USA –-(Ammoland.com)- The long-awaited memoir of the legendary soldier, journalist, adventurer and publisher whose career alternately inspired and appalled an entire generation of Americans, is now available from Casemate Publishers as an Audio Book ( https://tiny.cc/fbr9fx ).
Check out Col. Brown’s recent NewsMax interview.
I AM SOLDIER OF FORTUNE Dancing with Devils By Lt. Col. ROBERT K. BROWN (USAR, ret.) with Vann Spencer 408 pages, 32pp color photos, ISBN 978-1-61200-193-7, 6×9 cloth, $29.95, July 2013It was at the end of the Vietnam War—in which Robert Brown served as a Green Beret—that the U.S. military suffered a severe decline in both capability and morale. In fact, the U.S. seemed to be in retreat on every front, its martial spirit eroded, and hundreds of thousands of soldiers discredited for the loss of a conflict that their honorable valor had striven to win. It was into this slough of despond that an upstart publication emerged—Soldier of Fortune magazine—and suddenly an entire generation of warriors had regained a voice.
Under Brown’s leadership, SOF’s teams of soldier/journalists crisscrossed the globe, cameras in on hand and guns in the other, reporting on conflicts and often creating the action themselves. Always in the service of resisting tyranny and assisting the oppressed, the magazine became both admired and notorious, with Brown and his teams going into the yaw of danger where even the U.S. government itself feared to tread.
After covering and participating in global events for 40 years, in this book Robert K. Brown finally reveals his own story, including all the fascinating twists and turns, mishaps and triumphs—and just plain adventures—that led to his becoming an icon of the post-Vietnam generation. Told with candor and occasional humor, but with the seriousness of purpose that always characterized his legendary career, I Am Soldier of Fortune is a fascinating read for all facets of the ideological spectrum.
What People Are Saying About I AM SOLDIER OF FORTUNE DANCING WITH DEVILS By Lt. Col. ROBERT K. BROWN, USAR (ret.) With Vann Spencer .
“I Am Solider of Fortune” is a half-century of history told from ground level. The higher value, though, may be in the perspective it offers on the warrior culture. From the outside, it is easy to believe every soldier of fortune, every “private security contractor,” is a Rambo-style wild man, pumped on testosterone. Some of the characters passing through Mr. Brown’s book are that. Others are darkly sinister. Most are measured, disciplined professionals who understand both risk and principle. … At 80, Robert K. Brown stands as a central figure in a shadow world of secrecy and myth. His book opens that world to readers on the outside. There are many who don’t like Soldier of Fortune magazine and the culture of rogue warrior exploits it represents. Bob Brown doesn’t care. —Washington Post
“Bob Brown’s book is well named. It is, on one hand, a concise chronological history of a unique American publishing venture, and on the other, an autobiography of a maverick soldier and his bizarre assortment of cronies. Above all, it is a great read.” —American Rifleman Magazine
“Bob Brown is a ‘Mature Audiences Only’ kind of guy, and so is this gripping book. I love his unabashed defense of our 2nd Amendment, his relentless disdain for commies and his steadfast support for our fellow Vietnam vets. I admire Bob’s penchant for seeking trouble – and when he finds it – his rush to the sound of gunfire. Though I cannot vouch for all the characters and events in this great read, his account of the million dollar reward for a Soviet HIND helicopter is spot on!” —Lt Col Oliver North, USMC (Ret.)Bestselling author of Heroes Proved
“Col. Brown’s book is a breath of fresh air and reminds us that with spirit, determination, courage and ingenuity, one individual can accomplish amazing things living in the land of the free and home of the brave. Let’s try to keep it that way. Read his book and be inspired.” —American Thinker
“The book is written in Brown’s flamboyant, self-effacing style, and through it all I’ve had a chance to reflect on his red, white and blue patriotism as one of America’s most fearless journalists and, yes, a soldier for fortune who cares about God and Country.” —John S. Meyer, former Green Beret and author of Across the Fence: The Secret War in Vietnam
“Revolutionary or armed rebel…LTC Robert K. Brown has not only seen the elephant, he fist pounded his chest and stared a herd of them down from one bloody brush war to the next for the past forty years. RKB warned us – through the hard lessons and pages of Soldier of Fortune – just how filthy and fatal firefights, ambushes, and punji sticks can be. He also stoked our hunger for patriotism, selfless service, and the all-American craving to defend the land of the free to the bitter end. ” —Dalton Fury, New York Times bestselling author of Kill Bin Laden and Tier One Wild
“As a journalist, Robert K. Brown out-gonzo’s Hunter S. Thompson, fighting in and then reporting on dozens of guerilla wars in the nastiest Petri dishes in the world. The reader is plunged into the arena of late 20th century warfare by the founding publisher and editor of the iconic and iconoclastic Soldier of Fortune magazine…. a rollicking good reminiscence by a man who has lived life to the fullest and emerged alive, fit and successful at 80.…amply illustrated with dozens of photographs and the prose is as witty and colorful as the author himself. The man can write….I’ll keep checking the perimeter, er, the bookstore—hoping to find a ‘Part II’.” —Richard Venola, former editor of Guns & Ammo
“…jumps out of its page and fills the reader with the adrenalin …. The adrenalin rush is a drug and after a while it keeps turning a good soldier into more adventures, reloading that syringe and re-injecting potency… The average person who will read the book will learn a history of Cold War and post-Cold War actions which would otherwise be polluted by layers of media editors or who would, as they often do, use a buzz word or two at the expense of the truth.” —Bill Northacker,LTC, SF USA (Ret.)
“Bob’s book is a walk through history and particularly America’s Profession of Arms, both public and private, role in defining and shaping that history. But what is unique is in this highly readable and enjoyable book, is the fact that Bob was intimately involved in not only recording but also shaping that history…” —The Drop
I Am Soldier of Fortune: Dancing with Devils Lt. Col. Robert Brown, USAR (Ret.) with Vann Spencer
6 x 9, 440 pages, 32 pp color photos, 9781612001937, $29.95, hardback, Casemate July 2013
EBOOK available through all major retailers Including Amazon: https://tiny.cc/fbr9fx