Have Your Legislator Sign the Petition AGAINST Proposed Gun Regulations

Have Your Legislator Sign the Petition AGAINST Proposed Gun Regulations

Gun Owners' Action League - The Official Firearms Association of Massachusetts
Gun Owners' Action League - The Official Firearms Association of Massachusetts

Massachusetts – -(AmmoLand.com)- As you may know, Governor Patrick has proposed regulations that would make firearms education and training virtually impossible at local sporting clubs. We ask that you contact your state legislator and urge them to sign the attached bi-partisan petition opposing these proposed regulations. Not sure who your legislator is? Click here to get the contact information for your district. You may also go to the official Massachusetts Election Info page to obtain your district, as well as your legislator’s information.
As always, we thank you for your support!

To sign on to the bipartisan letter, please contact Representative Peterson’s office prior to Monday, July 20, 2009 at 5:00pm.

Language of the bipartisan legislative letter in opposition to the proposed regulations 501 CMR 15.00 Firearm Exhibitions

We the undersigned legislators wish to express our opposition to the proposed regulations regarding “Firearm Exhibitions.”

The proposed regulations would place a burdensome process on the very organizations that provide for firearm safety education. These establishments and the training events that are run at these facilities have an exceptional safety record that most likely far exceeds any other activity within the Commonwealth.

For many decades, the local fish and game clubs and other membership based shooting facilities have successfully fulfilled the vital public safety need in providing safe firearms training and education. The Commonwealth should be doing what it can to encourage the general public to seek firearms safety and education. These regulations will only discourage clubs from providing, and people from seeking, these important educational opportunities.

We would urge the Executive Office of Public Safety and Security to not impose further burdens on our constituents and clubs that are providing this important service to their communities. We would however encourage the Executive Office of Public Safety and Security to work with these organizations to allow and encourage more citizens to be able to take advantage of the essential educational programs provided by the clubs in our communities.

Gun Owners’ Action League is the official state firearms association in Massachusetts. We are an association of law-abiding citizens who believe in the basic right of firearms ownership for competition, recreation and self-protection. GOAL works hard to defend the Constitution and the Bill of Rights against those in Massachusetts who wish to infringe upon the freedoms guaranteed by our forefathers. The programs sponsored and developed by Gun Owners’ Action League are supported by competitors, sportsmen, recreational shooters and law enforcement throughout the state. We were formed in 1974 to protect the right to keep and bear arms for lawful purposes in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. We are recognized as the state’s premier gun rights association. www.goal.org