Congress Wants to Cripple Our 2nd Amendment ~ VIDEO

Washington, DC – -( I’m Dan Wos, and welcome to another Ammoland News Second Amendment Update.

Obama advisor Rahm Emanuel once said, “You never want a serious crisis to go to waste.” And gun-grabbing politicians live by that mantra.

Since the senseless acts of violence in Buffalo, NY, and Uvalde, TX, Democrats have smelled fresh blood and they are exploiting the tragedies in an attempt to pass a dream list of gun control packages. Moreover, turn-coat Republicans are on board with these proposed draconian bills. Here is a quick rundown of this attempt to cripple our Second Amendment.

Red or Yellow (its all the same) Flag Gun Confiscation

The most likely item to pass both chambers of Congress is a bill on red flag laws or extreme risk protection orders (ERPO). Sidney Blumenthal and RINO Lindsey Graham have been working on a proposal as we speak. They can call it a yellow flag laws, but it will still be a red flag gun confiscation bill.

The threat of red flag legislation reaching the President’s desk is extremely high. These laws violate an individual’s right to due process.

21 to Buy Guns

Raising the age to buy rifles to 21 is also likely to pass out of the House. The bill has some support from weak-kneed RINO Republicans in Congress. Overcoming the filibuster will be hard, although Democrats might be willing to drop other legislation as a “compromise” to get this bill passed.

Unenforceable Safe Storage Laws [fly in titles]

Safe storage laws are another measure that has out-of-touch Republicans’ support. There will be immense pressure put on Republicans by Democrats in the Senate and anti-gun groups to back this bill.

Bump Stock Ban Redo

A bump stock ban is also in the works. The ATF has already banned the controversial item by changing the definition of a machine gun, but that is on shaky ground legally. If the Supreme Court takes up the case brought by Gun Owners of America, that ban could be knocked down. Any new law like this will fight a tough uphill battle. The bill’s language will likely include expanding the ban past just bump stocks to other types of trigger devices such as binary triggers. Are belt loops next!?

Serialize Everything

Another proposal on the table would require serializing all unfinished firearm frames and 3D printed “ghost guns”. A bill will probably pass the House in some form, but we believe this will be stopped in the Senate. Even if a bill does pass, it would be unenforceable.

Now let’s get to the proposal that Democrats will almost assuredly introduce!

Standard Magazine Ban

A gun magazine ban has been batted around that would ban all standard magazines holding more than ten rounds. Most don’t believe that a proposal like this can make it through the Senate and might be a sacrificial lamb to pass other less extreme bills. But this is one the left, really, really wants.

Assault Weapons Ban… the Sequel

The second sacrificial lamb proposal is a 1994-style “assault weapons ban.” This piece of legislation has been a wet dream of Democrats for years. Dianne Feinstein has introduced this bill multiple times, and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has also thrown weight behind a ban. Biden wants this legislation on his desk, but we don’t see Republicans letting a bill pass in the Senate. We see this as a negotiation piece of legislation. But you never know if the anti-gun politicians will be able to dig up the votes to pass a bill.

Everything Gets a Background Check

The final piece of legislation is universal background checks. This proposed law has been a goal of Democrats for a very long time. The anti-gun side will be sure to bring this up, but the chances of it passing in the Senate is slim, although it could pass the House.

We need to pressure our legislators not to bend a knee to the anti-freedom coalition and you need to be calling your representatives.

Tell us what you think in the comments below and share this video with your family & friends to help support AmmoLand News, America’s oldest Second Amendment news outlet.

About Dan Wos, Author – Good Gun Bad Guy

Dan Wos is available for Press Commentary. For more information contact PR HERE

Dan Wos is a nationally recognized 2nd Amendment advocate and Author of the “GOOD GUN BAD GUY” series. He speaks at events, is a contributing writer for many publications, and can be found on radio stations across the country. Dan has been a guest on the Sean Hannity Show, NRATV, and several others. Speaking on behalf of gun-rights, Dan exposes the strategies of the anti-gun crowd and explains their mission to disarm law-abiding American gun-owners.

Dan Wos

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with a democrat you know what you are voting for. with a republican, not so much any more. when you have spineless rino’s like little marco and rick scott, both of whom say they support the 2A but in reality are as restrictive as leftists on firearms freedoms it is virtually useless to contact them, but i still do if nothing but to annoy them and their staff. their form letters always say they support 2A but some laws/restrictions are required to prevent these mass shootings. they never respond to questions asked, therefore are worthless. how about we restrict them… Read more »




Today they are going to institute bans and they will not stop here until the 2A is gone so they can make this country like Venezuela


The “political elite” I think that is a good way to describe those looking to remove our freedoms. They have been using fear to make Americans follow their ideologies. The Political elite have gone unchallenged for many years building a web called the deep state. The political elite are driving the news cycle as the media is under their control. The elite also have deep ties to social media it is there most dangerous weapon. A close friend asked me why are republicans not fighting as dirty as the democrats are in 2020. That question I still have no answer… Read more »

Green Mtn. Boy

Leftist anti Constitutionalist’s will never stop attacking Americans Constitutional rights in their zeal for a imagined Marxist utopia. They have to do away with civilian gun ownership in order to see their agenda come to fruition, what is currently taking place on a right which “Shall Not Be Infringed” is yet another step in that direction. The founders warned of this and yet most Americans payed it no heed to infringement after infringement and the Left will never quit. How did Mr./Dr. Franklin put it,“Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty… Read more »

Miserable Wretch

Been writing my politicritters. I suggest you do the same.

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