Warren Agenda Displays Stupidity and Desire for Injustice

Sen. Elizabeth Warren has a grand scheme for guns and their owners if elected president in 2020. (Screen capture, YouTube, CNN)

Massachusetts/United States – -(AmmoLand.com)- Senator Elizabeth Warren is riding pretty high in the polls for the Democratic nomination – and that means we need to take her seriously. This includes her latest proposal to inflict injustice on those who seek to exercise their God-given right to keep and bear arm: A total ban on suppressors.

The reason for the ban, according to anti-Second Amendment extremists, is that suppressors make firearms more dangerous. That’s a lot of nonsense. If anything, suppressors are something that would enhance the safety of firearms for the nearly 100 million Americans who lawfully use firearms.

For a quick summary, loyal Ammoland readers should be aware of the Hearing Protection Act. This legislation, introduced in March of this year, sadly has no chance of passage, given the fact that anti-Second Amendment extremists are in control of the House of Representatives. Suppressors, when combined with other modes of hearing protection, would reduce the risk of hearing loss for those who exercise their right to keep and bear arms.

We have seen a big focus on making a number of sports safer for children and young people. Football has been a primary focus of this effort, but it has spread to other sports as well. Why not try to make the shooting sports safer for them as well, especially when it comes to protecting their hearing? Does Warren think that people deserve to lose their hearing because they like target shooting or hunting?

Warren’s agenda of injustice to law-abiding citizens goes beyond the absurd suppressor ban. It’s sweeping, and it does not address those who misuse firearms, it targets law-abiding citizens. It includes a ban on modern multi-purpose semi-automatic firearms, licensing, gun rationing, and a host of other unjust infringements.

Warren, though, does not stop with attacking the Second Amendment. She is also targeting the First Amendment. Her agenda includes emulating Andrew Cuomo’s unconstitutional attack on the National Rife Association. In addition, she is also targeting Wells Fargo, the one major bank in the United States that is resisting efforts to financially blacklist companies and organizations that help people exercise and defend our right to keep and bear arms.

To enact her agenda of injustice and to further empower an army of Lois Lerners, Warren also intends to end the filibuster for legislative measures and to pass new restrictions on the right to petition lawmakers for the redress of grievances. The filibuster is what served as a crucial backstop in stopping a ban on modern multi-purpose semiautomatic firearms in the wake of the 2012 Sandy Hook shooting.

It may be frustrating for Second Amendment supporters who want to see repeal, or even the first steps towards reducing the burdens on law-abiding citizens who wish to exercise their rights, but we should keep in mind that Warren’s desire for its elimination comes from a place that seeks to make it easier for her to strip our rights away. Prudence and a modicum of tactical and strategic competence dictate that we should ensure she does not get the chance to carry through on that threat.

As of this writing, the RealClearPolitics average of polls shows Warren is ahead in Iowa and New Hampshire, running a close second in Nevada, and is also second place in South Carolina. Second Amendment supporters need to be prepared to talk with our fellow Americans to convince them to support our agenda. This requires careful consideration of how we come across and which approaches we use to explain things to our fellow Americans.

Should Warren win the Democratic nomination in 2020, the stakes will be extremely high. Second Amendment supporters should work today to make sure her calls fall on deaf ears a year from now.

Harold Hu, chison

About Harold Hutchison

Writer Harold Hutchison has more than a dozen years of experience covering military affairs, international events, U.S. politics and Second Amendment issues. Harold was consulting senior editor at Soldier of Fortune magazine and is the author of the novel Strike Group Reagan. He has also written for the Daily Caller, National Review, Patriot Post, Strategypage.com, and other national websites.

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Wild Bill

@wjd, If there were really even an iota of native American blood in Pocahonky, then she would be vociferously anti-“gun control”. She’d rather walk a mile to tell a lie, than stand at ease and tell the truth.


Wild Bill, you got that right, she is a liar. The real Pocahontas would roll over in her grave if she could hear Warren`s lies.


Bill you owe me a beer. I spilled half mine and the other half came out my nose when I read that!

Wild Bill

@TLS, I’ll have one for you at the barbecue! And bring your barbecue pistol!


I was JUST THINKING THAT!! We disarmed them before we imposed tyranny on them… disarmament has ALWAYS PRECEDED TYRANNY

Wild Bill

There is a donkey, named Pocahonkey …
living a lie every day!
Lied on her applications to increase her remunerations …
She believes that is the American way!


Absolute poet and didn’t know it! 😉 Send it to the president for use in his next rally.

