Taliban Disarming Civilians; Should Be Lesson on 2nd Amendment

Capture - Taliban takeover, YT, BBC, Al Jazeera
Capture – Taliban takeover, YT, BBC, Al Jazeera

U.S.A.-(AmmoLand.com)- Alarming reports are emerging from Afghanistan that Taliban insurgents now controlling the capital city of Kabul are “collecting weapons from civilians” should underscore why so many Americans fight to protect their Second Amendment rights.

Reuters broke the news that an unidentified Taliban “official” justified the gun sweep with this explanation: “We understand people kept weapons for personal safety. They can now feel safe. We are not here to harm innocent civilians.”

It is not reassuring that the report came at the same time The Sun was reporting, “The Taliban’s reign of terror has begun as fighters are reportedly going door-to-door with a kill list and women face torture & execution under brutal new rules.”

The story quoted Radio Free Europe journalist Sayed Mustafa Kazemi, who reportedly tweeted, “Taliban started door to door search looking for govt officials, former police & security forces members & those who worked for foreign countries NGOs or infrastructures in Afghanistan…At least 3 journalists’ houses were searched in the last hour. Kabul is now becoming deadly. This is a game changer for us all.”

In a video posted on YouTube by Crux, armed Taliban fighters can be seen detaining motorists and searching him for weapons.

Right or wrong, many gun rights activists believe that’s the kind of scenario some extremist anti-gunners in the United State would like to see played out in American neighborhoods.

The fight in this country to defend the Second Amendment from constant erosion by the gun prohibition lobby and their allies on Capitol Hill and in the White House has gathered momentum during the past seven months of Joe Biden’s presidency. But Biden’s gun control crusade may have been derailed, at least for the time being, by his debacle in Afghanistan.

Alan Gottlieb, chairman of the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms—the grassroots gun rights organization often overshadowed by its sibling Second Amendment Foundation—told Ammoland News the public relations disaster now facing Biden over the Afghanistan situation just might keep the administration distracted from guns for the foreseeable future.

He said Biden has “other problems he’s got to worry about,” and that could include the negative reaction to his national address Monday evening during which he attempted to defend his withdrawal decision. Critics called his remarks “disingenuous” at best, and a former assistant Defense secretary under Ronald Reagan told Fox News Biden “has made a terrible mistake.”

That official, Francis “Bing” West, summed up Biden’s remarks thusly: “I was struck with how defensive [Biden] was, almost angry that this could be happening because he’s so much in the right. He’s not in the right and he didn’t tell the truth.”

However, Biden recently did reveal the truth about his desires for gun control, during a CNN Townhall meeting when he admitted, “The idea you need a weapon that can have the ability to fire 20, 30, 40, 50, 120 shots from that weapon, whether it’s a, whether it’s a 9mm pistol or whether it’s a rifle, is ridiculous. I’m continuing to push to eliminate the sale of those things…”

The comment is now the centerpiece of a new CCRKBA 60-second message now airing on several national cable networks.

“Joe Biden’s spinmeisters in the White House and the establishment media will not be able to walk this back,” Gottlieb said in a prepared statement announcing the new televised campaign. “That horse has left the barn and no amount of clarification or obfuscation is going to clean up his mess. Biden’s only mistake was that he accidentally told the truth about his intentions, and CNN broadcast it live. By his own words, he has confirmed everything we have warned about for months.”

But now Gottlieb and other gun rights advocates may have an equally powerful example of what American gun owners have been warning about for decades. Repressive regimes invariably try to disarm the people under their control.

Reuters noted that Saad Mohseni, founder and director of the Moby group media company and resident of Kabul, tweeted that Taliban soldiers entered his compound, inquired about the weapons of his security team, and “collected govt issued weapons.” Moby Media group is, according to Wikipedia, the largest media company in Afghanistan.

Is that similar to a “gun buyback” in this country without an exchange of cash?

