Have the 1st Shots Been Fired in the Next American Civil War?

Civil Unrest
Have the 1st Shots Been Fired in the Next American Civil War?

USA –  -(AmmoLand.com)- Is the new American Civil War here?

For the last couple of years, I have been saying that we have been in a “cold civil war,” but it seems like it is becoming a hot war. On my old podcast (Patriot News), I predicted the next Civil War would start with small scale skirmishes around the cities and then would spread out to the suburbs and finally to the rural areas.

These events are what we are seeing around the country today. The flashpoint was the death of George Floyd that started rioting in Minneapolis after months of being locked in our homes. Democrats were quick to try to capitalize on the end of the man for their own despicable needs. They hate Trump so much that they would rather see the country burn than see our President Trump succeed. It was the perfect storm.

I also predicted that the Black Lives Matter movement would be co-opted by Antifa to push their Marxist values on the mainstream. Make no mistake, Antifa is a violent terrorist group hell-bent on overthrowing the federal government. They are opportunist that will use any cause to push their twisted agenda. They don’t care about black lives. They care about implementing communism in the country. They want to accomplish Stalin’s dream of the “Hammer and Sickle” flying over the White House. They hate our country and they hate our liberty and freedom. They want to control our thoughts and actions.

Democrats have embraced the far-left movement. Biden and Harris cover-up for the rioters and looters because that is a big part of their base of support. They blame “Boogaloo Bois” or rightwing groups such as Three Percenters and Oath Keepers for the crimes of the far left. Oregon Governor Kate Brown even had the gall to blame Patriot Prayer for one of their members being gunned by a violent Antifa member for just because he was a Trump supporter.

“We got a Trump supporter here,” a voice in the video can be heard saying in a video before shots rang out into the night.

Brown claimed that it was the Patriot Prayer’s fault for exercising their right to protest earlier in the day. Antifa terrorists celebrated in the streets as they left a man dying in the streets because of his hat. Brown did not mention that the far-left terror cell that has made Portland their caliphate. Maybe because she is on their side?

Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler blamed DHS for the shooting. He continued to reject Trump’s offer to help get his out of control city back under control. Wheeler is another liberal politician that is afraid of calling out the radical left even though they occupied his apartment building. He fears the people that pull the strings of these common thugs.

Another Antifa member and child rapist, Joseph Rosenbaum, attacked a young 17-year-old kid named Kyle Rittenhouse in Kenosha, WI, for trying to put out a dumpster fire. The Antifa members were planning on pushing the blazing dumpster into a police barricade. The 17-year-old was armed and could fight back. The child molester tried to take his rifle. Fearing for his life, Rittenhouse defended himself, killing Rosenbaum.

The angry Antifa mob started to chase Rittenhouse. He could have easily defended himself with his AR-15, but he decided to try to retreat to protect the lives of his pursuers. He ran down the street to get away until he slipped and fell to the ground. That is when domestic abuser Gaige Grosskreutz pulled his gun, but Rittenhouse got the first shot off ripping Grosskreutz bicep off his arm. Later Grosskreutz said he regretted not killing the kid.

Another serial abuser, Anthony Huber, attacked Rittenhouse by trying to beat Rittenhouse with a skateboard. We have seen an unarmed man beat into a coma by a man with a skateboard only a few weeks ago. The attack forced Rittenhouse to defend himself once again. Huber took a bullet to heart, and it dropped him dead. Rittenhouse had other rioters that were chasing him in his sights, but they stopped and put their hands up. Rittenhouse didn’t pull the trigger and retreated.

The liberal Kenosha County District Attorney Michael Graveley filed first-degree homicide charges against Rittenhouse even though it was very clearly self-defense. He insinuated that Rittenhouse was there to kill people. In a despicable move, Biden went on CNN and called Rittenhouse a white supremacist militia member. It didn’t matter that it wasn’t true. Biden had to double down since his running mate told people to stay out in the streets.

