
Four candidates dedicated to reforming the troubled NRA will be on the ballot for election to the NRA Board of Directors this year. Judge Phil Journey, Rocky Marshall, Dennis Fusaro, and me, Jeff Knox, all qualified for the ballot by petition of the members.
We are encouraging people to vote for only these four and no one else. This is called “Bullet Voting” and gives your votes more weight, increasing the odds of us winning seats.
Ballots are supposed to be in the March issue of NRA magazines for those members eligible to vote.
Winning a Board seat without the support of the current regime at the NRA is historically close to impossible.
Since only NRA Life Members, and those Annual Members who have been members for at least 5 consecutive years, without interruption, are eligible to vote, and since those eligible voters are only known to the NRA itself, and that information is not available to us, we have no choice but to use a shotgun approach in our attempts to get our message out. If we had access to the voter list, we’d reach out directly to those voters. If we had tens of thousands of dollars in our campaign coffers, we’d have placed ads in the various NRA magazines. But we don’t have access to the list, and we don’t have unlimited resources, so the best we can do is try to reach as many potential voters as we can through broad channels like AmmoLand News, email blasts, and asking others to help spread the word.
Each year, the NRA sends out around 2.5 million ballots to Voting Members, but only about 5% of those are ever returned, meaning that almost 2 million ballots are left on the shelf, taken to local libraries, relegated to the magazine rack next to the toilet, and eventually thrown away. Finding and activating those un-voted ballots this year could be the key to getting the reform candidates elected, so we need your help and the help of gun media nationwide.
No one knows what will happen with the trial now going on in New York. It’s almost certain that the NRA will lose, and LaPierre and former Treasurer Woody Phillips will be ordered to pay some restitution, but there’s just no telling what the judge will decide regarding the NRA itself.
- He could order them to clean up their act and go forth to sin no more – which would leave the same people in charge who allowed this mess in the first place.
- Or he could go so far as to dissolve the current board, throw out the current election, and order a new election, taking additional months.
- He could also appoint a Special Master or overseer to take charge of reorganizing the NRA.
He has a lot of leeway and options, and we can only guess at what he might do, so we’re trying to position ourselves in the best position to participate in the resurrection of the Association, whatever the judge decides.
There’s also a good chance that the NRA will appeal any decision that goes against them, resulting in more delays and more NRA member money being poured into the pockets of lawyers. For the time being, our focus must be on getting our four reform candidates elected.

We don’t just need your votes. We need your voice.
You can persuade your NRA friends to vote for the four reform candidates, and you can also persuade your clubs, state associations, grassroots groups, and the gun media, to get off the sidelines and get into the fight. You can post information about the NRA’s troubles and our election campaign on firearm-related forums, your favorite Facebook, Instagram, X, YouTube, and other social media pages, accounts, and channels. You can contact your favorite firearm publications, writers, and influencers, asking them to get involved, to endorse the four reform candidates, and call for the NRA Board to stop wasting money on a destructive and unwinnable legal strategy. You can contact the leaders and directors of your state and local groups, asking them to post articles and send out alerts to their members reminding them to vote in the NRA election and asking them to support the four reform candidates. Don’t wait. Reach out to them right now, while there’s still time for them to take action before the election.
“For anyone who has followed gun rights and the travails of the NRA , Jeff Knox needs no introduction.
It’s hard to imagine a person more committed to turning the NRA from a rolling dumpster fire into a sound and effective organization.
Dennis Fusaro may be less known, but not to me. I have known Dennis for over 30 years and in that time seen his selfless dedication to this cause.
Fusaro, during his tenure at Gun Owners of America, was directly responsible for the creation of our organization, the Oregon Firearms Federation.
If you are known by the people who attack you, Fusaro has made all the right enemies.
I have zero faith in the NRA and their ability to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory, but in the unlikely event that organization could ever be turned around these guys would be the ones to do it.”
Kevin Starrett
Oregon Firearms Federation
Look for the ballot in the March issue of your NRA magazine, which should be delivered in late February.
As soon as you receive your ballot, please ONLY mark: Jeff Knox, Phil Journey, Rocky Marshall, and Dennis Fusaro, sign the back of the envelope, and mail it. Bullet vote for just these four candidates and no one else. Then reach out to all of your NRA friends, members of your gun club, and your favorite online forums to encourage everyone to do the same.
With your help, we can get the reach we need to inform and activate enough Voting Members of the NRA to get the four of us elected to the Board and start the process of putting our most powerful tool for the shooting sports and the Second Amendment back to work.
Please start making calls and reaching out to writers, podcasters, YouTubers, social media influencers, gun clubs, state associations, magazines, wire services, forum sites, and anyone else you can think of. You can download our flyer “Support the Four for Reform NRA Board Candidates” here.
Without your help, we can’t win. Please act now and act again when your ballot arrives.
Elect Phil Journey, Rocky Marshall, Dennis Fusaro, and Jeff Knox to the NRA Board of Directors.
Read Related: NRA Board Bullet Voting , What is it? Why Do It On Your NRA Member Ballot
About Jeff Knox:
Jeff Knox is a second-generation political activist and director of The Firearms Coalition. His father Neal Knox led many of the early gun rights battles for your right to keep and bear arms. Read Neal Knox – The Gun Rights War.
The Firearms Coalition is a loose-knit coalition of individual Second Amendment activists, clubs and civil rights organizations. Founded by Neal Knox in 1984, the organization provides support to grassroots activists in the form of education, analysis of current issues, and with a historical perspective of the gun rights movement. The Firearms Coalition has offices in Buckeye, Arizona, and Manassas, VA. Visit: www.FirearmsCoalition.org.
From the article: Since only NRA Life Members, and those Annual Members who have been members for at least 5 consecutive years, without interruption, are eligible to vote, and since those eligible voters are only known to the NRA itself, and that information is not available to us, we have no choice but to use a shotgun approach in our attempts to get our message out. Nice how they set that up so people who quit because of Pe Pe Lepew cannot rejoin and vote and the people that can have been going along with the scam that has been… Read more »
I don’t watch football so I don’t know who Taylor Swift is but he sounds really fast.
I have done the ‘cut and paste’ on your list. Buzz is a local to us and many know him from Gunsight. His reputation here in Arizona is beyond reproach. I agree with your assessment. A voting bloc of tried and true folks is the only way to get the organization cleaned up. Anyone who has fought rot and corruption in a nonprofit know how hard it can be to get real change when too many are only concerned with extracting the spare change from the organization. This list is going to my C & R Collectors group. We travel… Read more »
For the first time ever I look forward to getting the ballot and having it in the mail the next day. I’ll vote for Jeff’s 4 plus Buzz Mills who was featured in a recent article somewhere (perhaps here in Ammoland) and sounded like another good candidate for the posse. If I am wrong Jeff please reply.
It should be a slam dunk but for some reason, people don’t want change. Its easier to complain about things than check a different box. Must suck to be a NRA member. (Life GOA here)
definitely support the four reform candidates. I’m sure there are many other good candidates running for the board but these four have my only vote.