Is the Sun report about door-to-door searches just alarmist fiction? Is Reuters being misled about gun confiscations? Time will tell, probably sooner than later.

Gun confiscations are never a good sign. In this country, anti-gun politicians including Vice President Kamala Harris have talked about “mandatory gun buybacks” which are described as “compensated confiscation” within the firearms community. Former Democratic presidential candidate Beto O’Rourke famously threatened to order the confiscation of modern sporting rifles—erroneously identified as “assault rifles”—during a debate in Houston, Texas about three years ago. It is widely believed that remark led to his campaign’s collapse.

About Dave Workman

Dave Workman is a senior editor at TheGunMag.com and Liberty Park Press, author of multiple books on the Right to Keep & Bear Arms, and formerly an NRA-certified firearms instructor.

Dave Workman

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Henry Bowman

Mao’s statement on guns still holds true;
“All political power flows from the barrel of a gun”
And that works both ways. It’s why we must NEVER allow ourselves to be infringed upon, and why tyrants and thugs rely on force of arms to accomplish their aims.


This gestalt dogma of abSOULute truth regarding power & guns is always the goal & agenda of all tyrants regardless of what period in twistory or political system false paradigm they use. Taliban for those paying attention (which aren’t really that many) are better dressed & better gun safety doctrine than when I was there in 01’-02’. Fingers are all along the triggerguard & many are using M4’s now vs. AK’s. Tell the trained eye they are a CIA Psy op being played out. Gaslighting & more FUD doom & gloom.

Last edited 2 years ago by Tank

likely many of “Taliban” are likely islamic state people. a lot of them were western trained ,so gun protocols learned from US , and it is likely the army did not collapse their loyalty was always allah they rejoined their people with our training and arms


I’m glad I’m not the only one that noticed that…. Hiden wants to take our guns. But IN return The US military supplied the Taliban with the latest and greatest weapons’. And they call our AR15s weapons’ of war. “no comparison in my book” It’s time to bring back 1765, just my deepest thoughts. That is the only thing I see that will protect the future of our grand kids.


Good year. By that time most of the astute Colonials were convinced the Brits were dogging for a shooting war, only a matter of time, and whicih particular fuse would be lit where. They did NOT want that to come, as they knew the hell it would be (don’t forget, many on our side had served, a goodly number of them in and round Boston had served under the same General Gage that lit the fuse for our war for independence) having fought agianst French and Indians in various battles and wars. By 1770 most towns, villages, communities, realised “its… Read more »

Ansel Hazen

Start throwing tea in the harbor.


The people taking the guns were not the political leadership (they never are). In Afghanistan, the gun-takers are bought off with 12-year-old brides, in the U.S. it’s dental insurance and pensions. Oppressive gun laws are not binary – it’s not either confiscation or nothing. As Biden promised, there is already a proposed bill requiring registration of semi-automatic rifles. If the bill is passed and signed into law, tens of millions of Americans will not comply. They will all be unarrested felons. That can be held over their head and whenever they get too uppity (or don’t sufficiently respect someone’s authority),… Read more »

Last edited 2 years ago by JSNMGC

No need for door to door. Issue notices based on the registration lists kept by every gun dealer thanks to NRA’s GCA 1968 (records turned over to the federales when a gun dealer goes out of business – the federales already have well over 100 million purchase records). Gun owners who don’t comply get netted at traffic stops, etc, by TEX et ilk, and as you say made examples of, one by one by one by one by one… And that adds up.

Last edited 2 years ago by Russn8r

Lots of different groups of people are going to have make difficult decisions. Politics is not like a piece of paper with two sides – it’s a dodecahedron.


