Three Attacks by Coyote(s) in Arlington, Texas in Five days

Officials React to Coyote Infestation in Massachusetts, iStock-1354299697
Officials React to Coyote Infestation in Massachusetts, iStock-1354299697

On Saturday, February 10, 2024, at the Parkway Central Park in Arlington, Texas, a Coyote attacked a little girl, dragging her toward the woods. The girl’s father chased after the coyote and girl and recovered the girl. From

“I have a little girl who just got attacked by a coyote,” the 911 caller said. “It’s a big coyote. It’s coming back. Oh Lord Jesus.”

The caller described that children were playing on a playground when the coyote “attacked the little girl on the playground and dragged her, like, in the woods and her daddy went chasing after her.”

 “So kids are in the car now but the coyote is still on the playground,” the caller told 911.

The caller then described the girl’s bite wound, as dispatch worked to get an ambulance and officers to the scene.

Traps were set in the park, but the park was not closed. No signs were posted at the park to inform users of the danger.

On Monday, February 12, another child was bitten and taken to the hospital. More traps were set.

On Tuesday, February 13, a six-year-old boy was attacked, bitten, and dragged for some distance. From

“All of a sudden, I heard a mom scream, ‘Oh my God! That dog just bit that kid!'” Estreitta de Kluetz recalled. “I immediately called 911, went over to the little boy, and the little boy was — his whole shirt was filled with blood and he was crying.”

She said the woman, who was holding a baby, herself, threw her shoe at what they soon realized was a coyote. Both ran to help the little boy, who was sitting next to the swings with his brother.

She said she saw the coyote still hovering in the distance.

“… Like watching us. And I was like, ‘You guys, we need to get out of here because he — and then he started kind of creeping,” she said.

After the Tuesday attack, city officials closed the park. On Wednesday, February 14, a coyote believed to be responsible for all three attacks was captured alive after confronting officers. It does not appear any of the traps were successful.  The coyote was not rabid. The city said the coyote would be euthanized.

In the coverage, a resident made this statement:

“I understand this is their habitat, they were here before we were, I get that completely.”

Another coyote attack in the Dallas/Ft. Worth metropolitan area occurred in 2022 on May 3rd. In that attack, a three-year-old was critically injured but recovered.

Analysis: Coyotes are protected in urban areas. It is generally against the law to shoot them inside city limits.  When the attitude of the public is “This is their habitat; they were here before we were,” they will continue to be protected.  As they become more and more accustomed to people, the number of attacks on children will increase.  Coyotes were seen in the area immediately after the initial attack. They were not shot.  It is hard to understand why the coyotes present were not killed as a safety concern as soon as possible. This happened in Texas, where then-Governor Rick Perry took out a coyote that menaced his dog in February of 2010.  Ruger even issued a “coyote special” version of the pistol he used.  This did not change coyotes’ protected status inside Texas cities.

Coyote attacks will continue to increase as long as urban areas offer coyotes sanctuary status.

About Dean Weingarten:

Dean Weingarten has been a peace officer, a military officer, was on the University of Wisconsin Pistol Team for four years, and was first certified to teach firearms safety in 1973. He taught the Arizona concealed carry course for fifteen years until the goal of Constitutional Carry was attained. He has degrees in meteorology and mining engineering, and retired from the Department of Defense after a 30 year career in Army Research, Development, Testing, and Evaluation.

Dean Weingarten

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When humans allow predator’s among themselves. They invite this kind of trouble.

Where I live coyotes are very respectful other wise they are dead.

Knute Knute

Sounds like you also live in Montana! 🙂


Where Texas is known as the wannabe state 😉


Same thing is happening with the big cats.

Ever since Washington stopped allowing the use of dogs to hunt cougars, the rate of human cat ‘interactions’ has increased quite a bit.

They are by nature cautious, but the fear that they used to have towards humans has been diluted by them not being hunted.


Sounds like a kommiefornia rinse recycle repeat. It boggles my mind how states can’t learn from one another and make the same stupid mistakes. Sierra Clubbers.


Same thing where I live. There are plenty of coyotes, but they stay away from people. Wild hogs and deer, same thing. The bears, however, don’t seem to get the message. I think it’s because the local trout farm is permitted to dispose of their “garbage” by dumping it in the forest.


Bounty on them in Utah.


The city said the coyote would be euthanized. It could have been killed if anyone was armed at that park after they separated it from the child. I would have shot it!!!!!!!

This happened in TEXAS and no one was armed? What’s happening to Texas.


We are chock full of immigrants. Not sure whether Arlington is full of coastal refugees or illegal internationals – but Texas is definitely getting Californicated too much.


