North Carolina –-(Ammoland.com)- Nine people meeting in a government building have the power to decide if gun freedom in North Carolina is to move forward, or if it is to remain stuck in the ironically named “Progressive” era. No, these nine are not U.S. Supreme Court Justices. They are the Republicans sitting on the NC House Judiciary IV Committee (J4).
Because of your insistence over the weekend that pro-freedom gun bills receive committee hearings, the J4 Committee will indeed be giving the omnibus gun bill a hearing, likely on Wednesday (5/31). This is good news!
While this is very good news, it also means that there are just nine Republican legislators deciding if NC gun laws will continue moving into the twenty-first century, toward full recognition and restoration of Second Amendment principles, or if they will allow North Carolina to languish in the past, as many other states move toward more and more liberty.
We can be reasonably hopeful that the nine Republicans on this committee will live up to the 2016 Republican Platform, and vote to move this important legislation from their committee to the House floor for a vote. However, it’s never a good idea to leave something this important to chance.
For this reason, we are asking gun rights supporters to email the Republican members of the J4 Committee to remind them that we expect pro-gun legislation to receive an affirmative vote from them, so it is sent to the House floor and ultimately passed there.
Email the ‘Critical Nine’
Below, see how you can easily email these “critical nine,” and make sure things go the right direction for law-abiding gun owners.
EMAIL THE ‘CRITICAL NINE’ Republicans on the House J4 Committee. Use the copy/paste email addresses provided below, and the copy/paste text provided below under ‘Deliver This Message.’
The ‘Critical Nine’ copy/paste email list:
[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]
Suggested Subject: “Move Gun Bills to the Floor for a Vote”
Dear Representative,
I understand the Judiciary IV Committee will be hearing and voting on important gun legislation, on Wednesday. I am writing to voice my full support for this legislation, and to ask that you vote in favor of this legislation in its strongest form.
If North Carolina is to continue its advance into the twenty-first century, along with so many other states, we must continue the restoration of Second Amendment rights, rights which have been highly eroded during past Progressive legislative stints.
North Carolina voters expect you to live up the 2016 Republican Platform, which specifically supports constitutional carry, and indeed supports all Second Amendment principles. In committee, vote ‘yes’ on the right to keep and bear arms, send pro-gun legislation to the House floor for a vote, and vote ‘yes’ for it there as well—without weakening it.
We’re counting on you to do the right thing, and I will be watching your actions on this topic through Grass Roots North Carolina legislative alerts.
Which house bill are you promoting????????
If it is HB 723, Ammoland has betrayed us all.
Give specifics on what so-called bill you are referring too.
HB 723 screws you over, and has a magazine ban included.
Chickensh*t. Afraid of negative comments. Lol!
what is wrong with you people?