Yes indeed & an astute observation about the dodecahedron metaphor analogy. The Gematria codex that is used & is viable to those aware is proof of concept & QED. All are part of hermetic – alchemic philosophies & theosophies/ideologies. While the regular dodecahedron shares many features with other Platonic solids, one unique property of it is that one can start at a corner of the surface and draw an INFINITE number of straight lines across the figure that return to the original point without crossing over any other corner. There is no two party system. That’s part of the illusion… Read more »


Yep we are groking. The epistemological origins of knowledge/wisdom/gnosis all resonate Lima Charlie. Lykeios Apollonian theosophy of the pantheon in the spirit of entheos was way ahead in truth & taught @ the Lyceum before the self anointed & self divinated rulers of abrahamic PTB Kharzars hi-jacked & distorted it in twistory. Vulgar Latin et alia etc. didn’t help the obsfuscations & prevarications either which added to the Khaoskampf cosmogony of the Lost Souls @ Sea dogma struggle. Sisyphus’s metaphorical struggle (Khaoskampf) has been transpiring since the dawn of civilization eh. Cronos/Kronos cosmogony of the Ouroboros & out of the… Read more »


Yes, they put fear in the people by making examples of a few.


those records of sale/transfer are NOT “registration” lists. Far from it. There are quite a number of ways where that record will show Pete bought Gun X four years ago, but since it is NOT a true registration (like they have on our cars, houses) because there are many pathways by which Pete COULD HAVE disposed of that gun lawfully with no record of where it went, directly traceable from Pete’s hands. Some states still allow for private face to face no paperwork transfers. ONline auctions can legally dispose of something I have, sure there is a new record of… Read more »


NO SALE. So they want perfect reg. Dealer lists are de facto imperfect reg lists. Buyer lists that gvt got or can get to are reg lists. 10s of millions did not sell their guns. Millions bought in the last few yrs, address current.

What’s 2A for? Tyrannical gvt. Think they’ll buy or care about a tale that you sold them, no record of buyers? They can assume you’re lying, search your places, monitor you, sweat you, ‘enhanced interrogation’, polygraph etc till you rat out buyers & others or they believe you.

They don’t need no stinkin 4A, 8A…

Last edited 2 years ago by Russn8r

BUT:…. This phrase: “the state has a compelling interest.” never appears in the Constitution. That is in the Uniform Commercial Code, the UCC. You confuse statutes and law like a child, even though I’ve informed you of the difference many times. It’s too bad that your ignorance goes so deep that you are unable to understand the simplest of words.
Buck up buttercup. Pull down your hemline, your clown shoes are showing.
Jeez… You are providing me endless amusement tonight! 🙂


One man’s terrorist is another man’s freedom fighter. Faustian bargain – Hegelian dialectic paradigm.


“The two enemies of the people are criminals and government, so let us tie the second down with the chains of the Constitution so the second will not become the legalized version of the first.” —Thomas Jefferson
Our Rights are Inalienable ! However our Rights are only valid if we can exercise them Freely. Sometimes we must fight to keep those Rights and not be overrun by criminals and governments that choose to deny We the People our God given rights as they are written in the Constitution and the Bible.


Your simple democracy and militaristic society (with all sorts of government mandates) would result in a much more rapid destruction of remaining freedom. The majority would instantly vote for the confiscation of wealth from the minority and then they would squabble over the redistribution. A simple democracy would transform into totalitarianism when a tyrant promised the masses the fruit of other people’s labor. As bad as it is under a Constitutional Republic, a simple democracy would be far worse. The multi-faceted nature of politics I refered to in my first post had nothing to do with national parties. It was… Read more »

Last edited 2 years ago by JSNMGC

Well no one will know the numbers until we actually get to that point, and quite frankly I don’t think the individuals in question actually know which way they will fall, there are large numbers of enforcers who will not enforce the dictats of the Contra constitutional thugs at the top. No, I don’t have a clue how that will shake out in real-world terms, only that there are cops, real, live, on the job cops who will not confiscate weapons. Same thing for the military: from the rank and file all the way up to those with stars on… Read more »


I don’t “pretty much hate everyone with a badge.” However, there are plenty of people with a badge that do and say things that cause me to not trust law enforcement as a group. I form opinions about indiviuals based on what those individuals do and say. There are a lot of people who post here that are/were in law enforcement. Only a small number have written things that indicate they would refuse to follow orders rather than step on the neck of their neighbors. Did you ever watch the video of the WY enforcers giving public testimony that I… Read more »