The stance is hurting Biden’s chances of winning the election against Trump in November. As it stands right now, Trump is closer to Biden in the polls than he was to Clinton. There is also Biden’s issue with the undercover Trump voter. A Trump voter is twice as likely to not tell the poll taker who they really are going to vote for in the fall.

If the debates happen, Biden will have to explain his rejection of law and order. I believe this is the real reason Democrats are asking him to sit out the debates, or it could because he has a hard time remembering where he is most of the time. Right now, Biden has been avoiding the press. Don Lemon even begged for the riots to stop because they are helping Trump.

I am not a conspiracy theorist, but the Biden campaign must know their stance on the riots is hurting them with the American people. Why would they stay on a course that is driving them towards the cliff? The only reason I can think of is someone or some group with a lot of money is refusing to let them take a stand against the violent anarcho-communist rioters that are plaguing the American streets. Maybe someone with the same goal as the Antifa members themselves.

It is not only Biden’s choice to abandon law and order. It is not only their call to defund the police making our streets more dangerous. It is about the buses that police stopped coming to Kenosha from Portland. It is about the paid protestors that harassed Rand Paul in Washington. D.C. It is about pallets of bricks found at protest sites. It is about the bail money being paid out to get the protestors out of jail. Who is paying the bill for Antifa?

Then we have the cover-up on Social Media. Facebook, Twitter, and Google have taken a stand against one side. The platforms are blocking supportive posts for Rittenhouse while letting Antifa organize their violent protest out in the open on their platform. Twitter banned Cassandra Fairbanks for supporting Rittenhouse.

Facebook also personally banned me for calling out their allowance of foreign election interference by the French press. The Agence France-Presse (AFP) was marking Kamala Harris’s anti-gun past as false even though it was reported accurate. The social media giant even marked her amicus brief as fake even though it was submitted to SCOTUS in the Heller case. Facebook banned me for life, effectively trying to remove me from the public square and take away my voice, but I will not back down.

GoFundMe pulled down the support fund for Rittenhouse’s defense. The fundraising site still has up the campaign for Jacob Blake. The police shooting that set off the Kenosha riots involved Blake, who was wanted on a warrant of sexual assault, refusing police demands and then reaching for something in his car. The police had no other choice than to shoot the wanted man. The NFL is going to put Blake’s name on their helmets. Just imagine his alleged victim being forced to see her rapist be raised to saint level.

My final question is, “What will happen in November after the next election?”

For the first time in my life, I do not see how we can get through the next election without violence. I am not talking about broken windows and looted stores in the cities. I am talking about the tipping point of the next American Civil War. I fear the enemies are at the gates. The battles will spill over to the suburbs.

They are preparing, so we must prepare as well. We must stand up for our kids, our country, and our Liberty. Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction, and I will not let it die in this generation.

There is no middle ground in this war. It is time to choose sides. We might not want to fight, but the fight is coming no matter what we want.


About John CrumpJohn Crump

John is a NRA instructor and a constitutional activist. John has written extensively on the patriot movement including 3%’ers, Oath Keepers, and Militias. In addition to the Patriot movement, John has written about firearms, interviewed people of all walks of life, and on the Constitution. John lives in Northern Virginia with his wife and sons. He can be followed on Twitter at @crumpyss, or at www.crumpy.com.

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Ah yes, the mighty “Book of Faces.”

Deplorable Bill

Agree . I hope that civil war doesn’t turn hot but I think it will, if not before then after the presidential election. I hope that people have been preparing for trouble on that scale. Food, water, guns and ammo etc. I don’t want trouble, I want peace and I want a peaceful life for my family. I love life therefore I will defend it. I absolutely will defend my family, friends and neighbors, co workers, the innocent guy on the street, myself and property. I am an old crippled vet. I can’t run or walk fast so if/when they… Read more »


It won’t be a civil war. It will be the second American revolution. Patriots will be in opposition to governments in liberal states that refuse to uphold the law and do the bidding of the domestic terrorists.