Wild Bill

@Fire, Let the Pres come here and read it! He could use some cultural proliferation.

Wild Bill

@USA, Naaaa, some probationary FBI newbie assigned to the JTTF.


Here’s a thought. Keep in mind that the current crop of idiots beating up on each other for the Democrat nomination represents the BEST AND BRIGHTEST that these people can muster and
put in the race. Frightening, that.


I heartily second that assumption! “Frightening,” however, is a definite FACT.


She is a proven nut cake and a true pathological liar. It is stunning that the “every day” democrats in our country are even looking at this worthless piece of shit as a viable candidate. It also shows the danger we have allowed ourselves to sink into as a country–death from within. She is simply not worth the air she breaths–an insane and dangerous nut cake supported by really dumb people.

Wild Bill

@jh45gun, she brings new meaning to the phrase “lying ass”!

Wild Bill

@OV, That is funny! Probably true!


@Wild Bill If you want to understand the mental prowess of those being funneled through the halls of higher education, then you need to understand this. (Read all the way to the end.) There was a young man who graduated high school in the upper tier of his class. He was brilliant at math, a star athlete, and was invited to state for his science project thesis. Getting a premier scholarship to a very prestigious university, the young man did his first year not knowing what to major in, so he got his core classes out of the way and… Read more »


@Wild Bill
Above I told you another Joke. Seems @wjd is still snowflaking on us after he couldn’t handle being asked to make a rational case for his personal attacks on others.



Wild Bill

@Rev, Most humorous!


@Wild Bill
And at the same time, frighteningly accurate.


That may have flown right over 90% of Liberals but was just plain funny! 🙂


Way back when, we new that USC stands for University of Spoiled Children. Guess that hasn’t changed.


Many contend that TJ’s (Thomas Jefferson) quote about “The Tree of Liberty,” is wrongly used; however, even taken out of context concerning ‘Shay’s Rebellion,’ Jefferson goes on to say in that letter, “What country before ever existed a century & half without a rebellion? & what country can preserve it’s liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms.” I have long contended that America has not been a “Constitutional Republic” since at least the Civil War. We have grown an over officious, incompetent, bloated sow,… Read more »


Democrats have revealed themselves as communist in nature, unlawful in action and Anti-Constitutional as their core value. Any of the aforementioned should be sufficient reason to disqualify them permanently from seeking any office.


They don’t really care about shooting deaths, all they really want to do is beat the NRA. Another demmo-dummie hate campaign, blindly changing laws to satisfy their desire to win at any cost. Ask Trump about it. He’s been dealing with it for 3+ years.


@jbfurby – some do, some don’t. Either party is a coalition of individuals and group with disparate goals, views, and understanding. My issue is with those who make such a cry over shooting deaths but totally ignore all other deaths.
Another article highlights this in discussion of RFL – which are praised for significantly decreasing suicide-by-gun in a pair of states where overall suicides have jumped considerably. Surely even “the woke” cannot see such hypocrisy as virtuous!


As a scientist who studies Human associated phenomenon, it’s abundantly clear the Democrats are predating on the less educated to get much of this unconstitutional legislation through. They are being paid to push these policies: by whom I would like to know? Harold: you could get to the bottom of this and write an article with substantiated facts to back up your hypothesis, I would be interested in knowing exactly who is responsible for funding all this unconstitutional legislation so we can confront these tyrants head on.


Recommend ‘picketing’ outside off the Anti-American George Soros’ joint. Been trying to bring the country to destruction, using his billions, for decades. Look him up, he is one “piece of work!”

Wild Bill

@Wagon, there is still an outstanding Russian Federation arrest warrant on Soros. We could be rid of him in an afternoon.




Just another Tyrant looking to seize power over the “Republic”


If you vote Democratic, for any reason — like that of “moderate” Tulsi Gabbard — then know that you’ve just elected someone who will last about as long as a snowball in Hell, before the left radicalizes them into their way of thinking — or else! And that’s a truth you can take straight to the bank. Why? Because once you’ve dipped a toe into that pond, the scum is sure to follow.


