USA –-(Ammoland.com)- Any prepared and informed person knows that the threat isn’t always the event itself, which could be anything from a natural disaster to a rioting spree after a sporting event to an economic collapse.
It’s the chaos during the aftermath of the event.
If you ever had any doubts about that statement, you need to look no further than Ferguson, Missouri.
If, despite your best efforts, your property draws the attention of people with ill intent, you must be ready to defend your family and your home
Don’t rely on 911. If the disorder is widespread, don’t depend on a call to 911 to save you. You must be prepared to save yourself.
First responders may be tied up, and in some cases, the cops are not always your friends.
In the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, some officers joined in the crime sprees, and others stomped all over the 2nd Amendment and confiscated people’s legal firearms at a time when they needed them the most.
Be armed and know how to use your weapon of choice. When the door of your home is breached, you can be pretty sure the people coming in are not there to make friendly conversation over a nice cup of tea. Make a plan to greet them with a deterring amount of force. Whatever your choice of weapon, practice, practice, practice. A weapon you don’t know how to use is more dangerous than having no weapon at all. Here’s some advice from someone who knows a lot more about weapons than I do.
Have a safe room established for children or other vulnerable family members. If the worst happens and your home is breached, you need to have a room into which family members can escape. This room needs to have a heavy exterior door instead of a regular hollow core interior door. There should be communications devices in the room so that the person can call for help, as well as a reliable weapon to be used in the event that the safe room is breached. The family members should be instructed not to come out of that room FOR ANY REASON until you give them the all clear or help has arrived.
Plan an escape route. If the odds are against you, devise a way to get your family to safety. Your property is not worth your life.
It’s very important to make a defense plan well before you need one.
– Read the rest of “Lessons From Ferguson: Prepping For Civil Unrest And Martial Law” .
Daisy Luther is a freelance writer and editor. Her website, The Organic Prepper, offers information on healthy prepping, including premium nutritional choices, general wellness and non-tech solutions. You can follow Daisy on Facebook and Twitter, and you can email her at [email protected]
Coming to your town! All infidels will be disarmed in order to allow a peaceful non-violent subjugation of America by ISIS…..your soon to be Masters!!!!! Ovomit and Holder Hold Up will keep ya’ll safe.