The ways in which the three branches of NJ government conspire to infringe upon our right to keep and bear arms is alarming and many times overwhelming. So I Say FORGET ABOUT IT…
NJ Gun Laws – ‘Forget About It’

America’s oldest Second Amendment News outlet.
The ways in which the three branches of NJ government conspire to infringe upon our right to keep and bear arms is alarming and many times overwhelming. So I Say FORGET ABOUT IT…
All we are asking is that anyone wishing to own a swimming pool be required to take swimming lessons and a life-saving course prior to owning a pool on their private property…
President of the New Jersey Second Amendment Society was recognized by the Second Amendment Society & the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep & Bear Arms as the Gun Rights Activist of the Year…
The New Jersey Second Amendment Society is launching a Nationwide effort to save Ms. Allen from a mandatory minimum 5 year prison sentence for owning a legal gun…
This is a great opportunity to get potential Second Amendment supporters to join NJ2AS. As you know, Veterans are some of the STAUNCHEST Supporters of the Second Amendment…
The opposite of independence is dependence. Into whose hands are YOU willing to surrender your life? Even most religions will admonish you that God helps those who help themselves…
The main objective of this article is to emphasize the critical importance of participation in a participatory Constitutional Republic…
The battle for RKBA in NJ continues. The NJ2AS needs many more individuals to contribute their knowledge and expertise. Most of all, we need Organizers, Analysts and Soldiers…
Three years ago we began a quest to obtain a copy. It started out simply enough. We wrote to the then head of the NJSP Firearms Unit and asked for a copy. We were denied….
Gun banners and Freedom haters are not wasting any time putting that Bloomberg money to use staging events all over New Jersey touting the documentary “Shell Shocked” by John Richie…
Along with more than 3,000 patriots and supporters, several executive members of NJ2AS attended the Connecticut Citizens Defense League, Gun Rights Rally at the State Capitol in Hartford, Ct…
If these bills become law, New Jersey will create an entirely new class of criminals of formerly law-abiding individuals…
We petition you to use the powers of your office to oppose bills A2006 and S993 simply because it is the correct thing to do…
This is a special designation that must be earned. We believe that the litigation that Jeremy brought against Paterson, NJ’s arbitrary gun permit forms deserves this recognition…
It is time to make a commitment, not to me but rather to each other, that you will do what you can to donate your time, talent and money to the NJ2AS so that we can continue to further the mission we all believe in…
It is no surprise to anyone who has been paying attention that New Jersey is controlled by a powerful Gun Control Cartel…..
NJ2AS President Frank Fiamingo has been invited to attend The Second Amendment Foundation 28th Annual Gun Rights Policy Conference in Houston, Texas from September 27-29, 2013…
Dear Governor Christie, With all due respect, in the state of New Jersey the average law-abiding individual has no ability to exercise the right to bear arms…
Frank joined with hosts John & Michael Willett to discuss the recent history of NJ2AS, with emphasis on the organization’s role in working to defeat the most recent crop of anti-gun legislation…
Last Friday afternoon, Governor Christie vetoed the three most offensive gun ownership restrictions passed by the New Jersey Senate and Assembly this year…
Rich will be taking on the duties as the person with the overall responsibility of running the organization…
I understand that Sheila Oliver believes that the Constitution of the United States of America is irrelevant. She has said so. She believes that it is outdated…
The ultimate question in this case is why should an individual be required to demonstrate a “need” in order to exercise a fundamental, constitutional, right, here in New Jersey???
It all started with 10 people sitting around a kitchen table. We now boast multiple thousands of members and supporters and are one of the most active 2A/RKBA groups in New Jersey…
This video clearly demonstrates the UNETHICAL behavior of New Jersey Assemblyman Charles Mainor, the chairman of the LAW & PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE…
The May monthly meeting was held on May 15 in Newton, NJ, Sussex County. President Frank Fiamingo spoke about the importance of persisting even when progress seems to be stalled…
Thanks to everyone that has been Tweeting. We have generated THOUSANDS of Tweets that have been seen by THOUSANDS of people. Keep up the great job…
Since they do not understand our RIGHTS nor hear our JUST GRIEVANCES, political pain may be the means that WE THE PEOPLE have at our disposal to accomplish our goals and make them pay with their political careers…
On Thursday May 2, 2013 the NJ State Senate will be Hearing additional Anti Gun Legislation with the hope we will not be able to mount another large protest that day too…
This is our opportunity to be heard on a topic that is CRITICAL to New Jersey’s RENEWAL as a LEADER OF THE UNION. I hope to hear from you all this Saturday…