You seem to keep harping on the testimony by politicians with badges presenting their politically correct Contra constitutional positions to other professional politicians, all for the dog and pony show of the media which was present! How could the outcome of their presentations have been a surprise for anyone? Professional politicians are scumbags, there are very few politicians in office who are honest, because the honest people who achieve a political office find out just how corrupt the system is, and they usually don’t end up staying too long. The system we have was designed for people who were predominantly… Read more »


The Wyoming Highway Patrol and the Police Chiefs of every little town in Wyoming are not politicians (in the literal meaning of the word). As for the sheriffs, it seemed like an odd move for a sheriff in the state of Wyoming. It looked like they were willing to take the risk of losing in the next election in order to preserve their power and avoid personal responsibility. They spoke out against the bill despite the political consequences – not because of them. Please ask one of the cops you know this question: Do you support a 2nd Amendment Preservation… Read more »

Last edited 2 years ago by JSNMGC

The concept of a Constitutional Republic has been bastardized, just as the founding fathers warned it could be. As I indicated, as bad as the Constiutional Republic has become, your simple democracy would have resulted in a worse outcome and it would have happened more quickly. The majority of people want a tax increase on those who earn more than they do. A large percentage of people want even more gun control and the politicians who want to give it to them are somewhat frustrated by the 2nd Amendment. A simple democracy would have resulted in more gun control a… Read more »

Last edited 2 years ago by JSNMGC

Thankfully, you will not get your wish for a simple democracy.


Not even close. Not even in the ballpark. So far out in left field that you’re in a different State entirely.
“A democracy is nothing more than mob rule, where fifty-one percent of the people may take away the rights of the other forty-nine.” ― Thomas Jefferson
Methinks someone in love with democracy wants exactly that! 🙂


My dear bloviator, well I disagree with the j boy more often than not, I’m pretty sure he is working class, so he’s not denigrating the working class. What he is denigrating is your extreme dislike for the finest form of government ever created to date by human beings. Sure it’s got a crap load of foibles, but like Winston Churchill said it’s the worst form of government ever created, except for all the rest! You demand the perfect whilst denigrating the reasonable. I’m not a perfectionist, I’m just trying to live my life in a really bad situation and… Read more »


“Name-calling is not a substitute for facts or logic.”

Four sentences later:



When has Mr Scharf ever provided even one fact or bit of logic? He’s way long on loud opinions but way short of facts and logic. Like most pretenders, he thinks that screaming the same lie over and over again makes it true!


There is no “screaming,” here”….
says the man who prints everything in bold face and underlined. Lies, damn lies… and Mr. scarf. 🙂


Boy. For someone who has proven that he can at least copy and paste, you sure don’t know anything about the internet.


“Please see AmmoLand rules and stop the name calling”, you big nut. LOL


I don’t know.

I’d just like to know what he means by “working class” and (from a post some time ago) where he would draw the line in terms of where enforcers get a pass for “just following orders” and when they should be considered nothing more than the evil tools of oppression (like those of Mao, Stalin, Hitler, the Kim family, Pol Pot, etc.).


At least I (like literally EVERYBODY ELSE here but you) know the magic 6 letter word! 🙂


I’m not the one complaining about name-calling. You have been bringing it up over the last few days.

I just brought up the hypocrisy. You have slung around a lot that could be considered “name calling” and “personal attacks.”

You bounce back and forth between being the agressor and claiming victimhood.


“bounce back and forth between being the agressor and claiming victimhood.”
Typical behavior for a SJW pretending not to be one. Paid trolls are as bad as those stealing valor by buying medals in a pawnshop and then claiming to be heros!


Make sure you jump in to defend your SJW buddies, clown shoes!

Last edited 2 years ago by Knute

At least I (like literally EVERYBODY ELSE here but you) know the magic 6 letter word!


