Moms Demand Action, the Michael Bloomberg-backed gun prohibition lobbying group, appears to be trying very hard to win the “Grinch” award.
Chris Christie Is Not a Trustworthy Leader
This is a time, not only for Americans to join hands, but for the entire free world to come together in Thanksgiving, to thank the Good Lord for bringing us President-Elect Donald Trump.
We’re Thankful For You! National Shooting Sports Foundation
On behalf of all of us at the National Shooting Sports Foundation, we wish you a very Happy Thanksgiving.
Thankful But Not Complacent – A Plea ~ VIDEO
A heartfelt thank you for everything you have done in your support of freedom and playing such an important role in my children’s futures…
Happy Thanksgiving from National Shooting Sports Foundation
Happy Thanksgiving to AmmoLand Shooting Sports News readers, one and all.
Bloomberg’s Everytown Gun Control Claims To Talk Guns At Thanksgiving Dinner
Lott, through his Crime Prevention Research Center, has long taken on the Bloomberg group’s statistics calling them “typical misinformation”…
American Knife & Tool Institute Happy Thanksgiving!
Thanksgiving is not just turkey and pie. It’s an opportunity to let you know that American Knife & Tool Institute is grateful for your support…
Cabela’s to Close Thanksgiving Day
Cabela’s will uphold the company’s tradition of closing its U.S. retail stores and business offices on Thanksgiving Day.
Giving Thanks ~
In spite of how bad we’re told America is, I don’t see it that way. I’m proud I’m an American and this country has been pretty darn good to me and my family…