Man, I am sorry and I feel for any state that is having an influx of kommifornians. May you stay RED.


Few years? We’ve had current house more than half my adult life. While CA leaned left when I left, my understanding is that it really cranked on afterburners to La-la land about the time I moved to Texas. In other words I was never party to any of the current insanity. While I miss the natural beauty I remember from where I grew up – I also miss the beauty of open spaces so quickly disappearing around here. I will never move to CA – but I will continue looking at our situation here. Support Brandon Herrerra, advocate for Cornyn’s… Read more »


Gave you an upvote because of the comment about Cruz and Abbot which brought you back to zero.

I use Texas as a barometer for the rest of the nation. I feel if Texas falls it’s the end of all the states.

Remember the Alamo!


The point is that the USA views Texas as an armed society ready to take on anything, but a coyote I guess.


No, we think that when wildlife is attacking children that they need to be protected. I would think any state or normal sane person would feel the same way. In addition I did mention waiting until the kid was free from the dog. Read and comprehend and don’t let the blindness of your anger twist what you read. I was not cutting down on Texas. Just surprised that a state with such history and constitutional carry didn’t have someone in the park that could have shot the dog after the kid was freed and the only concern is that it… Read more »


You are not an authority on what happens in Oregon either. You call yourself a free state but yet no one in the park was armed to take care of business like it should have been and you know I am right. Maybe the people weren’t armed because they are proponents of stopping “gun violence” in your state and condone not carrying a gun. I would think a free state would be armed and ready to take on anything at any time, not we need to call the authorities so they can trap it. That sounds like Portland in my… Read more »


It wasn’t A kid, it was two, what’s going on? That’s stupidity at it’s best and sounds like something commiefornia would do.


Nope but obviously Texans are not prepared to protect their own like I thought they would be.

Guns a blazin is your idea, not mine.


Yes I will but not without concern.


I also think about the people that died in your state because of the E people changing to solar and wind power while eliminating fossil fuels. That happening is a sign that the left is winning. Any smart right minded person would make sure there is sufficient backup of some kind. I guess you don’t give a shit about shithole Oregon and the fact that they are tearing out dams for the salmon leaving farmers with no water for irrigation and what they are doing is actually killing the fish and taking peoples ability to grow food away. They have… Read more »

Central PA Dan

Go back to your safe place. If a coyote attacks my child, said coyote is getting shot…kids park, church service… wherever.


Simple. Society can integrate a certain number of newcomers – but when numbers are overwhelming, they are overwhelming. I’ve been here long enough to have integrated and to appreciate what we have here. Having visited California over the years while my birth family survived and remained there — I think I am in a better position to draw comparisons. Seeing how California has changed since I left and seeing the issues there simply makes me appreciate Texas more. I’ve been here long enough to have divorced my California wife – who fled back. After that to have dated a number… Read more »


Texas has always been a barometer to me for the rest of the USA. I fear if Texas falls or fails the rest of the USA will be in parrel.

May you stay red in the end of your invasion you are currently receiving.


I thought it was stange no one shot it


There were 3, 3, incidents where kids were attacked and the animals driven off. Everyone of those coyotes were “seen”!


It is becoming contaminated with liberal Commifornians.


We’ve had coyote attacks here in Plano,TX too. They’re getting aggressive and dangerous. The protected status is really stupid and endangerers people and coyotes.


Where are coyotes protected? Certainly not in my part of Texas! Cannot imagine even Houston being idiotic enough to have city ordinance protecting varmints.

Perhaps you are referring to ordinances and laws against discharging firearms inside city limits or in vicinity of occupied structures. If so, I’ve watched people shoot …. most are responsible and moderately accurate with at least some understanding of their personal limitations – others not so much. I don’t trust those who fire pistols at the stars to celebrate 7/4 or 12/31-1/1 to responsibly handle a rifle in crowded quarters.


When I replied before I thought you’d said Houston. Just saw you are in Plano. Which part of Plano are you in? Teddybear and I routinely tromp along the Chisholm Trail, usually in the dark and off leash wherever I’m not worried about traffic. I’m not overly concerned about yotes attacking Teddybear – he’s a friendly goofball but reflects attitudes of other canines. Not a protection breed – but strong enough to hold his own for at least a little while and he has recall. My wife’s 12 year old, 10 lb Bug is a different story.


lol, the way the city of Arlington handled this was exactly how the mayor of Amity Island handled the shark attacks in the movie Jaws.