Troll says troll. Weak.


Speaking of trying to make a lie true by repetition…. this is a perfect example of you doing exactly that…. while denying it furiously, OFC!
Take your meds and have a little lie down, clownshoes.


At least I (like literally EVERYBODY ELSE here but you) know the magic 6 letter word!


At least I (like literally EVERYBODY ELSE here but you) know the magic 6 letter word!


Your quote is meaningless without context.
The way this crime against liberty and The Republic came to pass was by the British takeover of the Library of Congress, and subsequent burning thereof, in the War of 1812. From there on out the fledgling Republic was doomed. To be replaced by exactly your vision of Democracy that has done so very much damage.


At least I (like literally EVERYBODY ELSE here but you) know the magic 6 letter word!


“Get real,” you reply to his decimation of your simple democracy? Grow up. You are wrong, your arguments flawed, and you are too ignorant to see the truth.


You’ve got a backlog of questions you haven’t answered – I’m waiting for you to catch up. Get moving.

Last edited 2 years ago by JSNMGC
  1. Define “working class”
  2. Where do you draw the line? In reference to your view that enforcers should be expected to enforce any laws.
  3. Your view on the need to “serve” in order to have voting privileges. What constitutes “service” – someone carred a gun for a week?
Last edited 2 years ago by JSNMGC

I don’t have much time right now, so I’ll just try to understand your “working class” definition.

Does your definition include all employees of an enterprise that creates goods?


The six letter word for a firearm’s dangerous end? What’s the matter? Google not finding it??? Gee, what a surprise!!! Better start hitting those crossword dictionaries! 🙂


Here is another question for you to ignore: Since you obviously want the readers here to think that you are an expert on the subject, What is the difference between a Republic and a Democracy????


In your own words…. Not copied and pasted. I should’ve made that clear, knowing that cut and paste is about you are capable of. If the preamble to the Declaration of Independence makes a democracy, as you imply, then why does it also say: “it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.” ????? If that is what constitutes a democracy, then how could they… Read more »


But the document you say you bear allegiance to clearly says: “it is the Right of the People…” to organize its powers in whatever way they think will “seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness” So, since you think a declaration of being independent, IS A FORM OF GOVERNMENT…. Then if they had so judged that a Dictatorship would bring them the most safety and happiness…. then that would make that Democratic Dictatorship. BY YOUR FOOLISH definition anyways! Your basic error is the thought that simply declaring independence is a form of government. A Democracy is one… a… Read more »


Yes there is, liar. Anklebyterians like you harp on form over substance.

Last edited 2 years ago by Russn8r

So it’s the foundation of the founding of the foundation of the thingy of the stuff? 🙂
Where does the actual governing machinery come in? You just have Harry Potter wave a wand around maybe? THAT is what you believe? My god, the ignorance is palpable… and also pretty rank I might add. 🙂


You’re the one that babbled out that nonsence. Don’t blame your lack of cognition on me. All I did was notice that you don’t know the difference between an idea and an actual thing…. much the way you don’t know the difference between a Democracy and a Republic, or a six-letter word for a gun’s dangerous end… Mr. I’m a precision rifle shooter! Shooter indeed. It’s obvious that you’ve never fired a gun in your life. The pathetic part is; you are SO ignorent, you can’t even understand how this entire forum is laughing their assets off at you right… Read more »


What do you know actual, thoughtful, articulation of a reasonably proposed scenario in real-world terms!

Will wonders never cease?


Thank you for proving my point with your diatribe!

You demand perfection but you have zero alternatives in real-world terms!

Please be so kind as to whine to someone else about the fact that humans are fallible, and all systems created by them are fallible!

We look for the best we can do with what we have, you on the other hand are a theorist, a perfectionist, someone who does not live in reality: demanding only perfection and rejecting anything that is not perfection.

You forgot to take your lithium again didn’t you?


