U.S.A. –-(AmmoLand.com)- If Florida can pass Constitutional Carry over half the states in this Country would require no permit to carry a concealed gun. This is a great win for freedom, and it scares the hell out of the anti-gunners.
Mainstream media has already started a campaign of disinformation concerning constitutional carry.
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The New York Post thinks that if you let law-abiding Americans carry a tool to defend themselves, it will cause a surge in crime.
The Economist rolled the old trope of comparing carrying a gun to driving a car. They ask why every state requires a license to drive a car but not for owning a firearm.
The media likes to forget that the right to bear arms is enshrined in the Constitution.
These anti-liberty organizations are not just worried about a majority of Constitutional Carry states.
Upcoming Supreme Court decisions could rule that the “good cause requirements” in concealed carry laws violate the Second Amendment. That scares the hell out of the anti-gun zealots.
AmmoLand’s own Dave Workman looked into Constitutional Carry in states where it had passed. Workman found that multiple studies showed no increase in crime.
So, why are the anti-gunners pushing this false narrative?
The answer is simple. They are losing the battle.
25 states let Americans carry guns without any type of permit. If Constitutional Carry can pass in Florida, it could be the tipping point in making permitless carry the standard.
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The New York Post is no longer considered a conservative newspaper they have fallen hard and fast. NYC is a cesspool of crime hate and violence under democratic control.
the haters are democrats, there are still nice independents in nyc they are just treated as non people
I suppose you’re right, I no longer go to NYC. I don’t have to since retirement gave me that freedom. I go around NYC to visit family anfd friends still captive in Ct., I don’t even pass through the city.
I have a beach house on cape cod ,and go through white planes and the merritt parkway to avoid the city roundabout way to go but almost no nj ,have done I90 too but that was from out west , that would be a long trip from florida I 75 to I90 even I81 to I90 only time I go that far north is to visit family in vermont and either cross at rouses point or Ticonderoga have done the northway (i87) IN A WHITEOUT new york police officer was stuck with people at a food/fuel stop ,had to laugh… Read more »
I fully support Constitutional Carry in my State of Florida! And, In support our Governor Ron DeSantis! However, I will choose to keep my CCW license because it allows me reciprocity in over 30+ States.
Until the whole country goes Constitutional Carry, it’s the best option for me!
“Arm up and carry on!”
many people dont understand that constitutional carry fixes many problems with current laws ,if you can open carry there is no brandishing, under current law if you need to take out your gun you have to shoot or you are guilty of brandishing . most people dont want to shoot anyone but want to be able to send the thugs packing….they could call 911 and the police will send them to icu or morgue when they arrive or carry a gun and be willing to do what is needed
hippy and Ope,
Yep, both good reasons that I renewed mine, too.
it does mean you dont wait ,does not mean it is not run ,atf has been running every one they find that was not run, only sales not covered are person to person and that is only in some states we do have to be careful to get it right ,we have people from every state and territory here so we do our level best to let newbies know what they have to look out for……. I know stop being an old coot @Wild Bill we are older “wiser?” so we need to give best info or links there are… Read more »
not in every state
and so you are aware atf runs every one that was not run at time of sale when they do audits
Same here in GA keeping ccw
You still fill out the 4473. It still gets called in. You still have to wait until the “instant check*” comes back with a green light.
You are, however, exempt from the state’s 3 day waiting period and can leave with your purchase as soon as the federal background check clears.