Most likely this was a coydog. True coyotes tend to be considerably shyer and less aggressive. Depending on dog genes, coydogs can also be considerably larger and stronger than most coyotes. I live in a suburb an hour or so ~NE of Arlington. Have seen over a half dozen coyotes during an evening walk on a couple occasions – typically see at least one on morning walks. Have only had one even hint at being aggressive – of course it was the last of very few times I’ve walked the dog unarmed. At one point city tried to eradicate our… Read more »

Knute Knute

Here in Montana, the only yotes I see are heading away from me with their afterburners on full blast. Unless I’m calling them in from a blind. Then they can sometimes come straight in on me, after hearing that squeal that means a free meal in their minds. At least until I get them in my crosshairs. Then if I miss, they light the afterburners again. But Montana has no “protected” status for coyotes. As a threat to livestock, their legal status is a varmint to be killed on sight. Which OFC makes them less likely to be aggressive. Fear… Read more »

Last edited 10 months ago by Knute Knute

It’s always amazing to see them pull out another gear each time a round goes whistling by…


I like to see them grab that other gear and catch the lead pellet at the same time . It usually results in somersaults.


Cities are also getting hybrid coywolves. They are much bigger than coyotes, hunt alone rather than in packs and live predominantly in urban areas. I watched a special on them a while back. I have no doubt I’ve seen them in my small cities l city as they are not afraid like wolves but are clearly not a wolf. DNA test can confirm coywolf hybrids.


Coyotes always run from me as soon as I make eye contact with them . Even the wolves here run when I make eye contact with them . They must sense danger because I am always armed when I see them . The cuyotes that stand still get a lead pellet if they are within range .


coyotes and bears do in fact key off your confidence when carrying. your body language says it loud and clear to them. you may be startles for a moment or slightly afraid but nothing like when you are unarmed. a flutter of the hands, a nervous looking face and twitch to the body, they know you are vulnerable. this is fact. with a handgun on your person and the confidence in the knowledge of how to use it, you walk differently and taller. now this is something i know you all know and have experienced. bear and coyote can see… Read more »


Same for two legged predators.


When a “dog” bites or attacks a person, that “dog” must be PUT-DOWN!!!


Depends. Have you ever heard of a police dog being put down for biting a suspect?

While of the dogs in our house, only MIL’s toothless chihuahua would be likely to bite a home invader – I’d support any of them if they did. Probably feed them a steak dinner reward in fact.


Sure was a good thing there wasn’t an armed man around, wouldn’t want to see a child eating coyote killed.

Matt in Oklahoma

That 45 in the safe is worthless. CARRY


I pack my .45 everywhere , it’s my security blanket.


Coyotes are vicious because they are STARVING! And the viciousness intensifies when they have little puppies depending on them. Divert the coyotes away from populated areas by establishing a feeding pit outside town. Local animal lovers and cat ladies will do the rest.

Knute Knute

That is not the way it works though. It’s just virtue signaling. A feel-good bullshit story! A story that sounds good at first, but that falls flat on its face when subjected to scrutiny. Close examination will show that when wild animals are fed by human(s), they become acclimated to them, lose their fear of man, and begin to prey upon them instead of just take handouts. From the Man-Eaters of Tsavo, which were anything but starving, to the alligator problem in Florida, to the feral pig problem in Texas. None are starving, most are plump and juicy, but the… Read more »


what’s up with all the down votes on this article, some prog accessing the site?
fools down here in south fla saw a coyote at the tpk exit by my house and commented on how pretty it was. i responded, pretty until your pets get taken for lunch. they responded with “they were here before we were” b.s. and informed them that coyotes have never been here until recently. hopefully no one’s kids will be attacked but you know progs… one will want to take a pic with one. probably only happen once though.


As usual the government reacted as fast as a snell in a quarter mile sprint!


The stupidity of some of these liberal citizens is kind boggling. Their response to these coyote attacks brings to mind the Uvalde school shooting police debacle. Three kids attacked and all they did was set traps and clutch pearls over “we invaded the coyotes territory”! No park closing, no professional trappers called in, just the basic local dog catchers or Humane Shelter personnel left to find the culprit. Having some experience with these issues from military experience culling feral dogs on flight lines and as an Animal Control Superior, judicial use of firearms(I used a . 220 Swift with 40gr.… Read more »


The days of Wiley ordering from Acme are over. It’s time to put a stop to this.

I guarantee, wherever this is occurring int he USA, especially in Arlington, TX, there are local good old boys with the means and the willingness to put an end to coyote encroachment. There are some with night vision and suppressors that would probably pay to get to send Wiley, et al, to the great Road Runner Pot Pie in the Sky. This is a no-brainer.


Interesting that they said the animal was not rabid and that it would be euthanized. You can only tell if it was rabid after examining its brain,