Awwwww Puddin- You must toss and turn and roll over and over in your mind all the time. You remind me of a communist because the only thing you want to hear come out of anyone else’s mouth is Your Own Opinion. Neanderthal75 answered most of your questions in the last paragraph at Neanderthal75 at 19hrs.


ShArf yesterday: “Namecall!ng violates rules.”

ShArf today: “Neanderth0t’s a l!ar.”


QED. Thanks for making my case.


“Calling for a triple lithium injection on floor 3, calling for a triple lithium injection on floor 3, expedite stat!”


What do you know, it would seem I have pushed a button with my lithium comment!? Who knew?


The bigger take away from Afghanistan is how the entire, unleashed, might of the US military could not overcome a determined, asymmetrical, third world, resistance in 20 years of trying. Gun confiscation in the US would fare far worse.


would turn into a full ???civil???? war would start police rounding up people taking guns word gets out people start shooting police and government workers indiscriminately, milltary called out half for, half following orders would be the end of civil society here people with long range scopes would rule war lords would look like Afghanistan there is no way to fight a police action either total scorched earth war or nothing


please use punctuation, your run on sentence gave me a headache trying to figure out what you are saying. and i’m still not sure.

Wild Bill

I prognosticate that when disarming the citizens of the U.S., the federal government will use control of food as a weapon. When our loved ones go hungry, we will turn in our guns for extra rations, until all our guns are gone.
No civil war. No government workers going door to door. Just banal, bureaucratic, evil procedure.


I know 2 other “Wild Bill’s.” Would you happen to be the Wild Bill of CD and Tuchux fame? Just trying to reconnect to an old friend. Thanks


The entire unleashed, might of the US Military? Surely you jest? The ‘occupation’ of Afghanistan was no different than Nam. We were never supposed to win it because The US no longer fights to win anything except the peace and minds of the occupied.


When the military, national guard, and military veterans who became enforcers are unleashed, they can really kick ass:



Well done.


Yeah there’s no differentiation and thought amongst those who served in the military, wore badges, or currently wear badges, not a single one of those suckers believes in a constitution!

You simply continue to prove yourself to be an abject idiot; using the broadest brush possible instead of actually discussing the particulars for each group using numbers rather than pulling crap out of your posterior!


Now that wasn’t very nice.

As soon as I see a story of a “good apple” pulling a gun on a “bad apple,” I’ll be sure to comment favorably.

Do you ever wonder where all the “good apples” are when the “bad apples” beat an elderly woman and take her firearm during a crises, shoot over a hundred rounds at newspaper delivery ladies, threaten to kill (an then kill) a guy crawling on the floor begging for his life and trying to obey conflicting demands being screamed at him?


“Neanderthal” doesn’t care about the victims of cops.


I keep trying to have a civil conversation with him, but he gets upset when I give specific examples and then says I use a broad brush. There’s no need to get angry over this stuff. I’d like to believe that when a bunch of politicians finally succeed in passing registration laws that the enforcers in at least 8 states would just say “no” to enforcing those laws. Unfortunately, I haven’t seen much evidence to suggest that is what they will do. I would like to hear why people think that enforcers won’t just keep enforcing. Also, understaning that not… Read more »


A “good apple” who lets a “bad apple” keep enforcing unconstitutional laws, and abusing, is himself a bad apple.

It’s quite clear Nea gives crap less about the victims of bad cops. All he does is attack folks who expose them.

Last edited 2 years ago by Russn8r

I agree. I structured the sentence that way and put the terms in quotes to make that very point.


Figured that. Greetings from a tar pit in Central Wyoming!


When are you planning to leave not-Wyoming?


Probably never. I’ll just relocate somewhere else in not-Wyoming.


I hope you both enjoy not leaving not-Wyoming and enjoy the relocation to not-Wyoming.

Lots of different places in The United States of America with pluses and minuses associated with each one.


My, what witty repartee!

The poor ganger bangers dropping like flies as they snuff one another! Nary a quite cop in sight to take the blame what is the world coming to?