Harold, this was a really nice piece…..except for the fact that Republicans (note I didn’t say Conservatives) held both Houses previously. That would leave the looming question that you NEVER asked; Why didn’t they pass it then? Why didn’t they pass National Reciprocity then? Let me help you with that. When candidate Trump was running he promised he’d sign National Reciprocity the moment it hit his desk. However, President Trump, six months in to office said “National Reciprocity is dead”. He declared it dead because he had no further interest in it and, likewise, had no interest in the Hearing… Read more »

Xaun Loc

@Vanns40, you have to remember that Trump is on the side of whoever helped or offered to help him last. He is somewhat more receptive to the “Gun Lobby” than to the Anti-Gun crowd simply because he chose to run as a Republican based on his other views. Trump doesn’t know anything about guns — and really doesn’t care about guns beyond knowing that Gun Owners tend to vote Republican. Just like the general public (and far too many gun owners) Trump believes that the NRA magically represents Gun Owners. So far as Trump is concerned the NRA is good… Read more »


I’ll reply to both you & Firewagon: I’m well aware that Trump is a pragmatist. I’m also well aware that he panders to whomever he believes will get him what he wants. The problem is that 2A supporters, in large part, believe that Trump is a) pro-gun and b) must be supported blindly, no matter what. Both are false premises. Anytime you continuously tell a politician how great they are (as Trump has been told, over and over) you’re on a road to disaster, as the politician starts to believe it and has no further use for you, the voter.… Read more »


Hey Vann, you do make one or two favorable points; however, I believe you are ill-advised as to who/whom “the fear of God” needs putting into! This is the first president in my lifetime that is NOT being “engineered” by some lobbying, or corporate group, owes no allegiance to anybody, donates his salary to charity. Absotootly nothing “perfect” or possibly even “morally correct” about this ‘man;’ however, there are NONE righteous, no not one! I disagree with your analogy that we are about to “face a very real scenario” of some kind of ‘kicking the voter to the curb’ by… Read more »


Still too many Never Trumpers in the Republican Party! Trump is still better than the alternative! Our ONLY choice…Join the discussion…


@Happyjack Ok. Lets have a discussion then if that is what you really want. Tell me why you are ok advocating the lesser of two evils, admitting that you are electing based on the premise that both are bad, that both choices do harm. Are you ok settling for politicians who will betray you and infringe on your rights time after time, but get re-elected because “Hey, at least they aren’t that other side” or because “We cant get someone better because we need someone who can win.”? There is wisdom in what Vanns40 said. Vote for Trump if you… Read more »

Ansel Hazen

The two party system is just as corrupt as our election process and the justice system. We don’t get a real choice anymore. An actual person who cares about this country wouldn’t stand for the bullshit the mega donors demand and this is why we get candidates that waver in the breeze. I get where Happyjack is coming from because if he wants to play he has to hold his nose and check a box. We all need to realize our Founding Fathers were well aware this train could go off the rails. And they put some things in writing… Read more »


@Ansel Hazen Spot on. And yes, I too understand what the dilemma is for him. Where I am coming from is trying to get them to either defend their actions of DEMANDING other people give up their right to make a choice or be attacked and ostracized in the same way the Democrats attack us, or at least have the courage to take responsibility for themselves and stand behind their own choice without crying about how others aren’t joining them. I’m honestly hoping Happyjack was honest about having a discussion, though I think more likely he is just looking for… Read more »

Ansel Hazen

All you can do is try Rev. They will soon enough find out pencil lead in the voting booth is the wrong kind of lead. III% of 330 million is a large enough number to cast the votes that will save this country.


@Ansel Hazen

The only issue there is timing, and making sure those voting understand the constitution. Not the way they want to understand it, but understanding it based on what the founders intended. It is that distinction that will separate patriots from tyrants looking for an opportunity to enforce their will on others.



Patriotism has nothing to do with supporting one party or the other. It has to do with upholding the Constitution.

It’s too bad you continually run away from honest questions, and that you let the idea of people not letting you dictate to them what they must do agitate you to the point you spam “Trump/Pence 2020” comments out of fear for what it might mean, especially when not one of those people has ever tried to dictate who you should vote for.

I feel sorry for you.


Like I said, @wjd cant handle honest questions or an actual discussion. Seems he just cant help but prove it time after time. 🙂

Don’t worry, I’ll leave you alone for the rest of the night. No sense in making you fully melt.


@wjd – I do not think you are a Russian troll, but this is precisely the type of attitude they work to reinforce. By encouraging inflexible positions on all extremities, they build strife and discord in America. We are distracted by internal conflict to the point of leaving a worldwide power vacuum – which China and Russia are taking advantage of.
Your post above could be interpreted as vile and unpatriotic, or as run of the mill immature extremism. Either way, such attitudes are not helpful.


All well and good but totally irrelevant. What has he done for the Second Amendment? He’s talked a lot but done nothing positive, only negative. The fact that he has no allegiance to anyone is exactly why pro-gunners must be of one voice and be very clear that we will not tolerate ANY violation of our Rights.