*On one particular “Black Friday” weekend, that instant check took over 4 hours to clear. If you’re in a hurry, don’t buy a firearm around any big shopping weekend.
in some states and atf may have just changed that in their “new” rules it was one of the things on the whish list to make every one do background check so watch for that in your local state rules
the fbi made agreements with some states abut there ccw programs that would forgo nics checks every time, some do a check on your ccw every year and revoke based on outcome , so you have to keep up with your state and any you visit…pia
nics must have a white list too, I stopped to fill out 4473 with the idea of picking up the gun later in the week ,mine came back before I could get out the door, two ex police I know were there when I arrived and left with my gun, one said he had been waiting about 4 hours the only answer I had was I had 12 sets of 3 fingerprints taken for the job I did someone trusts me, scares the hell out of me they still have all that in a file, hoover set the fbi up… Read more »
I think in part it is the states that report better to nics that get treated different some states only update yearly some like florida is quarterly others is almost realtime military almost never
how sad is it federal government cant even report crimes or violations within their own framework, but we cant be trusted
no ,and i think it is the reporting issue about half of the states have some licenses that qualify as brady exempt full list is at atf https://www.atf.gov/rules-and-regulations/permanent-brady-permit-chart if you read the list it will leave you saying WHAT?
some states only. You’d think that wouid be true everywhere, but then you’d once more be thinking wrongly.
Da t’ing iz.. day wants da record of whut ya bought. For sum reesun er uther…..
Freedom scares the hell out of tyrants. It should!
no, a drivers license is not required to drive a car, anyone can drive a motorized vehicle on private property with the permission of the owner, doesn’t matter if you are drunk, underage, or have had your license revoked.
data/facts/statistics have no relevance to leftists tyrants, they do not care about them, whatever they say is factual. gun-free zones don’t work, gun control laws don’t work.
i don’t remember any prediction by the anti’s/left that have come true when it comes to firearms, or any other subject but at least they are consistent.
Sorry gregs. Not quite true. If you are in your car intoxicated on private property and you have your keys, the NAZI’s can and will bust you for intent. I know, it’s not right but the Scum get away with it!
you would have to be adjacent to a road or right of way
“The media likes to forget that the right to bear arms is enshrined in the Constitution.”
Its not that they forget. Its that they don’t believe it. Their view of the Consititution, the Bill of Rights, and the government established by them, is radically different from ours.
Its as if we were two different nations living within the same borders.
As if……
The left doesn’t recognize the Constitution it’s for christians and right wingers only
it is funny they consider the elimination of the criminal element from society a crime . just goes to show you can only fool someone so long, then they get mad
Freedom to the People!
We must never forget that the elected in Washington and the wrong president in power together can alter the constitution “example prohibition”. Which resulted in gangland crime politicians prospered along with the rich elites in upscale speakeasy. The problem today is that they have stacked the lower courts to expeditie changes that are temporary while some become stalled on the way to the supreme court. In that short term we all pay for the democrats tracheary. Our freedom to own firearms is always a topic for Democrats We can never forget that other countries and their people have suffered the… Read more »
and courts packed with leftists slow the progress and increase cost of keeping our rights
3 conservative judges on 9th find for rights, whole court says rights are not rights but granted privileges, who made you King???????? here have some koolade
YOU and THE PEOPLE can unseat judges if they are violating law.
Democrats never get convicted
Thanks to Obama
No, the PROBLEM TODAY is men have allowed themselves to be emasculated by the feminist regime, gave way to sports and booze or drugs and weakened their posture as citizens with backbone! APATHY will NEVER win your battles.
I really wish people would stop calling it constitutional carry. Constitutional carry doesn’t exist anywhere in the US or its territories. Some states have permitless carry but every state and the federal government still dictate who, what, when, where, and how you are “allowed” to carry. Leading people to believe that bearing arms with infringements is somehow constitutional is disinformation.
Vermont did have have real constitutional carry, went to many a town meeting where about half were armed, think the change started under dick snelling before him spoke on a bill in mont peculiar (yes intended poke) only question I got was cocked and locked or empty chamber (1911)
Mississippi has half (open) Constitutional Carry.
