In a recent attack on Christians at Joel Osteen’s Lakewood Church in Houston, Texas, a violent attacker named Genesee Ivonne Moreno from El Salvador attempted a mass killing. 36-year-old Moreno, a.k.a. Jeffrey Escalante and Jeffrey Moreno Carranza, was taken down by police after firing shots in the church on Sunday, February 11, 2024. Moreno was wearing a trench coat and a backpack when (s)he carried out the attack, injuring a 7-year-old boy and a 57-year-old man. The child remains in critical condition, and the man was released from the hospital after being shot in the hip.
Moreno, who has a long criminal record and documented mental health history under the name Jeffrey Escalante, appears to be a Hamas/Palestine supporter and currently identifies as a woman. Investigators found Moreno with the term “free Palestine” on the rifle used at the time of the attack. Moreno was shot and killed by off-duty police officers immediately after the attack.
Houston Police Chief Troy Finner said Moreno entered the Lakewood Church just before 2 p.m. with the young child and began shooting. Moreno also claimed to have explosives in the backpack, but none were found.
Some are becoming concerned that the radical left-wing anti-Christian and transgender movements are not addressing the underlying mental issues that may be the cause of this type of violence. Recently, another gender-confused individual carried out an attack on children at a Christian school in Nashville, Tennessee.
It would seem we are now experiencing some of the hatred toward Christians, specifically from the radical LGBTQ community. Is this caused by antisemitic and anti-Christian rhetoric from the left, along with the normalization of mental illness disguised as woke politics? America should be very concerned and focused on safety during these times of radical indoctrination.
Of course, the political left will use this tragedy as a push for more semi-automatic rifle regulations as they downplay the mental instability of this criminal, but a conscious American should see this as a sign of decay in our political system and consider firearm ownership as a way of protecting themselves and their families against the rot that comes from the morally bankrupt theology of the political left.
As we analyze this particular attack, we recognize that the one thing that saved lives by preventing the attacker from carrying out a deadly rampage was, in fact, a good guy with a gun.
Common sense tells us that when confronted with an element of society that is being cultivated to hate and attack those who disagree with them politically, socially, or religiously, the best defense is armed defense.
Despite this overwhelming need to be able to protect ourselves and families from violent killers in society, New York State Governor Kathy Hochul has been insistent on keeping people unarmed and helpless in many public locations across the State of New York including “any place of worship or religious observation.” Hochul is intent on making sure these places remain soft targets for killers who may want to carry out acts of violence. Upon signing legislation that keeps people vulnerable to attacks in her so-called “sensitive locations,” Hochul said, “I am proud to sign this landmark legislative package that will strengthen our gun laws and bolster restrictions on concealed carry weapons.”
It’s time to ask ourselves if we will continue to allow our elected employees to keep Americans in a perpetual state of unarmed helplessness, even after watching these brutal attacks time and time again. Is a victim/predator society the goal of the political left? If so, why?
About Dan Wos, Author – Good Gun Bad Guy
Dan Wos is available for Press Commentary. For more information contact PR HERE
Dan Wos is a nationally recognized 2nd Amendment advocate, Host of The Loaded Mic and Author of the “GOOD GUN BAD GUY” book series. He speaks at events, is a contributing writer for many publications, and can be found on radio stations across the country. Dan has been a guest on Newsmax, the Sean Hannity Show, Real America’s Voice, and several others. Speaking on behalf of gun-rights, Dan exposes the strategies of the anti-gun crowd and explains their mission to disarm law-abiding American gun-owners.

The Progressive New Left has been working diligently to divide and conquer Western Culture and they have been at work for over five decades. Where do you think the term ‘community organizer’ originated? And organize who? Back in the 1970’s this strategy was called Victim Class Organization. The names have been changed to confuse the innocent but the players and the playbook have not changed. Find distinct populations, convince them the greater society is against them and organize them in to a political class. They started with women and then went ot black women and then went to ethnic minorities… Read more »
There is NOTHING accidental about this. lt’s not incompetence, either. This is ALL INTENTIONAL.
Here’s some news for ya…. the governments created a victim/predator society since LBJ and the Great Society farce of the ’60s. We’ve been paying the price ever since then.
Yes. The reason is to destabilize society, keep us fearful, divided by tribal associations or anything else, and dependent on government to provide solutions. When we are fearful here we will not pay attention to the rape of the country they are implementing over there. In short we will not go after the oligarchs themselves but will be too busy tearing each other apart. Planned. Intended. Implemented. What do you think BLM was all about? The four founders of BLM are trained communists. Three Eastern European communism and one Chinese-Communism flavors, iirc. (Look up Tavistock to blow your mind even… Read more »
i wouldn’t call lakewood a christian church but, this is a good example of the attack of the radical progressive religion of humanism against organized religion. deviant behavior is celebrated by progs as they attack women by endorsing transgenderism, children through abortion, traditional marriage with gay marriage and many other traditional norms. the world they envision will be as dystopian as you could imagine and it will not be good for anyone.
Creating victims is what the government is creating by disarming the law-abiding.