May be a stupid pet peeve, but I hate when people use “quantum“ when they mean the opposite. Long ago (before WW II) scientists discovered a limit to how small changes can be. Quantum mechanics is the study of how those changes and how those limits effect the world on a macro scale. Put another way, “quantum” is SMALLER than “micro”. You cannot measure a quantum change because is is too small.


“….held both Houses previously….” You need remember that the “held” margin in the Senate was a razor thin +1. Ole John McCain, by defecting on killing the ACA, a.k.a. Obama Care Act, shot down the president’s campaign promise. There are far too many RHINO’s remaining in that GOP (Grand Old Putzes) outfit, along with several that have always been “Never Trumpers!” In this Senate, the ‘majority’ was increased in 2018, but I would not say adding the likes of another ‘Never Trumper’ in Romney is gaining anything – prolly just count him as a DemonRAT vote! I do agree, however,… Read more »


Scary thing happened on the way to where America is today. We have ‘allowed’ the Socialist/Communist whacks, like nearly EVERY democrat attempting to be the next “Leader of The (not so) FREE world,” to INDOCTRINATE our children with their ideology! They have accomplished this by infiltrating and ‘controlling’ what used to be our institutions of EDUCATION. There simply is no other explanation for multi-millions of ‘lemmings’ supporting a convicted out of her own mouth ‘criminal,’ in Clinton, and an ‘avowed’ Socialist/Communist in Sanders in that 2016 election. You attempt to show these ‘brainwashed’ lemmings those places where Socialism has been… Read more »


This is the first time I’ve heard/read that warren wishes to further limit our ability to pass new restrictions on “the right to petition lawmakers for the redress of grievances.” Sounds quite short sighted, given that when you stop listening to someone – it tends to go both ways. Americans seem to increasingly just do whatever is right while ignoring the laws and the government. However will they govern when no-one listens at all – of course they will fall back to ruling at the point-of-a-sword (or muzzle of an AR). Too bad for them that gun control failures will… Read more »


Fuck Elizabeth Warren, right up her stupid, ignorant, commie ass! The best thing about this poor excuse for an American, is she would not get one iota of monetary support from the big$$ Dim/libtard donors, as none of them can stand her pathetic bullshit, and they all know she has zero chance of beating DJT.

Deplorable Bill

There are laws that enslave mankind and there are laws that set men free. Her, the, socialist/communist demoncrapic proposals are not among those laws that set men free. This nation is founded on, is based on, sound Judeo/Christian law, precepts and mandates. Among them is the right and mandate to be armed with the assault weapon of the day, the right and mandate of self defense and defense of the innocent, the right to LIFE, LIBERTY and the PURSUIT of HAPPYNESS etc. Either what we hold to be right and good and true IS right and good and true for… Read more »

Green Mtn. Boy

You expect something different of a Marxist liar.

Ryben Flynn

Second place in SC? Well, Democrats really are stupid. Fortunately we’re a Red State so she won’t get any electoral votes from here if she is the nominee. The Dims are mainly around Charleston and Columbia.

Ansel Hazen

I think Harold you are completely off base. It’s been said the best defense is a good offense. I submit it’s time to start showing up in large numbers at places where liberals come together to spout their diarrhea looking very angry and scary. This country is too far down the rabbit hole to be saved at the ballot box.


Pocahontas has proven over and over again that she doesn’t have any common sense!


I think people who want suppressors and silencers banned watched to many movies lol. First thing all fire arms shoot faster than the speed of sound, so trying to identify the shooter by sound is almost impossible, especially at long distances. Second they dont make guns so you could walk in a building shoot and no one would notice. I dont understand these people, and thier agendas.


@maka, You know this, I know this, millions of firearms owners know this, the problem is that the millions of people that that DON’T. These are the people that are the problem, they are being brainwashed by the anti crowd with misinformation, false facts and falsified statistics. If people were actually informed of the truth some would be completely turned around on the subject of firearms.


