George Montgomery Foundation Creates Endowment for NRA Art Contest

Fairfax, Va. –-( The George Montgomery Foundation of the Arts has recently made a generous donation to the NRA Youth Wildlife Art Contest, now known as the George Montgomery/NRA Youth Wildlife Art Contest.
Through the endowment, the two organizations hope to further promote youth artwork and appreciation of nature’s beauty.
Now entering its 23rd year, the contest began in 1987 through the efforts of John Robbins, Managing Editor of Hunting Communications and former NRA InSights Editor Brenda Dalassandro. With the aid of the recent donation, marketing and outreach efforts can now be increased to foster relationships with art teachers across the country. The opportunity to engage aspiring young artists will introduce them to the NRA’s youth programs for the very first time.
The donation is also comprised of other assets which include an extensive bronze collection by George Montgomery himself. The George Montgomery bronze, a self portrait of the artist, will be named the George Montgomery/NRA Youth Wildlife Art Contest Best in Show Trophy. This representation trophy will be awarded to the top entry throughout all categories.
George Montgomery was an American actor and artist who emanated ruggedness in over 80 films and televisions series throughout the 20th century. Known best for his roles in westerns, Montgomery grew up the youngest of fifteen on a farm where he gained skills, such as handling horses, which contributed to his acting career. Montgomery drew from his childhood and acting roles in his art, creating many fine sculptures depicting fellow actors and scenes from the American Old West.
“The donation from the George Montgomery Foundation of the Arts will allow us to reach more young people than ever before,” said General Operations Executive Director Kayne Robinson.
“The foundation’s generosity will ensure the continued appreciation for wildlife and the outdoors.”
The contest is open to students in grades one through 12. Entries may portray any North American game bird or animal that may be legally hunted or trapped. Artwork will be judged on effort, creativity, anatomical accuracy and composition.
The deadline to enter the contest is November 1. For more information and to view winning artwork from last year, visit