The deadly killing that took place on October 25, 2023, at Just In Time Recreation in Lewiston, Maine, shook the entire town. The killer took 18 lives that day. The question many have is, would the attack have taken place had the establishment not been a gun free zone? According to the Crime Prevention Research Center the establishment was likely a gun free zone and had a sign on the front door that read, “We kindly ask that you refrain from bringing firearms in this building and we would appreciate it if you left them in your vehicle. Please keep our atmosphere family-friendly.” It would appear that the owners have not been held liable for the tragic loss of life in the gun free zone and it has been reported that they plan to reopen the establishment in March or April of 2024 at a different location. No one shot back during the violent attack.
It would seem the anti-gun folks in Maine are using the tragedy to push for more gun control and restrictions. Recently, a handful of these outraged anti-gun zealots encouraged the state to shut down a rifle cleaning class conducted by the Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife. They used the Just In Time Recreation killings as justification for the banning of the instructional course that teaches people how to be safer with their firearms.
The Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife has successfully held these classes for over three years. The focus of the class is to teach proper maintenance and the safe use of different types of guns used in hunting. Apparently, the anti-gun agitators would prefer that courses designed to teach safe firearm handling not take place at all.
Mark Latti, Director of Communications for the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife, said, “After reflecting upon these concerns, the department ultimately agreed that a class focused exclusively on AR 15s was insensitive in the wake of the violence our state has recently experienced. Therefore, we decided to cancel it Friday morning.” According to the Portland Press Harold, the newsletter for the course was sent to nearly 411,000 people, but the course was shut down because of 12 complaints.
David Farmer, a spokesperson for the Maine Gun Safety Coalition, said, “We don’t believe that individuals should have access to weapons of war.” But even Farmer agreed that education is important when he said, “but while they are legal, we support educating owners to operate them safely and responsibly.”
Senator Peggy Rotundo, D-Lewiston said she was never contacted by anyone with concerns about the class.
The demonization of the AR-15 perpetuated by left-wing politicians and the anti-gun lobby is having a negative effect, as intended. When people who don’t know any better are convinced that a specific type of firearm is responsible for death, the irrational public outcry can be harmful to the rights of American Citizens. When others who do know better capitulate to the irrational fears of the anti-gun crowd, they further perpetuate the disintegration of our 2nd Amendment.
Apparently, Mr. Latti and his department were concerned with being insensitive, so they were willing to accommodate the anti-gun instigators and cancel the safety course even though the course had nothing to do with the killing that happened several months prior. Holding the course, despite the complaints from a small number of people, may have been the perfect opportunity to support firearm safety and remind the public that violence doesn’t come from a gun. Instead, those who could have supported our 2nd Amendment chose to accommodate others with misguided views and politically motivated intent.
People who claim they want to keep others safe through gun control often choose to support deadly gun free zones.
In this case, the anti-gunners decided to make irrational demands for the purpose of shutting down a firearm safety course. Do they really want to keep people safe or are they intent on creating deadly situations and keeping people uneducated on the topic of firearms? You must ask yourself, do the deaths from gun free zones and uneducated firearm use benefit them in their push for more gun control laws?
About Dan Wos, Author – Good Gun Bad Guy
Dan Wos is available for Press Commentary. For more information contact PR HERE
Dan Wos is a nationally recognized 2nd Amendment advocate, Host of The Loaded Mic and Author of the “GOOD GUN BAD GUY” book series. He speaks at events, is a contributing writer for many publications, and can be found on radio stations across the country. Dan has been a guest on Newsmax, the Sean Hannity Show, Real America’s Voice, and several others. Speaking on behalf of gun-rights, Dan exposes the strategies of the anti-gun crowd and explains their mission to disarm law-abiding American gun-owners.

“INSENSITIVE”??? What is insensitive, is putting citizens in “Fish In A Barrel” Shooting Gallaries for bad guys.
Training? Lack of training is not what caused the Maine massacres.
The department of inland fisheries and wildlife caved to complaints from only 12 people. I’d bet there were more people than that taking the class.
Can’t cure stupid.
I long for the days when the communists from Massachusetts Rhode Island, Connecticut, and New York only came to my state of Maine for the natural beauty for a couple of weeks in summer.
I’ve watched them move here, take over our government and completely ruin it to the point that it resembles the shitholes they moved from.
Liberals destroy everything they touch.
Prove me wrong.
weapons of war……anyone read the Miller ruling from 1939 type of weapons protected under second amendment The Second Amendment protects only the ownership of military-type weapons appropriate for use in an organized militia.that would be machine guns and simi autos tanks ……….