Alert For Gun Talk Satellite Radio Listeners

Gun Talk Radio – -( Big changes for Gun Talk on the satellite radio front. Last year Sirius and XM satellite systems merged. As of this past weekend, Gun Talk radio has moved. No longer will you find it on channel 166 on XM. But, that’s actually good news — mostly.
Now Gun Talk will be on BOTH Sirius and XM. On your Sirius radio, tune to channel 108. On XM, it’s now on channel 139. Both channels are called “Sirius Two.”
NOTE THE TIME CHANGE! Gun Talk will now air at 10:00pm Sundays, Eastern time. Only the first two hours will be carried on the satellite systems, so to get the last your, you’ll need to download the show.
The podcast remains the same. You do not need an iPod to listen to the podcast. Actually, “podcast” is misleading. It’s just the recorded show, and you can listen on your computer. Just go to to download the show each week. You can set up Apple iTunes to automatically download the show for you. Get a 12-year old to show you how!
Gun Talk radio is carried on 64 stations, including some of the largest markets in the country. It also is carried on XM and XM Canada satellite radio, streamed on the internet, and is downloaded by the tens of thousands from Apple iTunes Store.