By Chad D. Baus
Anti-gun media blows pre-meditated plan to blame gun owners for attack at Ohio State University..
For school shooting victims it’s not too soon to discuss our nation’s lax gun laws – it’s too late
Ohio State University
— Shannon Watts (@shannonrwatts) November 28, 2016

Ohio –Â -( Â Gun ban extremists were so eager to pin another violent attack on your right to bear arms that they got caught blaming Ohio gun laws for what turned out to be a violent attack on The Ohio State University…. by a person armed with a car and sharp-edged tool.
It wasn’t just professional gun ban extremists like Everytown For Gun Safety/Moms Demand Action for Gunsense in America’s Shannon Watts who began dancing in the blood just a little too soon.
Consider this headline from International Business Tribune (and published by, published less than two hours from the first notification of the attack:
“Ohio State Gun laws Are Some Of The Most Relaxed In The Nation
While details of the alleged shooting remained scant early Monday, reports of a heavy police and fire department presence at OSU quickly turned the nation’s interest toward Ohio’s relaxed gun laws, which currently provide some of the most lenient restrictions in selling and distributing firearms throughout the nation.”
Actually, at the time this was published so soon after the attack, the nation’s interest was still fixed on finding out what actually happened. But not IBT/Yahoo’s. Their interest was fixed on their anti-gun agenda. Given the timing of this article (which has since been updated to observe the fact that this attack had nothing whatsoever to do with firearms), it is clear the news organization likely had this report pre-written and programmed for release whenever an attack occurred. There is very likely an article like this written and waiting for every state in our country. (Save for states like California, of course, where, after the San Bernadino terror attack, the media had NOTHING to say about that state’s already restrictive [and impotent] gun control laws.)
There are, of course, NO articles now being written like this (from IBT/Yahoo edited for accuracy):
“Ohio State Gun [Motor Vehicle and Knife] laws Are Some Of The Most Relaxed In The Nation There aren’t any state requirements for permits or registration of rifles, shotguns or handguns [knives, daggers or machetes] in Ohio, and residents can carry concealed weapons [drive motor vehicles] with a permit. Background checks are not performed at Ohio gun shows [knife shows or car dealerships], and the state does not restrict the limit of weapons [cars or knives] one can purchase.”
Nor are there are any tweets from @ShannonRWatts calling for a discussion of our nation’s knife control laws.
Sad when politicians rush to a narrative that fits their own agenda, instead of waiting for the facts. #shameful #OhioStateUniversity
— NRA (@NRA) November 28, 2016
The mainstream media should be ashamed, but we know they won’t be. Instead, just as they’ve done after the recent presidential election, they’ll just double-down again on their attack on law-abiding Americans. And this is why they have completely lost their grip on “turning the nation’s interest” to whatever they want.
Chad D. Baus is the Buckeye Firearms Association Secretary, BFA PAC Vice Chairman, and an NRA-certified firearms instructor. He is the editor of, which received the Outdoor Writers of Ohio 2013 Supporting Member Award for Best Website.
Buckeye Firearms Association is a grassroots political action committee dedicated to defending and advancing the right of Ohio citizens to own and use firearms for all legal activities. Visit:
The title of the post leads one to believe that the ‘gun grabbers’ suffer from “Erectile Dysfunction” in that they can never erect a firm argument that stands up. They always fall short.
“Nor are there are any tweets from @ShannonRWatts calling for a discussion of our nation’s knife control laws.”
PLEASE, don’t give that idiot any more suggestions. We have enough problems already. Knife laws are nuts already in much of the country. The 2A isn’t specific to firearms.
Background checks are performed at Ohio gun shows, but not at auto dealers.
Their all or nothing ideologies are as dangerous as the attackers ideologies. Both are radical and self serving.
Even Tim Kaine joined in the fun early, but late enough after the reports that the assailant used a knife. The shots fired were from the campus security guard, an armed citizen.
Guess Liberals can’t wait to dance in the blood of victims no matter how foolish they look later. I have to ask who are the bloodthirsty psychos?