USA –-(Ammoland.com)-
An accomplished filmmaker trying to raise funds to produce a documentary on the Fast and Furious “gunwalking” scandal got a big boost Tuesday when the project was featured on the Breitbart.com “Big Hollywood” website.
“Colo.-based Michael McNulty has been watching the media give scant attention to the scandal, one which involves U.S. letting arms cross into Mexico as part of an anti-gunning running probe and has GOP officials scrambling to get Attorney General Eric Holder to reveal all the information behind the matter,” Christian Toto reported.
“Now, McNulty has had enough,” Toto writes. “The filmmaker, who won an Emmy for his ‘Waco’ documentary, is back behind the camera because, as he puts it, the press has failed to do its job.”
Gun Rights Examiner readers were introduced to McNulty’s “Blood on their Hands” project on April 25, when this column reported on the effort’s launch. A follow-up was published on May 2 to report on McNulty’s appearance on the nationally-syndicated Armed American Radio program, where McNulty informed host Mark Walters that this correspondent would be working with him as an associate producer on the film in an interview that can be listened to by clicking on this link.
McNulty has established a fundraising page using the Kickstarter funding platform for creative projects, and also posts updates on his Citizens Organization for Public Safety (COPS) blog.
About David Codrea
David Codrea is a long-time gun rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament. He is a field editor for GUNS Magazine, and a blogger at The War on Guns: Notes from the Resistance. Read more at www.DavidCodrea.com.