With you DB. Same OFWG poor health can’t run. What I can do is Pile the bodies high for the carrion. These Burn Loot Menace and Antifa types think because they’ve been allowed to play their games mostly without regard. Makes them tough. The problem is they’ve never seen the bodies bloated and rotting in the streets. Sure they may have shot at or even shot someone but they’ve never had to live with the carnage of death. They have No concept of all out War. I too do not wish for WAR for it is a horrible thing. Not… Read more »


I’ve got a trackhoe you can borrow to plant the new crop when it is harvested. I can use it well, but while I am O and W I am not F and G. So I like to think I’d be useful in more vigourous activites to further the cause. You will have to find a source for the diesel it drinks, though.


I have a bunch of hogs across the street.


I’ve tried my best to live a life with no regrets, Owned up to my failings and accepted the consequences of my own actions. For the most part I have but few regrets. But one big regret I do have is not getting into and staying in shape. After injuring my back 20+ years ago I just gave up making an effort to stay healthy and fit. I’m as ready as I can be (and then some), I can’t travel by foot, but I can make a stand if it comes my way.


Amen. I can’t run due to age, but I can still shoot. It’s been a good life, but I’m willing to do what’s necessary, so the Grandkids can be safe.




It finally clicked with the little woman last night, that yes its probably gonna get hot. I then explained that if they come across the river to my neighborhood, our best bet is to secure the children and hard point the church on the corner, brick, clear fields of fire and elevation for overwatch. I then explained that, the older less able cats (like yourself, Darkman and Chuck) would be best used to secure hardpoints like that. Whilst the younger, more able bodied ones like myself (early 30’s) would need to be able to function as a fire and maneuver… Read more »

Deplorable Bill

Amen, proper tactics, manpower and equipment. An elevated position is always a good idea. Force the rioters into a narrow corridor by means of terrain or other obstacles. Not only do you have home field advantage, you are also able to deal with a large group of terrorists. O.P’s and l.p’s. Are good ideas if you have the manpower. Noise makers like a soda pop can with a few rocks and fishing string and now you are alerted. If one must move you might try bounding overwatch. One person moves from cover to cover while the other stands guard ready… Read more »


Good ideas. I, personally, as a 60 year-old with a bad hip, and so slow moving, prefer a Designated Marksman Rifle. I can provide a base of fire for others to maneuver from. In my opinion, a DMR is a much better choice than anything belt fed for a base of fire, in the absence of constant resupply. A good semi-auto .308 will provide very good range and precision for taking distant targets under fire, while others maneuver againt the attacking force. And do so with a minimum of resupply. Or to cover choke points. In fact, just a few… Read more »


I, too, and way too old to fistfight or to run away. I will indeed stand and protect my family, myself, my home, and my community. I cannot do anything else (not and still live with myself).

Autsin Miller III

I appreciate your thoughts John. I hope you are wrong in your assumption. They said much the same thing in the sixties and then again in the seventies. Both times there was much more violence in the streets than we see now and somehow the nation managed to get past those times. My take on the left leaning radicals is that while well funded, there aren’t really that many of them. And they don’t appear to be all that tough, heck a terrified seventeen year old took out three with very little effort it appears. If Trump wins there certainly… Read more »


Except that in the sixties and the seventies the police took care of business. Now they are ordered to stand down. Prepare for the American Hiroshima on November 4th all over the USA (not just the inner cities) if Trump secures a second term.


Yes, there WERE riots, serious ones. in a few of the major cities. Fifteen blocks in LA were levelled by fire, except for the area where the Koreans were well prepared and willing to protect their own. The coward rioters made an informed decision to take their mayhem elsewhere. I lived a few miles away during that season, and except for the crazy flicks on the nightly news, I’d have never known. I now live in a VERY small city in the PNW and have seen the damage in this town from the riots. Had to reroute only once from… Read more »


Well said John! Hard to find an argument.
I also believe the war has started, doesn’t matter which way the election goes. There is one possibility that may make one small difference, take out the deep state treasonous crooks before the election. Just saying…?
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