and with all power to remove him vested in the BOD, he set about to insure only HIS… Read more »


Does the BoD have the power to remove LaPierre? From what I understand any of the BoD that requested for a detailed accounting or anything that could be conceived as critical of LaPierre, the director was ostracized and removed from committees and such

Jim Q

Jeremy B.

Henry Bowman, your graphic is a lie. The NRA most definitely did NOT support the 1994 AWB.


no mistake we are headed for an armed showdown, the people against the government; only question does the military protect the people or government?? my bet is a split government has been purging conservative officers however they can gun dealers need to have more fires in their storage areas that destroy forms so atf and fbi cant start lists from secrete court warrants for records (confiscation) red flag warrant less police actions law is only as good as the people who are hired to enforce them

Ansel Hazen

The writer known as Harold Hutchison is really Wayne LaPierre.

Change my mind.

Jeremy B.

“I’ve been on record as saying LaPierre needs to go.”

That was easy.

Jeremy B.

Appropriate citation…

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“I’ve been on record as saying LaPierre needs to go.”

Henry Bowman

Not so!! Harold is Wayne’s “INTERN”!! He has the well-worn, official NRA kneepads to prove it!!

I bet Harold even has a little blue dress in his closet….


The NRA itself is a great organization that does more for gun owners and the protection of the second amendment that most people will ever know. It’s extremely important that the NRA as well as the GOA and others succeed. That said, the NRA’s current top leadership has lost the confidence of it’s members and rightfully so. LaPierre has to go, not the NRA. The NRA must be preserved. We need to find a way to forcibly remove LaPierre before he brings down this great organization. It’s obvious he doesn’t care about the NRA itself or he would have taken… Read more »

Henry Bowman

Read my reply to Jnew above. Radioactive Wayne is protected by the BOD and he is 100% insulated from any internal accountability. He will NOT be removed and TBH, the NRA is doing more harm than good. NRA is doing nothing, and the slack is already been taken up by all the other groups – GOA, FPC, & SAF (among others) for 2A defense; JPFO and CCRKBA for education, training & more; plus state-level groups. At this point it would actually be better to clear the decks of the NRA, and while the antigun lobby exults in a pyrrhic victory,… Read more »

Last edited 3 years ago by Henry Bowman

Harold works hard to be the perfect inverse barometer of what a 2A supporter should think, believe, and now – Fear ! His column suggesting we need to bankroll the hiring of translators to get illegal immigrants on our side must not have gained much traction, so now he tries to create fear. Someone needs to explain to him that if every peaceful method we have on hand to secure our rights is obliterated, our path will become quite clear


Yeah, but do you have any decent ones?

Henry Bowman

Extremely clear, and simple. But not easy.

Henry Bowman

Not today, fedboi.


Join and actively support your individual state’s most Pro-2A organization. Don’t depend on “any” national organization to come to the rescue. First and foremost, defend your home turf.

Arizona Citizens Defense League

“For every idealistic peacemaker willing to renounce his self-defence in favour of a weapons-free world, there is at least one warmaker anxious to exploit the other’s good intentions.”
Margaret Thatcher


Hey, why don’t you take your SPAM and shove it where the Sun doesn’t shine?

Roland T. Gunner

Meh, tupperware.


Yeah, but do you have any decent ones?

Vince Warde

I too would like to see the NRA saved, but sadly I don’t think it’s going to happen. The BOD will not do its’ job and fire WLP – and that is the only hope left for the organization to right itself.

Hopefully, a group of members can get involved in the New York action and ask the courts to do what the board will not….

Roland T. Gunner

What the hell is a “Letitia” anyway?

Henry Bowman

Some say it’s a cross between an ogre, troll, and dragon. Some say it’s a female ManBearPig. Yet others say a cross between Ape and Sasquatch. Many theories abound, I’m not sure we will ever know till a proper autopsy is done.


Dear silly little ill informed water toting butt kissing boot licking Harold. I had only read about 2 paragraphs of your propaganda piece when i wrote my first comment. Just now i almost by accident read your last paragraph comparing this blatent criminal, this skunk, li’l wayne La P u to President Trump. You are a fool., a clown, a tody. Li’l wayne La P u is systematiclly looting the NRA, for his own personal benefit. He is personally enriching himself by stealing the dues of the fools that still send money to the NRA. President Trump has done nothing… Read more »

Doug G.

FYI, it wasn’t a literal; comparison, Trump to LaPierre, but of our actions related to them. So try not to get you panties in a bunch. And lay off the name calling, you sound like a typical leftist doing so.

Henry Bowman

Also Morgan:

Doug G.

Harold has a point. If the NRA gets disbanded or whatever the legal term is, all their records are turned over to the state. Which will be as secure as your spaghetti strainer. Furthermore, what replaces it, with the same weight of membership and connections? The 100 million gunowners have no power as evidenced by the actions of the Biden Admin. right now, because there’s no singleness of purpose in our current knowledge or voting habits. You all with your complaining about LaPierre and name calling the author, isn’t even what’s at issue, nor what this article is about. It’s… Read more »


look at the insults fly from people with nothing constructive to add at all. pathetic


you’re right about losing the benefits of the NRA, training programs etc. like it or not, the NRA remains a strong lobbyist presence in Washington DC. Clearly Wayne LaPierre and company need to be drummed out. Until they are gone, many members have promised to not send the NRA another penny. Unfortunately we have some people in our midst with very narrow vision and they reject anything and everything the NRA does. Those quislings ignore any good that the NRA has done in the past. On top of that, we have folks in New York, Virginia and other states who… Read more »

Ansel Hazen

I don’t think that’s accurate Jim. It’s not the NRA we are rejecting. The rejection is of those who remain blind, willingly or not, to the message that Wayne needs to go. They think the money will still roll in while they drag their feet and do nothing about it. We’re having none of that and like most things in life, if someone won’t listen you stop enabling their behavior.


SPAM much?


Yeah, but do you have any decent ones?

Henry Bowman

Again, morgan:

Roland T. Gunner

“Any good that the NRA has done in the past.” Frankly, I dont give a schmitt if NRA taught a bunch of kids not to blow their foot off with grandaddy’s goose gun; daddy should have done that. NRA has been slowly selling out my gun rights since 1934, and I want them back. All of them.


Some of us did not have the luxury of parent service knowledgeable about firearms. When a family immigrates, knowledge must be instilled externally at some point. I had the good fortune to have coworkers and friends willing to teach a bit – but had to take paid instruction to get serious.

That said, I don’t think any of my instructors worked with the nra and it’s failure won’t significantly impact any serious instructors.

Henry Bowman

I found your picture online, fudd.


Henry, that picture you accuse me of being is not accurate and offensive. knock it off