New Jersey –-( OK, I often get requests asking me “How can I help”? As many of you who participate on our Facebook Group Page and Website already know, NJ2AS member and Chairman of the “SHOWS” Committee – James Kaleda has been especially active in promoting our mission through helping to staff shows and other projects.
I would like you all to consider how you might take some of the weight off his shoulders by participating in the following projects.
I urge you to contact James at [email protected]. He has been involving himself in projects that go far beyond his scope of his responsibilities and is looking for members who are interested in taking over some of the following responsibilities. I urge you to give him your support.
NJ2AS Store
- ) someone to make the cafepress store match our website/look better.
- ) someone to work with to get a store going with them for larger sizes and outerwear possibly all the clothing and just leave the cups and stuff with cafe’ press
Writing contest
- help to initiate and oversee an Essay Writing Contest
- About a week or so after I do the launch I need a volunteer to monitor [email protected] answer questions, and generally respond as necessary. It should be mostly deal with mundane questions until after the contest.
- a volunteer to cold call the people I email about promoting the writing contest, follow up and ask if they will promote the contest etc ( I will have a list)
Events One person to take over would be nice, alternatively 3 volunteers to do this and I will oversee and problem solve.
We could use a go2theshow box coordinator. Responsibilities would include:
- get the box from the last person who had it, and get it o the next person who needs it.
- Deposit the money
- Refill the box with flyers shirts etc
- I could use a volunteer who can scour the earth for events. Not that we want to attend them all but they keep turning up last minute … we want to know sooner. Then fill out forms send back and get us signed up
- Table worker coordinator, send back and forth emails to volunteers coordinating passes, arrival/departure times, and making sure we have enough volunteers
Next steps – It would be helpful if we can find some volunteers to either spearhead these or take over once I get them started.
Shoot-n-social – (I’m thinking Feb 2013) One needs to be planned for south jersey maybe at south jersey shooting club
Pot luck dinners fund raisers – (as soon as we have volunteers) NRA has expensive fundraisers we being grass roots I thought we could have pot lucks. We need members to volunteer to host a potluck dinner then everyone brings dish and $5 🙂 for a donation
NJ2AS motorcycle run – (aug/sep 2013) Need a volunteer to organize this event where we meet at 3 places throughout the state and ride to a central location (maybe SJSC)
NJ2AS 5k for 2A practice your run and cower- (june/july 2013) I need to talk to you about sponsors for an event like this … I thought we didn’t want paid sponsorship, but it seems I may have been wrong about this?
NJ2AS target holders for Clinton Range – (soon-ihs ) Donate disposable target holders with NJ2AS logo’s to clinton range
NJ2AS mail in shooting contest – (Jan 2013)I had the target designed need quotes on printing and then your approval. I think we will see increased awareness and revenue from this. Need a volunteer to receive targets, answer questions about the contest, gather the highest scores for verification, announce monthly winners, post rankings for annual contest, etc
Please contact James directly at [email protected] if you would be interested in helping him bring some of these project to fruition. We need your participation if we are to increase the number of individuals concerned with 2A/RKBA. These projects are one way to accomplish that goal. We are open to additional suggestions.
Thank you, Frank Jack FiamingoPresident – NJ2AS
New Jersey Second Amendment Society – Our mission is to promote the free exercise of Second Amendment rights within the community and Legislature of New Jersey, to educate the community regarding the enjoyable, safe, and responsible use of firearms, and to engender a sense of camaraderie and fellowship among the members and their families. Visit: