Mom’s Demanding Action & Texas Gun Sense Continue to Target Your Rights in Texas

Gun Banners Pawn Their Children During a Recent Anti-Gun Protest
Gun Banners Pawn Their Children During a Recent Anti-Gun Protest
Texas State Rifle Association
Texas State Rifle Association

Houston, Tx –-( Mom’s Demand is a spin-off of the Million Moms of a decade ago. Mom’s Demand Action a politically motivated, national association funded by multi-millionaire Michael Bloomberg.

After losing every pro-gun bill they worked against during session, they’ve now turned to other ways to get attention such as a demonstration at the Houston Zoo.

The zoo removed it’s improperly posted PC 30.06 sign in response to SB 273 bi-partisan legislation to fine cities, counties, and other governmental entities for threatening licensees with criminal trespass for entering public property. open to the general public, that is not prohibited in statute. See Houston

Another such group, Texas Gun Sense, is also lobbying the Legislature right now, during the interim to require DPS to provide businesses with easy access to PC 30.06 and PC 30.07 signs. DPS has no statutory authority over the size, shape, or availability of such signs. Signs aren’t the sole agenda for Texas Gun Sense as they insist Texans want universal background checks. Yes, this means on all private sales. Read twitter

Mom’s Demand and Gun Sense are hard at work to marginalize and minimize your rights as a licensed, law-abiding Texan who has chosen a handgun as part of your personal protection strategy.

These groups are pressuring businesses to keep out all licensees, open carry or concealed. This is all under the guise of safety although licensees have a track record of being 15 times more law-abiding than the average Texan.

Please keep an eye on the anti-gun groups above and understand you have a hard-working, dedicated, clever enemy.
Please mark your calendar:

Support Texas Constitutional Amendment Prop 6 the Right to Hunt and Fish!

November 3rd General Election

Early voting will be October 19th thru October 30th 2015.

Also, members, we’re now officially in the campaign season and we have friends in high places who may be at risk for reelection. Please give to the PAC and re-new or upgrade your TSRA membership.

And as always,
Keep the faith.

Alice Tripp
Legislative Director
Texas State Rifle Association
the NRA state affiliate

About:The Mission of the Texas State Rifle Association is to protect and defend the inalienable rights of the individual Texan to acquire, possess, transport, carry, transfer ownership and enjoy the right to lawful use of firearms for self preservation, for the defense of family and property and the common defense of the Republic and the individual liberties of the people. Visit:

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DO NOT point to Australia (or Britain, France, etc) as an example of gun control effectiveness! It is vaguely true that Australia’s 1996 gun “buy-back” operation did result in slightly improved (decreased) numbers of murders in that country… over the next decade, the average number of murders dropped from 2,199 to 2,190 – about 9 fewer murders per year (a statistically insignificant and completely irrelevant number). Over 10 years, that meant a grand total of exactly 84 fewer murders than the previous decade. However, in exchange for that tiny decrease, overall violent crime (rape, armed robbery, armed assault, etc) and… Read more »


How about passing a bill demanding that everybody carry a gun, or stay home. That way everybody is on even terms, and leave the law abiding alone. Don’t keep pushing your choice off onto those who choose differently.


Who pushed to get rid of these signs? It wasn’t the TSRA. Try Texas

J Smith

Gun banners can just get the hell out of Texas.