D.C. Statehood: Like Having 2 Bloombergs in the Senate—FOREVER

“Hey, Mikey, which Amendment should we destroy, the First or the Second?.”  “Hmmm, why not both!?” IMG MikeBloomberg.com Instagram

U.S.A. -(AmmoLand.com)- You would think it would be enough that the anti-gun leader of a gun ban organization is running for the U.S. Senate from Arizona.

Now, the U.S. House is preparing to vote on permanently adding two anti-gunners to represent the District of Columbia in the Senate.

But you may be wondering why a Second Amendment organization is bringing this to your attention.

It’s because D.C.’s statehood could have massive impacts on your right to keep and bear arms.

If this were to happen, there is a strong chance that the Senate would become permanently anti-gun by adding two guaranteed, gun control-supporting Senators.

This would allow the Senate to restructure its rules so that near-total gun bans could be passed with ease.  It would result in the courts being packed with anti-gun zealots.  It would end-run the Electoral College so that anti-gunners could have a permanent hold on the White House.  In short, there would be no recognition of the Second Amendment.

Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton’s proposal for statehood, H.R. 51, would create a small federal district but give two Senate votes to the few hundred thousand anti-gunners who live in the District. Notably, D.C. would remain a district insofar as American taxpayer would have to plow billions of dollars annually in order to save it from bankruptcy.

The Founding Fathers seriously considered and explicitly denied the District statehood in Article 1, Section 8 Clause 17 of the Constitution.

James Madison even wrote that denying statehood to the District was an “indispensable necessity of complete authority at the seat of government.”

In Federalist 43, Madison noted that if D.C. were made a state, then your elected representatives might become unduly influenced and even coerced by the District’s government. Of course, that is exactly what anti-gun Democrats want.

Instead, the Founding Fathers decided that Congress “exercise exclusive legislation in all cases whatsoever” over the District.

D.C. statehood is expected to come up on the floor of the House this Friday, so we need you to urge your representative to vote against D.C. statehood immediately.

For the same reasons, don’t forget the November elections.  If Biden takes the White House and Democrats take the Senate, it is hard to see how our Second Amendment-protected rights will survive.

In liberty,

Michael Hammond
Legislative Counsel
Gun Owners of America


About Gun Owners of America (GOA) :

Gun Owners of America (GOA) iGun Owners Of Americas a non-profit lobbying organization formed in 1975 to preserve and defend the Second Amendment rights of gun owners. GOA sees firearms ownership as a freedom issue. `The only no comprise gun lobby in Washington’ – Ron Paul Visit: www.gunowners.org to Join.

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uncle dudley

This is another example of democrats not wanting to follow the constitution as it was written.
The original idea was to keep the seat of the government separate from any state as to eliminate the super power that would result .
Power hungry politicians can’t seem to follow the constitution or know the countries history.

Mystic Wolf

The satan worshipping DEMONcrats care nothing for the CONSTITUTION as it iui s in their way of total control over the people, this is in part why I call them (DEMONcrats ) one look says it it all, they want and demand total control of the people, they want to be able to tell you what you can do what you can eat, they want control of every aspect of our lives, they are true to the name. THEY ARE DDMONS as true as the name implies, they hate this country to its core. The DEMONcrats would like nothing more… Read more »


There were specific reasons why the Founders did not want the area of the Capitol to become a State, and those reasons are still valid 240+ years later. Passing a bill or legislation contrary to what the Constitution has specifically prohibited is Treason!

Green Mtn. Boy

Give statehood to the District of Corruption,surely the jest.


“D.C. Statehood”
I am at a loss to understand this proposal. My understanding is that the Constitution explicitly prohibits this. If that is so (and I am pretty sure it is), then why is this even being discussed?


If this law were ever to be enacted through a super majority in Congress, signed into law by a Democrat president (of course) and then ruled acceptable by the cabal of liberals on the US Supreme Court, it would mark the virtual annulment of the US Constitution.

Green Mtn. Boy

Under Article IV, Sec. 3, US Constitution, Congress has the power to admit new States into the Union. For a list of States and when admitted. Note that the new States were all “colonies” or “territories” before they were admitted into the Union as “States”. That is highly significant. The District of Columbia has an existing constitutional status as “the Seat of the Government of the United States” – see Article I, Section 8, next to last clause, US Constitution. In order to change the constitutional status of the District of Columbia from the “seat of government of the United States” to a “State”, Article… Read more »




Voting doesn’t work, calling and writing doesn’t work and litigation doesn’t work. So many enemies. Only one way to stop TYRANTS!!!

Charlie Foxtrot

Sitting at the computer and writing angry rants on the Internet?


A day later. the day that this appears on “my computer”, is the proverbial day late and Trillions of dollars short. This bill passed the house in milliseconds. Kiss your freedom goodbye.


If they get to do that, then they need to split Washington state into the east and west halves. All of Washington is controlled by Seattle. We could also do the same with Illionios, as it is controlled by Chicago.


Add New York, California, Virginia, Colorado, New Mexico…must I go on? It seems many if not most states are run by the city dwelling elites with no concern for those who unwillingly support them through taxation.


The very process to become a state makes this whole scenario highly unlikely. Especially being that Washington D.C. is a part of 2 states. Which requires even more steps to clear. As well as a major income stream for those states they will be hesitant in giving up that resource. Just another democrat attempt to buy votes. Which seems odd since nearly a of D.C. votes democrat anyway.

Charlie Foxtrot

The District of Columbia is “a part of 2 states”?

Mystic Wolf

All those that live in dc even part time should not be allowed to vote, that’s my 2 cents worth.