It means that the Mississippi Constitution protects Open Carry but not Concealed Carry. To carry concealed, you are under the control of the legislative agenda. They may tell you when and how to carry concealed, or that you may not carry concealed, and that may change with each legislative session. There is a new rash of “Constitutional Carry” laws enacted by the legislature that “allow” you to carry without a license, but the Open Carry position of the Mississippi Constitution means that you can carry openly without the legislature’s permission, and that “shall not be called in question”. Thus, half… Read more »
have to have a permit for concealed carry ,but anyone who can have a gun can open carry , it is useful for hunting ,no bs for pistol on your hip
In Texas I can go to Austin and walk into my state capitol to visit representatives carrying concealed or open carry. I just walk through the ARMED entry.I consider THAT as protected by the Constitution, hence CONSTITUTIONAL CARRY.
Are you not aware of all the restrictions Texas has on bearing arms?
and that is how it should be
they are going nuts over court overturning federal grab of states rights (rowe)
People will attempt to control your life through any means that they can. The government is one of their primary tools. “Constitutional Carry” is the buzzword of the day. Just ignore these distractions, strap on your weapon, and live your life.
what branch were you?
I worked Army Corps of Engineers, testing.
this is my weapon this is my gun basic stays with you
especially some of the jargon
“Just ignore these distractions, strap on your weapon, and live your life.”
First, I’d like to see LEOs state:
“Just ignore these distractions, strap on your wapon and live your life. We will not enforce these unconscionable laws that prohibit you from legally doing so.”
How many times have you carried on the NYC subway? The Chicago L? The Los Angeles Metro Rail?
all the places a pistol or taser are really needed , and people should know tasers dont work on every buddy and drugs mitigate their effect
Yes, and all are places where your life will be ruined (or ended) if you “just ignore these distractions, strap on your weapon, and live your life” and you get caught.
and they are the places that ignore federal law even ex law enforcement from other states or federal have problems with them
I have not been everywhere. I have open carried on State Tax Collector property with no-weapons signs and walked past the security guard with no conflict. I have worn open in my State Legislative House. I have worn open in my County Court House. I have arranged to have the deputies hold my weapon for me while attending jury duty. I have worn open to my Board of Supervisors meetings. I have stood in door ways with my foot holding the door open and discussed my wearing of my weapon with police and business owners. I have asked nice people… Read more »
If only more than a handful of LEOs would not arrest people for carrying where it is illegal to do so, more “civilians” would do what you want. I also live in an area where carrying is not a problem. However, I’m not going to suggest people in other areas just strap on their gat and go about their business. If you want to follow your own advice and go to one of the three locations I described above you will see why your advice, for a large percentage of the population, will not turn out well. Make sure you… Read more »
Reply on hold – if you try open carrying in one of the three locations I mentioned and stand next to a LEO, please report back on your experience.
A large percentage of Americans will have their lives ruined (or ended) if they follow your advice.
Well, let us talk about this. Why can we not approach those areas and people as our own group? Over time, we can move closer, and closer. These people can be conditioned, but you have to apply steady pressure over time. We can identify a pressure point, and meet there, you and I and some others, once a year, and enjoy a good meal afterwards, not in jail. I have done it Locally, We can do it Nationally.
I suggest you go (unarmed) with me first so I can show you the lay of the land. I think you may change your mind.
Meanwhile, why don’t we make it clear to LEOs that if they arrest people for carrying, they will be totally ostracized from their community. What do you think?
I can not go unarmed. My body will not respond. I look down and my weapon is strapped on. I don’t think it is possible. But I would like to meet up with some people some time. I am in Mississippi. I can fly private but not commercial. I can drive. Trains seem to be a problem. If only we were free…
Ok. All I ask is that you stand a few feet away from me. We can meet in Chicago and ride the L around and see how long it takes before numerous police (with poor firearm skills and scared out of their minds) are pointing guns at you and screaming vulgar and contradictory “commands” at you. Seriously, I wouldn’t want any Ammoland commentors to have their life ruined or ended. I encourage you to test the environment in a way that does not put you at unnecessary risk. I carry a firearm to mitigate the risk of my life (or… Read more »
Another thing that drives them BAT CRAP MAD is guns save more than 3 million lives every year!