Damn I must be still asleep, after reading your post again it looks like you’re one of the people that need to be informed of the truth…


I agree… and I do my best to educate these troglodytes in an enthusiastically censored society. Then I think… “it’s the duty of every American to know what’s going on around them. Its THEIR duty to protect their lives and the lives of their loved ones”. Then I see this for what it is.. a coordinated erosion of PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY that was instilled with the inception and proliferation of entitlist/welfare programs…. programs FUNDED BY “white nationalists”… formerly called Patriots, Founding Fathers, or simply CONTRIBUTORY AMERICANS…


That’s the problem… they are utterly clueless about the issues and items which they intend to legislate!! There are likely THOUSANDS of trained patriots that will be forced to act if tyranny in the form of Warren, Sanders, or any of these other socialists somehow SCAM their way into the Whitehouse. This is a coordinated effort. The House is trying to ensure Trump CANT run for reelection.. and these communists are trying to acclimate Americans to their plan for tyrannical oppression. Talking about this like it isnt the most heinous atrocity in this country in the last 250 years is… Read more »

Get Out

Let’s hope Warren handles rejection well because law abiding gun owners will probably disregard anything she proposes concerning gun control. She didn’t learn from O’Rourke’ pushback he got from gun owners when they offered for him to come take them.


Bat Shit Crazy Warren just announced her Medicare plan for all will cost taxpayers $52 TRILLION over ten years. Just another way to control taxpayers and grow the over bloated bureaucracy. Warren hates private plans as consumers control their our own health care – and like car insurance, these policies should cross state lines. Insurance companies then are compelled to tailor policies and pricing to be competitive, which creates better choices for the consumers, with savings being spent elsewhere, supporting the economy. A totally opposite concept from Warren’s Poobah! Warren will not be the dems choice as they know Independents… Read more »


EDITORS PLEASE TAKE NOTE. Ammoland.com is an almost daily break from other news, opinion and gateway sites (typically hit 6 + between early morning and night). Harold’s vacuous thoughts belong on another site.


Will, right on!

Wild Bill

@Harold, You be Jeff (the voice of calm, dispassionate, reasonableness). I’ll be Mutt.


Let’s drop the pretense about suppressors. WE know that it’s about hearing protection. But THEY don’t give a ratsass. THEY hide behind what they call “gun safety”, but in their (alleged) minds this can only be accomplished through confiscation. I’m sure THEY would be perfectly happy to know that someone’s hearing is damaged as a result of firing something that should not be owned in the first place.

Wild Bill

@OV, Well said and funny, too! 😉


I would think there is a way to send all of these Demorats packing for not doing what they took an oath to do. I wish the one that has the authority to do would get off his a double ss and get ur done.

Wild Bill

This just in: Betoe O’Bungler drops like dead fly from presidential race. John Cornyn offers to do the paperwork so that Betoe can be his opponent in the Senate race.


I suspect that yours, like mine, were never in any danger. And never will be; from Beto or any other like minded person.




I know. I was playing off you.


You said it brother!! The only positive that has surfaced with these unprecedented attacks is the unification of REAL AMERICANS.. PATRIOTS… THE PEOPLE UPON WHOSE BACKS THIS COUNTRY STRUGGLES ON… while millions of entitlist minorities/felons/illegal aliens/welfare recipients suck the lifeblood of this once great nation. The Tree of Liberty is looking parched

Deplorable Bill

And it’s likely going to be refreshed sooner or later depending on them denying our GOD given and mandated, constitutionally protected rights and freedoms. As far as I can tell, EVERY American who is of age and who is not in jail or the loony farm IS the militia. That infers the use and possession of military arms for the common man and woman. Just as in 1775, we are at the tipping point and it does look like history is about to repeat itself. I hope and pray that righteousness will win out before the blood of tyrants is… Read more »


I find it far more likely that she be picked as running mate by whichever candidate the democrats select.


If you are just now noticing this you are a moron!


@Oldvet The idea isn’t to find someone who is perfect. The idea is to find someone who is consistent and has integrity. No one should be viewed as perfect. I’ve made that argument before to people who want to place authority in the Supreme Court to decide what their rights are, and pointed to Thomas Jefferson saying men in robes are still just men. Sadly, there are few here who will listen. They claim to support the constitution and individual liberty, but the minute you tell them they do not have a right to dictate another individuals thoughts or actions,… Read more »


@Oldvet Then here is the solution. Those who want to vote, go and vote. Those who feel they cannot because of their principles, stay home. And neither side bother the other about it. The only thing I am doing is standing up for the rights of everyone under the constitution. Because I am willing to do that, and call out some individuals for being hypocrites when they violate the rights of others I am never going to get that pat on the back. But the great thing is I can look in those idiots in the eye and sleep fine… Read more »


@ Rev. I agree with you there is no such thing as a “perfect” person unless you include our lord and savior. I don’t think he would be interested in running this country. He would have to take drastic measures that mortals can’t do just to get it into shape.