Four Reasons for America to Oppose Red Flag Gun Confiscation Laws

Opinion by Dennis Petrocelli, MD

Biden, Klobuchar, Warren, Yang
Four Reasons for America to Oppose Red Flag Gun Confiscation Laws – Biden, Klobuchar, Warren, Yang

USA – -( If you listen to the pundits, red flag laws are intended to separate potentially dangerous people from their guns before they cause harm. In theory, how could anyone oppose the idea? Don’t you want to keep people safe? Think of the children!

The problems begin when these laws get written down. The seventeen law versions assorted states and the District of Columbia have are, in general, vague laws. After taking evidence, the judge has to decide whether or not the evidence presented makes the case that the person is likely to be dangerous with a firearm. How will the judge make that call? The laws don’t provide any guidance as to what actions comport with a likelihood of future violence. Although some cases might be straightforward, such as when someone makes a clear threat to cause harm (in which case, why not charge them criminally and lock them up rather than just their guns!), I suspect many more cases will be much more difficult to judge fairly.

Here’s the problem in a nutshell: mental health people, like myself, have struggled since the dawn of our profession to help courts determine whether or not someone is likely to cause harm. We even struggle with determining whether or not someone would commit a second violent act after receiving treatment following the first. It is simply not as easy as it sounds: people change, their life circumstances change, their condition – if they have one – wax and wane, etc. All of our methods of risk assessment have considerable limitations, they are not Magic 8 Balls!

Yes, red flag laws are unconstitutional. Yes, they violate one or another cornerstone of our justice system. But as the title of this post suggests, I have four very specific additional reasons to oppose red flag laws.

  • Elizabeth Warren
  • Joe Biden
  • Amy Klobuchar
  • Andrew Yang [update Yang has dropped out of the presidential race]

There are now four people who are ready to fill the vacuum of judgment created by red flag laws and poison the minds of judges across the country with lies about how dangerous weapons in general civilian use are, and how dangerous their owners could be.

Not one, not two, but four democratic candidates for president sounded off in the last few months about the most tyrannical, anti-gun-owner nonsense we’ve had to endure since Beto had his “hell yes” moment, and not a single one of them said anything remotely rational. Here’s a sampling:

  • Yang: “We need to know who you are, what you’re doing, and why you have this arsenal.”
  • Klobuchar: “We can (enact gun control) without Congress. And then we can introduce sweeping legislation.” (Who is this we?!?!?)

I’d quote Biden, but his surrender-or-register-as-an-NFA item proposal was just too crazy to print.

Finally, in an effort to unseat Mr. O’Rourke as the “AR-15 Salesperson of the Month,” Warren waded in with a federal limit on purchases to “[keep] people from bulking up in the middle of a crisis.”

Now, I’ll concede that it’s best to buy in advance and train and be prepared before the crisis, but I don’t think that’s what she meant, because she went on to imply that a gun purchase “serves as a flag – look at some of these folks who’ve gone out and bought a whole lot of guns…” The vast majority of gun owners are among some of the most law-abiding citizens there are, but you would never know that after listening to their war on gun owners.

This brings us back to red flag laws. The concept may be pure and hopeful, but the devil is always in the details. There are a growing and increasingly vocal group that have made it clear that the very act of purchasing a gun is suspect, making the purchaser suspect. It is against that background that red flag laws will be implemented. Regardless of what is in the bill, factors such as this kind of anti-gun-owner rhetoric is going to make it very difficult for a judge to remain rational and impartial when faced with these proceedings.

This is all the more insulting because the latest FBI data released in recent weeks shows that violent crime, in general, is decreasing as well as homicide related to firearms, at the same time that gun ownership is rising. This specifically disproves the idea that firearm ownership is making us less safe.

As always, pay close attention to candidates in all elections. Make sure you know where the candidates stand on the Second Amendment, and even more importantly, firmly and politely make sure they know where you stand as a voting constituent. And most importantly of all, stay well-regulated everyone!

