This recognition is 2A FlashMob Approved, anyone making the list will automatically qualify for their own FREE 2A Mob Patch.
Manasquan, NJ –-( The AmmoLand Shooting Sports Newswire’s twiter account @ammoland has made the list of so called “#GunBullies”.
That is an anti-freedom hater’s Twitter hash tag speech for individuals or organizations that are not afraid to spread positive pro gun news on twitter.
We wont link to the domain/url run by a Chicago IT Guy and self proclaimed progressive, Jay Rothschild, but a quick internet search(**1&2) pulls up multiple domains run by him like;,,, NRAKills.US, GunsGoneWild.US,, Shakedown.US,,,
According to Jay’s about page his “Shadowshift Technologies is a venture with one item on its agenda, to advance progressive causes.” and “my great passions – music, progressive causes & the websites I run on it, predominantly,, ReplaceCongress.US and of course”
As described in typical nonsensical progressive speak the Gun Bullies Reference List is supposed to be a running tab of folks that are “Twitter Users Doing More Harm To NRA Pro-Gun Message”. As if he want us to believe the list supports the NRA or the website is somehow pro gun, while at the same time his parent domain has a big “Stop the Evil NRA” image on the home page.
The irony of that is AmmoLand Shooting Sports News is an approved syndicator the NRA’s message, including NRA-ILA, NRA News, NRA’s Cam & Co,, American Hunter Magazine & American Rifleman magazines. Hey, we never said the opposition was very bright or believed in due diligence when twisting the facts.
But here is where the list becomes libelous:
“In the spirit of the NRA Enemies [sic] List this is a list of online abusive users on Twitter that have chosen to harm the NRA message to America by displaying behavior from disrespecting boundaries to intimidating free speech to threatening sexual and physical violence to even in some cases actual criminal acts.”
What? “disrespecting boundaries to intimidating free speech to threatening sexual and physical violence to even in some cases actual criminal acts.” This is patently false and a bold face lie by Mr Rothschild. Anyone with an internet connection can read through our entire history of tweets and will not find a single example of criminal harassment.
He then goes on to say “Use your Constitutional right to self-defense by keeping this publicly available information close at hand and share with your friends. Please do not engage! Avoid all contact, ignore, block and nothing else”
Libelous parts aside this is now just funny and sad, because we all well know if your a “progressive” you have no use for the US Constitution or GOD given rights except for those bestowed on you by your beloved Government.
“We are very proud to have @AmmoLand make the list as it shows us that our message of freedom and positive pro gun news is still read by those that would destroy the very fabric of our American way of life.” says Fredy Riehl Editor of AmmoLand
Did you make the list? We have posted a screen shot below for all to see who else made the list without visiting the website.
Behold, the list!
- @11b2p
- @2ANow
- @51Hitman51
- @AE68W
- @AmmoLand
- @anothergunblog
- @AnonyPunkZ
- @BadBlueGuns
- @BigFatDave
- @bitterclingerpa
- @bob_owens
- @CalmGunowner
- @cjgrisham
- @cemeterygunblob
- @Cmf68Kevin
- @chronovarience
- @DanielESmall
- @DixieSportsman
- @dmbatten
- @Dr_2A
- @dthurston
- @FirearmsPDX
- @GlomarResponder
- @GunFreeZone
- @GunsnCoasters
- @gunsafetyblog
- @GunSenseUSA
- @GunzAreBad
- @hazmatpat
- @HomeGunTraining
- @HowardW56
- @InfidelMonster
- @JamesViser
- @JasonSlusher
- @JBurt73
- @JerryMcClellan2
- @JillJillthePill
- @Jim____Johnson
- @JonEMTP
- @JPFOAlert
- @k0diak314
- @KentAtwater
- @KentAtwater2
- @KoryDWatkins
- @LawSelfDefense
- @lee10011
- @LibertyArmsMN
- @linoge_wotc
- @MarineReconDad
- @Marsellus666
- @MDGunsBen
- @MicekJosh23
- @MickyBaker1
- @MolonLabeNJ
- @MomsNeedHobbies
- @MonsantoBadGuns
- @muddman97
- @MuttonChopsRock
- @notplainjoe
- @OpenCarryTexas
- @PRoseish
- @PRoseish_2
- @quixxdraw
- @reaper11b81
- @ReviveLiberty
- @RobAlexandr
- @robdoar
- @rolloutside
- @RonPaul2012FTW
- @sdsorrentino (Thanks to Sean D. Sorrentino for this list, Definitely follow him!!!)
- @ShantBe
- @SmartGunLaw
- @soderstromk
- @Sparticus33W
- @State_Control
- @StrippedLower
- @TacticoolRonald
- @TCguns_carry
- @toyotahater
- @TyreByter
- @WildBillBaldwin
Visit for more gun bullie coverage.
“It is great to have made this list of patriots and defenders of our rights. I hope that more folks step up their game, spreading positive pro gun news and make it on to the Gun Bullies Reference List” Says Fredy.
Everyone else be sure and follow these leaders on Twitter.
About #gunrightsthug ( Click here to learn more
I am liven the Gun Thug life. #gunrightsthug for Life How about you? Tweet “@ammoland, I am #gunrightsthug for Life” with this link:
About AmmoLand Shooting Sports News: is the web’s leading Shooting Sports News Service for the Gun Rights, Firearms, Shooting, Hunting and Conservation communities. Visit:
About 2A Flashmob:
In an effort to motivate gun owners and Second Amendment Supporters to show up in person at important events and rallies AmmoLand Shooting Sports News is giving away FREE 2A Flashmob Patches to anyone who attends a protest, rally, open carry event, committee hearing at your state capital or a counter protest. (You may already be eligible)
Spread the word, get out, get active!
Congrats. for making the list ! But I was wondering how some of my favorite good guys missed it. They didn’t mention GOA, SAS, CCRKBA, Judicial Watch, PAM.
Not a very professional job of listing patriotic, constitution protecting people. They may only compile their “Enemies Lists” on
rainy Saturdays when they play golf with the SLITWH *.
* Serial Liar In The White House
So I now have a mission on twitter to make every #gunbullies list of people they hate be cuase I studied the us bill of rights and consitituion. It’s a great day to piss people off with intelligent irrefutable evidence that what they are told is a lie with facts numbers and of course personal experience. Be haze my rifle outs food on the table and protects when the police are to busy to help . So yeah way to go ammoland .
The typical Leftist “playbook” – Identify, Isolate, and Demonize. Saul Alinsky, unlike Elvis, has not left the room.
Gun bullies ? really ? How about baby killers , how about sexual perverts , how about progressive fascists ? how about lazy freeloading azzholes and morons that can’t make their own way without a lifetime government handout , I could go on but they all know why they are and have no shame nor any respect from anyone but there own ilk .