By Dean Weingarten
Arizona – -( 14 December, 2016, a three judge panel of the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals reversed the District Court ruling in Silvester v. Harris. In the original decision, the District Court ruled that requiring a gun owner who had already passed a background check, and who either already owned a registered gun or had a concealed carry permit, to wait an additional period to receive another firearm, was an infringement on the Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms. The Ninth Circuit held that a 10 day waiting period was a “reasonable safety precaution”. From the decision at
The panel reversed the district court’s bench trial judgment and remanded for entry of judgment in favor of the state of California in an action challenging a California law establishing a 10-day waiting period for all lawful purchases of guns. The panel first stated that this case was a challenge to the application of the full 10-day waiting period to those purchasers who have previously purchased a firearm or have a permit to carry a concealed weapon, and who clear a background check in less than ten days. The panel held that the ten-day waiting period is a reasonable safety precaution for all purchasers of firearms and need not be suspended once a purchaser has been approved. The panel determined that it need not decide whether the regulation was sufficiently longstanding to be presumed lawful. Applying intermediate scrutiny analysis, the panel held that the law does not violate plaintiff’s Second Amendment rights because the ten-day wait is a reasonable precaution for the purchase of a second or third weapon, as well as for a first purchase.
The decision claims this reasoning is under the “intermediate scrutiny” standard. But it is clear that “intermediate scrutiny” has simply become another name for “rational basis” which is virtually no standard at all. Here is another snippet. From
But 9th Circuit Judge Mary Schroeder said the waiting period makes sense, for example, for someone who already owns a hunting rifle but may want to buy a larger-capacity weapon that will do more damage when fired into a crowd.
“A 10-day cooling-off period would serve to discourage such conduct and would impose no serious burden on the core Second Amendment right of defense of the home,” she said.
Using the rational of the Court, it is hard to see that there is any limit on the waiting period that could be imposed. If a 10 day limit is not a serious burden, why not a 20 day, or a 40 day, or a year? The court did not ask for or receive any evidence that the presumed “rational” argument had any substance, had ever happened, or if any studies had ever been done to find out.
The Crime Prevention Research Center filed an amicus breif in the orginal case. From the brief:
Despite assertions that the benefits from waiting periods and background checks are obvious, the complete lack of empirical studies to support those claims is stark. No evidence is offered that either of these laws reduce violent crime, nor that they reduce overall suicide rates. Even more striking, the discussions that Appellant and amici use are not relevant to the case before the court.
The Ninth Circuit seems determined to uphold as many infringements on the Second Amendment as it can, until stopped by the Supreme Court. Until a new justice is appointed to replace Justice Scalia, it is unlikely that the Supreme Court will accept an appeal, or reverse the Ninth Circuit’s decisions on the Second Amendment.
©2016 by Dean Weingarten: Permission to share is granted when this notice is included.
About Dean Weingarten;
Dean Weingarten has been a peace officer, a military officer, was on the University of Wisconsin Pistol Team for four years, and was first certified to teach firearms safety in 1973. He taught the Arizona concealed carry course for fifteen years until the goal of constitutional carry was attained. He has degrees in meteorology and mining engineering, and recently retired from the Department of Defense after a 30 year career in Army Research, Development, Testing, and Evaluation.
Seriously anyone is surprised by any decision out of the ninth!!! Even when overturned and admonished by the US SC they continue with their like opinions.
Hopefully a new court appointed by Trump (as many as 3 Justices) will beat these idiots into submission to at least make legal arguments.
You liberals are a bigger threat to our society then any law abiding gun owner. Anyone who comes to my home with intentions of taking my guns for on that day it shall be your last. GOD BLESS AMERICA AND GOD BLESS OUR VETERANS.
More proof of two facts…
The Ninth Circuit is ignorant or stupid. They are in te past the most reversed Circuit court and hopefully with the Trump appointed SCOUS, that will remain true.
2. Proof that common sense gun control is really stupid.
thof the phrase “cooling off period” implies and presupposes that all purchasers are in and agitated or heated state. at the time of purchase. Why not have a cooling off period for automobile purchases which per capita produce a greater homicide rate than firearms.
only one news site reported Obama submitted the UN small arms treaty to the Senate for consideration..we need an update on this from the so called gun lobbys
If you really read and study the constitution and the pertinent federalist papers you will find that the states have no right to regulate the second amendment in any way. It is a power vested to the federal government not to the states.