And the Wild Wild West would be bad in Chicago & other States ? At least they would have a fighting chance. As to being executed by thugs.
if the police dont have the will to drive the criminals out the people should be able to
What should the people do when the police become the criminals, like with the Thugees in what is now India??
reason I have a 50 no body armor stops api , I worked dea in miami,and south america I have seen bad criminal police and military the zetas of mexico were trained at the us training bases here as counter narcotics …well armed well trained criminals best training in the world .. to be safe you need superior numbers intelligence weapon systems .. or be invisible . I traveled in Colombia and was ignored by farac and the usdfc , I did get shot at to be sure but I am here 50% luck 45% training 5% instinct that little… Read more »
Yes, 50 BMG and Armor Piercing Incendiary ammunition. Even a small group of people can control whatever type of Putin takes over our streets with these things. Don’t forget the big press, brass, powder, projectiles and primers. I do have some concern over the skull squeezing caused by my muzzle break. I can feel my head returning to normal size after every shot. Os raf on lli stceffe.
Example of Government control under the democrats Crime courtesy of a democratic president and world war one Thomas Woodrow Wilson was an American politician and academic who served as the 28th president of the United States from 1913 to 1921. A member of the Democratic Party, The 18th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution–which banned the manufacture, transportation and sale of intoxicating liquors–ushered in a period in American history known as Prohibition. Prohibition was ratified by the states on January 16, 1919 and officially went into effect on January 17, 1920, with the passage of the Volstead Act. Prohibition was difficult to… Read more »
“They ask why every state requires a license to drive a car but not for owning a firearm.”
I happen to agree with this question. Why do I need government permission to operate my vehicle that I was taxed on when I bought, and taxed to operate it, on roads I am also taxed on to maintain. This is a question that really should be asked.
Who said it was a privilege? Did the Founders need a license or permission to drive a carriage or a horse? I don’t think they needed one even back in King George’s England.
If you had money
there was taxes on carriages and horses, personal property tax has been around a long time it is part of what started the conflict with the government in 1700s
‘Disinformation ” ; statements from the unAmerican (D) left and Federal Govt. Depts. should be construed as what they are,…..LIES .
As a resident in the highly restricted state of NJ, I would like “constitutional carry” too. However, for me and the throngs of citizens in those highly restricted states, “shall issue” would be most satisfactory. In the politics of gun rights advocacy, striving for “constitutional carry”, while assuming that if enacted over a majority of US states, it would carry over to those restricted venues, is foolish. First, advocate for “shall issue”, then, if approved through SCOTUS (hopefully), talk about “constitutional carry”, or whatever you want to call it.
Settling for “shall issue” just makes you guys a bunch of pussies. MEN, with BACKBONE stand for, fight for and DEMAND Constitutional Carry and settle for NO LESS! So, put on your big boy pants (Or panties if that is the case), form a coalition and STEP UP! Dethrone the tyrants that are denying YOU and your citizens their rights, and INSTALLL Constitutional Carry. The tyrants are only in power because you guys cower and ALLOW IT!
And don’t bother trying to enlist the aid of the NRA. They helped write most of the gun control laws we suffer under. Try GOA – they actually defend your gun rights, they don’t “compromise” them away.
Strong words. Now tell Wass how to convince the majority of the NJ populace that gun control is unconstitutional and those politicians that they have been keeping in power, are not there for the benefit of the People.
Strategy & tactics. Remember the old saw of how to eat an elephant: one bite at a time.
I agree that success is more likely for you if you fight for shall issue. Then antis will lose what footing they have when NJ looks like other states with crime rates falling. Thereafter you can pursue constitutional carry. Just because your state is backwards, does not mean the rest of us should hold back. In fact, lack of crime in constitutional states should provide you with some of your best ammo to wage the war for your own rights. For now beat them over the head with crime rates stats like relative conviction rates of licensed carriers versus police.… Read more »
I think a good part of the ccw people having less mistakes is they do not have the protection police have so they are careful in their actions