Scot Faulkner summarizes the origins and history of Islamist terrorism – and offers a possible solution to this growing threat: an Islamic Council of Nicea, similar to the religious council that…..
How to End Radical Islam

America’s oldest Second Amendment News outlet.
Scot Faulkner summarizes the origins and history of Islamist terrorism – and offers a possible solution to this growing threat: an Islamic Council of Nicea, similar to the religious council that…..
Islamics are aggressively taking over all of Europe, and they’re doing it via well-planned and executed terrorist attacks on non-Moslems, particularly American tourists.
Despite all the empurpled speeches & phoney tough talk, as a nation we’re obviously still not serious about this advancing Islamic threat…
It’s the type of low-hanging fruit bust that gets sensational headlines, even if the actual level of threat deterred is uncertain at best. Khalil Abu-Rayyan, 22, is alleged to have been…..
Bloodthirsty Daesh Islamists posted notes through the doors of dozens of random neighbours in several cities across Sweden, including the capital Stockholm, threatening to murder…..
Civilian populations, over here & in your country, are neither prepared emotionally, trained in any way, nor equipped to defend themselves. We are defenseless, mostly by choice…
Upon learning of an assassination plot, Pamela Geller said in an interview with CNN, “They targeted me for violating Sharia blasphemy laws. They mean to kill everyone who doesn’t do their bidding…..
The ISIS enemy flag can be seen flying on the front lines, but Louis and the Christian Dwekh Nawsha do not plan to back down…
Curiously, Europe’s notorious anti-gun laws don’t seem to apply to Islamic jihadis…
France has obviously forgotten chapters of their own history. The only difference is that now Islamists want all of France, in addition to their own country…
Seems Islam has never been anything more than an ever-expanding system of brutal slavery, masquerading as a “religion”…
Most cartoonists and publications in the world appear to be cowed by the Jihadist attack on Charlie Hebdo that left 12 dead….
It has been alleged that France has gotten soft and is losing good order and discipline over its population…
The real hero is editor Stephane Charbonnier, Le Monde editors advised him to tone-down his cartoons, so not to “offend” Moslems. He declined, saying, I’d rather die on my feet than live on my knees..
I would give long odds that it was a Smith and Wesson 5946 in 9mm. They come with 15 round magazines. I doubt that the RCMP used the politically correct 10 rounders…
Those among us who are, by choice, untrained and unarmed need to look at themselves in a mirror and repent of their stubborn unwillingness to squarely face ugly
Islam’s self-stated purpose is to dominate and govern all men and their affairs through its religious teachings. Its followers are permitted to realize this goal by any means possible
Islam ability to find “useful idiots” is truly frightening…