In Liberty,
Dennis Petrocelli, MD


Dr. Dennis Petrocelli has practiced forensic psychiatry for twenty years in Virginia. He is a contributing member of Doctors for Responsible Gun Ownership, a nationwide network of physicians, allied health professionals, scientists, and others who support the safe and lawful use of firearms. He recently appeared on the Gun for Hire Radio podcast to speak out against “red flag laws”:


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For the last 48 years, DEMOCRATS have been the mass shooters/mass murderers. Yes, I think there is one non-democrat shooter in that time. ONE! DEMOCRATS shoot up Jewish Synagogues and Jewish stores. DEMOCRATS shoot up schools. a DEMOCRAT shot Gabby Giffords. Democrats attacked the unarmed soldiers in recruiting offices, killing them. A DEMOCRAT and Bernie activist shot 600 people in a concert in Las Vegas. A DEMOCRAT and Bernie activist hunted down Republicans at a charity baseball game and shot them and police. It goes on and on. The DEMOCRATS, daily, tell their ignorant, doper and cowardly followers that Republicans… Read more »


Armed Americans are a dangerous thing to mess with ….soon very soon the rest of the SOCIALIST americans (hard to say) will find out.
Hope for the best
Prepare for the worst


The Demoncrats really have no clue.


Amen to that.


BINGO!!!! The “app” issue in Iowa was a test run of voter fraud that ran amuck. Dems knew the app was infected to control vote counts and be sure that the chosen One….not Ole Bernie….would win. That is why they declined to have the app stress tested by an alphabet agency. They knew the code would be detected. The current firld of Socialist candidates are “stalking horses.” The real President elect has not surfaced yet. Voter fraud will eliminate Trump. Why is there never any news or prosecution of instances where there are more Demorat votes in districts than registered… Read more »


The MSM keeps saying the Dems have the numbers, BS, they never had the numbers, unless you count the dead. Never underestimate their ability to cheat.
How many people in your circle are Democrats, I only know of one for sure.

Shame on every Gunowner who votes Democrat.


Regarding the Demorat shooters…… Possibly they were influenced, nurtured and “nudged” at an appropriate time….in a cluster for maximum effect….. ……with a little help from psychotropic drugs… a Deep State operation to act such that the masses of Little People cry out for the Elitist Leader to “do something,…anything” to make them safe. “The ‘Do Something’ Disease”…..aka “Stampede The Flock Over the Edge”…….The Lemming Effect……Get ‘Em While They’re Hot. Keep wondering how much a Deep State effort is probably at work to create these “Hest ‘Em Up Events”, An Government Deep State undercover operation to identify susceptible/vulnerable individuals to nurture,… Read more »


“……and why you have this arsenal.” Because of “….shall not be infringed.” Because, I can. And, because you are a tyrannical entity for which our Founding Fathers gave us the Second Amendment. I understand why you are fearful of why we have these “arsenals.” Bloomersrmikey can replace YingyYangey. And, just because a candidate drops out of the race does not mean we should forget their anti-2A hatred. They are still dangerous as “snakes in the grass.” A politician with a law never stops a bad guy with a gun. He only controls the good guys which is his true agenda.… Read more »


All of the Presidential “Drop-outs” need to be voted from their current offices.
They are all anti American- anti Constitution..


Three will be gone soon, and the fourth will never make it any further.
The DemoNcrats will ONCE more find out YOU come after the 2A, YOU WILL GET your ass handed to you.Cannot wait till NOVEMBER.


Caution. Current apparent field are only the “stalking horses.” Mini MikeyBloomers is a major threat. But, others “in the shadows” should be the focus, rather than the obvious crazy, looney “stalking horses.” A “Savior” will come forth, and the throngs will cheer and vote.