Neanderthot won’t SAY THEIR NAMES & demand justice.

Donald Scott, Vicki & Sammy Weaver, the Branch Davidians, Tony Timpa, LaVoy Finicum, Daniel Shaver…

Last edited 2 years ago by Russn8r

“Binky patrol, calling the binky patrol, poor Russian is in dire need of a massive Binky infusion!”


You are writing more and more like Scharf; demanding that only the absolute will be acceptable, your theories must be upheld at all costs, and anyone who actually lives in the real world with real world responsibilities who doesn’t act in accordance with your theories and absolutes is a bad, bad, bad, person!

Oh woe is we!


Can you be specific?

You have done this numerous times – make vague, emotional statements.

Do you disagree with something I wrote? If so, what?

Last edited 2 years ago by JSNMGC

demanding that only the absolute will be acceptable and anyone who actually lives in the real world with real world responsibilities who doesn’t act in accordance with your theories & absolutes is a bad, bad, bad, person!”

One of those “theories” & “absolutes” is that cops shouldn’t murder innocent Americans.

SAY THEIR NAMES & demand justice:

Donald Scott, Vicki & Sammy Weaver, the Branch Davidians, Tony Timpa, LaVoy Finicum, Daniel Shaver…


““Let not any one pacify his conscience by the delusion that he can do no harm if he takes no part, and forms no opinion. Bad men need nothing more to compass their ends, than that good men should look on and do nothing.
He is not a good man who, without a protest, allows wrong to be committed in his name, and with the means which he helps to supply, because he will not trouble himself to use his mind on the subject.” – John Stuart Mill


Keeper. I only had the “compass” sentence. Thanks.


I care about the victims of the lowlife scum so-called ghetto thugs! You know all those poor innocent kids dying in Detroit by a bunch of g********** lowlife scum who need to be exterminated?


GOOD, so do I. But you don’t care about innocents murdered by cops.

Have you ever said their names & demanded justice?

Donald Scott, Vicki & Sammy Weaver, the Branch Davidians, Tony Timpa, LaVoy Finicum, Daniel Shaver…

Have you ever named their murderers & demanded punishment?



You’re utterly simplistic balm mindless mantras have less than zero significance to me, or any other thinking person!

Several of the names you mentioned I remember in the news as they happened oh, not some article I read.

Please be so kind as to take your bigoted views and put them where the Sun never shines!

Have a splendid day whining and playing the victim!

“Another little child is born, in the ghetto…”…… Elvis Presley


What does the ghetto have to do with the names listed?

Also, not sure why you brought up Blacks (via your “brothers” comment and reference to 13% of the population) – the only Blacks on the list were some of the people killed at Waco when armed government employees decided they needed to justify their job.


Since you don’t understand the sloganeering that your associate uses ask him why I made the reference!

I’m tired of your horse crap and his, you hate cops go right ahead, he hates cops go right ahead, you want to support BLM and antifa go right ahead, I don’t.

Your lack of competence concerning these issues is more than appalling, it’s utterly distasteful to me!

  • I don’t hate cops (I support all good LEOs and only good LEOs)
  • I don’t support BLM and antifa.
  • You are emotional and refuse to discuss the issue civilly.

Oh, the poor, poor, poor, misunderstood Brothers in the ghetto who are just trying to make a living dealing crack, angel dust, crank, and a little bit of the horsey: they are so misunderstood!

All those bad, bad, white cops who actually think they’re supposed to stop the brothers from destroying lives with drugs, shame on the bad, bad, cops, white cops.

Cheers from the oil patch in Central Wyoming

P.S. 13% of the population commits 90% of the violent crimes! Could there possibly be a correlation?

APG member

In a free society individuals who choose to ruin their lives get to live with their choices, and I am not forced to pay for capturing and incarcerating otherwise peaceful drug users and gun owners. The ending of the prohibition of the DRUG alcohol caused a major reduction in violence.


