USAÂ Â –-( This letter was published by me in the News Review newspaper, Roseburg Oregon, where I am currently residing.
It was written due to the proposed legislation (at the state level) by an Oregon state legislator.
The proposed legislation failed.
It has been reworded to address the recent introduction of the same issue at the federal level.
Liberal Legislative Insurance Needed
After observing the behavior of liberal legislatures (both state and federal) while in office, I seem to detect a concern on their part that misbehavior by citizens that could even remotely injure others should require some type of liability insurance to reimburse those who may be injured. (Example: requiring law abiding non-criminal citizens to obtain liability insurance for each legal firearm they own).
Exploring this theme further and observing their conduct while in office plus the bills they are introducing into our legislative bodies, I propose that all elected officials who have the ability to write / co write, sponsor/ support/ direct or advise any type of proposed legislation must be required to carry a $10 million liability insurance policy to protect the citizens they represent at their expense, not using taxpayer money.
Since their actions have the potential to bankrupt, destroy, restrict, constrain and over tax citizens of this country, their misbehavior with their pen / pencil / laptop has the propensity to create far more damage than any single gun owner and the damage is not only to citizens themselves, but their children, their savings, their homes, their retirements and their jobs.
I realize by their actions that they have not bothered to read the Constitution and they do not take your oath of office seriously, hence the need for insurance protecting the citizens they seek to destroy with their insane agenda.
Feel like this is a restriction on their First Amendment rights?
Now you know how I feel about their legislation restricting my Second Amendment Rights.
Leave me and my guns alone.
Dave Haskins
Retired Lieutenant, Bakersfield Police Department
Bakersfield California.
Along these same lines, perhaps we need a law that makes any violation of the Constitution of the United Sataes of America by any member of Congress, the House of Representativies, The President of the United States, The Supreme Court Justices, and all Federal Agencies Employees, as well as all state Government job holders, whether elected, appointed, or hired, an act of Terrorism against the people of the United States of America punishible to the fullest extent of the law.
The state in which I grew up required all elected executive personnel and judges to e bonded.
What I want to see is if the Democrats will provide for free or subsidized insurance for low income people. It is, after all, a constitutional right involved/