BenelliUSA Challenges Vinci Owners To Take The Vinci Challenge

Accrokeek, MD -( The innovative modular design of Benelli’s revolutionary new Vinci makes it the world’s easiest shotgun to assemble and disassemble.
Now Benelli challenges Vinci owners and fans to see how fast it can be done and post their video to the Benelli Official Fan Page. Those that can do it in less than 15 seconds, will win a Benelli Prize Pack.
Go to to learn more about the Vinci Challenge and the exciting selection of prizes.
Check out Tim Joseph’s effort and respectable time of 13.2 seconds and dont forget to post your youtube video on BenelliUSA’s Youtube page.
The Prize Pack will feature products from Benelli, Hunter’s Specialties, Federal Premium Ammunition, Realtree, ThermaCELL and a subscription to one of Intermedia’s Shooting magazines (Guns & Ammo, Shooting Times, RifleShooter and Handguns). Winners will also be eligible to win even more prizes in a weekly drawing.
Contestant’s videos will appear on the Benelli Official Fan Page and Benelli’s YouTube Channel.
“See if you’ve got what it takes!” challenged Stephen McKelvain, Vice President of Marketing and Communications. “Join the Benelli Facebook Fan Page today for more information about the ‘Vinci Challenge,’ and check in regularly to view the latest video uploads!”