You and I have antithetical views on the drug issue. I believe drug dealers and drug Distributors after being tried in a court of law and if convicted should be sentenced to death in every single case. I further support an entire court system dedicated to such cases with a superior court system above that in an appellate form for quick and reliable appeal cases.

Every convicted drug dealer should be executed. Every convicted drug distributor should be executed.

Executive action should be taken against All foreign cartel members starting at the top and working the way down.


There are lots of different types of totalitarians. You are one of those types.


An abject idiot, a troll or a Harold H. wannabe, I am not sure which…


So which one struck a nerve with you Quartermain, the mocking of:

  • Really big tunnels built by Walmart;
  • Tom Hanks’ execution by the military;
  • Trump’s return on 8/13/21 8/31/21; or
  • Micro Chips?
Last edited 2 years ago by JSNMGC

Agreed we were never supposed to win, Disagree that the scope of actions was held back. Ask any vet.


our military was hamstrung at every opportunity by our leaders and generals that couldn’t win a game of checkers much less chess. out people did what they were allowed to do and did it very well under the most challenging circumstances because of idiot leaders.
russia was there 20 years and wasn’t able to accomplish anything, same for us and now looks like china is heading that way.
there has been turmoil there since the death of alexander the great and probably will always will be.


Quote: “We are not here to harm innocent civilians.”” not this week, anyway. Watch other newscasts coming out of that hellhole and one sees a very different meme. Puts me in mind of the “little incident” back about 1917 or so in old Russia: seems the Menscheviks were well armed and gathered in the Kremlin, waiting for the opportunity to engage the Bolsheviks, the revolutionaries. Seems the Bolsheviks had them fairly well surrounded. They had talks…. the olsheviks somehow persuaded the Menshceviks that they should lay down their arms and walk free, never to be molested again. Their security was… Read more »


In this case Taliban are not lying. It’s just that we have dramatically different definitions of “innocent”.
They are also saying the killing innocents is not their purpose – not that it isn’t a “great” side benefit.


Keep your cash and I will keep my rifle. Thanks but no thank you…


Cut to the chase.

I’m not afraid to die.
I’m unwilling to live on my knees in world ruled & run by lesser men of theosophy & low moral character that control the future of our children.

Last edited 2 years ago by Tank

Tank, may I suggest a tweak on you perspective. I tend to lean toward Gen Patton’s take……“Now, I want you to remember that no son of a bitch ever won a war by dying for his country. He won it by making the other poor dumb son of a bitch die for his country.” Gen. George Patton, circa 1943-1944. Thinking Patriots would find this much more satisfying.


Has your world yet managed to find out the six-letter word for a firearm’s dangerous end? 🙂


I doubt it. He probably loads bivalves into it.


At some point, Biden/Libturds gun control fetish is going to give move Patriots to making the Taliban look like kids at Sunday School.


“We tried firing LaPew in ’97. Workman turned coat to block it.”

When will he apologize for helping end NRA?




Last edited 2 years ago by Russn8r

When will Dave Workman apologize for helping LaPierre & Co destroy the NRA?
Crickets Chirping.

Last edited 2 years ago by Russn8r

Waiting for Harry & David to say sorry for helping LaPew & Co destroy NRA.
Crickets Chirping.


Still waiting for Harry & David to say sorry for helping LaPew & Co destroy NRA.




Will Harry & David ever say sorry for helping LaPierre & Co rape the NRA?



Last edited 2 years ago by Russn8r

When will Harry & David say sorry for helping LaPierre & Co rape the NRA?

Crickets are chirping.




Will Harry & David EVER say sorry for helping LaPierre & Co rape the NRA?




Happy Sunday! Waiting for Harry & David to say sorry for helping LaPierre & Co rape the NRA.




Hm. When I ask Harry & David to say sorry for helping LaPewCo rape NRA, AL instantly floods w/spam pushing it off recent comments. Dave? Harry?

Last edited 2 years ago by Russn8r