How can a legislation that doesn’t mention firearms be a serious threat to the Second Amendment?
Below The Radar: Counseling Not Criminalization in Schools Act

America’s oldest Second Amendment News outlet.
How can a legislation that doesn’t mention firearms be a serious threat to the Second Amendment?
Albuquerque Mayor Keller claims they can ignore the Second Amendment and New Mexico Constitution by declaring public spaces as schools.
Not content to disregard the Second Amendment, the collectivists are bent on subverting the First (and more).
Two young men make threats. One is bullied for months. He brings a knife to school. He fatally stabs the other in a fight; ruled justified Self Defense.
Both Precision and Defensive Academies were extremely busy this past month at the Whittington U. We offered multiple courses in each of the Schools with over 70 people trained!
For almost thirty years, I have taught climate science at three different universities. What I have observed is that students are increasingly being fed climate change advocacy as a surrogate…..
Joshua Bruner speaks out about his passion for shooting and love for his country following his school’s ban on his gun-toting, flag-waving assignment photo.
Registration is now open for the National Rifle Association’s Precision Long Range School, with classes available July 2-3, Aug. 13-14, and Sept. 3-4, 2016, at Peacemaker National Training…..
Outdoor Nation, a national initiative that connects college students and their communities to the outdoors, has officially opened its 2016 Campus Challenge registration — inviting colleges to…..
The Whittington U’s Practical Pistol I Course is the Introductory to Intermediate level Defensive Sidearm instruction that focuses on the Everyday Implementation of the Firearm Tool into our lives.
The WU Defensive Training Area is an extremely unique training opportunity for the everyday integration of the defensive firearm.
Colleges usually take great pride in proclaiming their “diversity” and “inclusiveness,” but simply wearing a tool of his trade was cause enough for one uniformed police officer to be…..
The scheduled courses for the 2016 training season are filling up at the Whittington U.
On wednesday, Jan. 20th, the NRA e-blasted the following NRA-ILA alert here in Wisconsin…
Today, too many college campuses are not safe. They are “Gun-Free-Zones” where murderers, rapists, terrorists, and robbers commit crimes without fear of their victims defending themselves with a…..
A Michigan judge upheld the right of people with concealed carry permits to carry guns in schools. To be legal, the guns have to be carried openly.