My biggest concealed carry struggle throughout the years has been how to carry or conceal carry a firearm for armed exercise …
Armed Exercise – Concealed Carry Workout & Gun Holsters

America’s oldest Second Amendment News outlet.
My biggest concealed carry struggle throughout the years has been how to carry or conceal carry a firearm for armed exercise …
Doug gives us a fresh look at tactical inventions or product enhancements that are crossing over into the hunting world.
What if you could only own one hunting rifle what Cartridge should it be in? My answer 30-06 Springfield…
Doug’s answer to can you hunt with a handgun? Heck Yeah you can. I love handgun hunting…
If you have school aged kids and spend time hunting and fishing with them, or hope to one day, this is for you. If you are like me, an empty nester, you will probably empathize.
The snub nose revolver is still a good choice for concealed carry, the following are reasons why it should not be written off as dead.
SHOT Show 2017 is in the rearview mirror. Earlier this month I made my way, for the 12th consecutive year to the world’s largest Shooting, Hunting and Outdoor Trade Show, in Las Vegas, Nevada.
It’s time to start gathering up gear. In addition to extra ammunition (or muzzleloader supplies) here are the basics I carry for my style of hunting.
What if you had to choose to live with only one handgun? What would the be best one handgun to own?
The quarter bore cartridge family of ammunition is caught in the middle between the popular 6mms, such as the 243 Winchester, & the “all the rage today” 6.5mms (26 caliber)…
Writer Doug Gilmer reminds us of the importance of Vehicle Security for hunters or shooters and their gear.
Author Doug Gilmer walks us through the history and usage of the 6mm Remington and related .243 ammunition cartridges.
Don’t gamble with your hearing protection when shooting, you owe it to yourself and others to protect this important sense…
We shouldn’t forget the little .22 Long Rifle, however. It’s too much fun and has far too much going for it to stay in the back of the safe…
Lately, the 10mm ammunition is making a resurgence. Glock, Sig Sauer, Kimber, Rock Island Armory, CZ, Dan Wesson, and EAA are just some of the companies building 10mm pistols.
Your life or the life of a friend could depend on your preparedness & ability to respond effectively in an emergency situation. Trauma Kits are part of that preparedness.
Are you looking for handgun power and performance without punishing recoil? If so, give the classic 41 Magnum some consideration.
There seems to be a stream of hunting technology being developed for problems which don’t exist. I am going old school hunting…