Vote Republican, we need to “clean house” in the House


I read just this morning that 412 guns in Broward County, Florida have been seized just this year under the current Florida Red Flag Law. Of course Broward County is where the school shooting took place, home of David Hogg and where the Sheriff and his deputies were called out as cowards for skulking behind their vehicles while children were being shot and killed in the school, so it shouldn’t be too surprising that these same shameful excuses for Law Enforcement Officers would participate in such heinous anti-Constitutional acts. This is just an example of what is to come if… Read more »

a.x. perez

I know at least one person who would abuse redflag laws to get other people raided by the police and have their weapons confiscated, praying the whole time things would go sidewise and the subject of the raid would get killed.
I hve been told the person inquestion suffers from a borderline personality disorder and is actually not the “Sickest ticket” of those so afflicted.
In the language of one of the more notorious gun grabbers, hell yes I’m against Red Flag Laws.


Be afraid. Be very afraid. And then go stock up on ammo.


My future mother in law worries me not gonna lie. And I taught her daughter how to shoot she owns her own AR 15 and carries daily with a permit, a Ruger SP 101 in her purse..


“I’ve never wished a man dead, but I have read some obituaries with great pleasure.” That quote, attributed to Mark Twain

Ryben Flynn

Yang dropped out of the race, Biden will be next.


@RF – Not that clear. Biden is too demented to realize he’s done, Warren is flailing badly and Klobuchar has never had any traction. To me it appears a toss up as to which will drop first. Second @StLPro2A that bloomy is an existential threat. Hard to believe Sanders may be less of a threat to survival of our country than ANYBODY – yet at this point he frightens me less than bloomy. There are a lot of people who will vote for absolutely anything in opposition to trump, with no care at all who it is or what they… Read more »


@wjd – actually – yes. Scary isn’t it? At least that is behind us – something new and different is ahead.

His dementia has advanced since he was in office, but why is it not obvious to everyone who encounters him at this point? Why would anyone support or vote for him at all? Perhaps stupidity of some of our fellow Americans is the scariest thing of all.


Wouldn’t it be a hoot if they all dropped out and President Trump ran un apposed?
Just wishful thinking.


There is only ONE real reason: All Democrat Party candidates; just the way it is anymore!.


Doc, I know that you’re a professional , but here’s the rub, if a person is too dangerous to possess a firearm then why is that person not too dangerous to be out in public? They could use any means to harm others IF they are so dangerous. Where’s the logic in only confiscating their guns but allowing such deranged (all of us gun owners) people to roam the streets of our community?


@PMinFl – Isn’t that imbedded in what he said?


Yank, Yang. Put in Socialist Sanders

Ansel Hazen

Several knowledgeable people have indicated that if Bernie Sandals gets the nomination the stock market will tank. Fear will drive a run on the market with everyone pulling their money out and now we go to the polls with a shitty economy. And you know the MSM will be all over that as Trumps fault.


Why stop with just firearms and ammo, red flag laws for DUI DWI, take their cars,
confiscate all their beer, wine and spirits. Sounds insane because RFL are insane.


Anti-Constitutionalist’s=Anti-Americans=Enemies of the United States…


One down, three to go.


So I looked into it. ‘Democrat:’ “taken from the late 18th century (originally denoting an opponent of the aristocrats in the French Revolution of 1790): from French démocrate, on the pattern of aristocrat ‘aristocrat.’” As for “aristocrat,’ we have: “Lord.” And you wonder why all in this party think they walk on water. As for Jesus, he said what they all think, when he said in St. Matthew 20:15: “Is it not lawful for me to do, what I will, with my own people?” Had he survived the Crucifixion, I’m pretty sure he would have headed up the Democratic Party… Read more »


leftists think they are the aristocrats of modernity.

please do not take a single verse out of the Bible and use it to bludgeon someone. if you read the entire section it speaks of jealousy.

Jesus defeated death, he rose from the grave and ascended into heaven. and I am sure he would not be leading the leftists because he did not judge people and treated everyone as equal.