USA – -( Supreme Court justice, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, died on Friday 18th, 2020 from cancer. She was 87. Justice Ginsberg, a well know activist judge, was decidedly anti-gun in her decisions while on the court. Including dissents that argued “Congress can regulate guns in school under Commerce clause” and “right to gun ownership is collective, not individual”.
NBC News opined “Despite her diminutive stature, Ginsburg was larger than life, both on and off the bench. Viewed as a feminist icon, she broke countless barriers, never shying away from making controversial comments along the way — with everything from her high court opinions to her octogenarian workout routines earning her the nickname the “Notorious R.B.G.” by her rabid fan base.”
This leaves an important seat on the Supreme Court of the United States open and Senator Mitch McConnell has come out previously and confirmed that he would fill this seat before the end of 2020 if not before the November election.
News of the death of Justice Ginsberg arrives a mere ten days after President Trump released his 2020 list of potential Supreme Court picks on September 9, 2020.
Here are all the new names on President Trump’s most recent list:
- Judge Bridget Bade, 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals
- Daniel Cameron, Kentucky attorney general
- Paul Clement, former solicitor general
- Senator Tom Cotton of Arkansas
- Senator Ted Cruz of Texas
- Judge Stuart Kyle Duncan, 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals
- Steven Engel, assistant attorney general at the Justice Department
- Noel Francisco, former solicitor general under the Trump administration
- Senator Josh Hawley of Missouri
- Judge James Ho, 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals
- Judge Greg Katsas, U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit
- Judge Barbara Lagoa, 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals
- Christopher Landau, U.S. ambassador to Mexico
- Justice Carlos Muniz, Florida Supreme Court
- Judge Martha Pacold, U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Illinois
- Judge Peter Phipps, 3rd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals
- Judge Sarah Pitlyk, U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Missouri
- Judge Allison Jones Rushing, 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals
- Kate Todd, deputy White House counsel
- Judge Lawrence VanDyke, 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals
Honest commentators on whether the Republican Senate majority will move forward with appointing a replacement for the now-vacant seat, pretty much agree, that it will happen before the election. Hang on to your guns and ammo it is gonna be a wild ride.
Ding dog the witch is dead! Tom Cotton would be a great replacement. He’s about as hard core 2A as you can get. And he’s young enough to hold that seat for a long time!
He needs to be careful to not remove people from the House, Senate or other places where it will be hard to replace them. He can appoint judges to replace those he elevates.
Yeah, no “robbing Peter to pay Paul”…
If he names one of the sitting judges, he can also name that judges replacement. Win-win.
@TLS – I would prefer Saint Benitez if Trump can find a suitable replacement for that seat in the ninth. We know Benitez has written thorough opinions supporting his rulings. Clear opinions, leaving no room for prevarication by lower courts, is a big part of the supreme’s job. He puts together clear arguments and might well be able to pull several of the other justices in the right direction. Tough call taking him away from the ninth, he has been one of the biggest obstacles for the Californian dictators – but a decent replacement with scotus support could probably hold… Read more »
I read she is going to be interred at Arlington; which I think is a disgrace given her explicit criticism over years of the Constitution. … Bury her at sea; that no one might resurrect her ala Lenin.
Sharks will eat anything.
Their stomachs are stronger than mine, she makes me sick just thinking about her.
Just like Is Osama.
No more activist judges. We need someone who will interpret the law, not enact law from the bench.
The libtards and Democrats must be shi**ng in their pants right now. We need someone who will protect the 2A and the rest of the Constitution.
A thud followed by screams of anguish of Leftards,music to ears of many.
The last good candidate for Justice of the Supreme Court was the late Robert Bork.
He would write his opinion based on the Bill of Rights of These United States.
Ichabod Crane finally went to Sleepy Hollow.
Best one of the day, you win the prize
News reports are saying McConnell has said Trumps appointment will receive a vote on the senate floor.
I now predict the Turtle will be reelected in Kentucky because of this.
This is going to bring full on screech mode from the left.
I have several pair of very good noise reducers. Bring it!
Ah the missing,moaning and gnashing of teeth, the anguished screams of Leftards !
Yup. And here’s me with a big ol’ grin on my face just thinking about it.
Will, me three!
I wonder if a “Ford” or similar IDIOT will be located??
Interesting how the status of her health was kept under wraps eh?
Weekend at Ruthie’s is finally over…..
Amy Comey Barret, ASAP,like Monday.
The problems are Romney, Collins and Murkowski.
Dave, I just got an email from Susan Collins and she’s begging for money because the Demons are snapping at her heels. I think she will tow the line!
She always does. Look at her record and compare it to the average Dem. The 3 I mentioned aren’t even RINOs.
Not! Once a rino always a rino.
This lifelong Communist should never have been allowed anywhere near the SCOTUS. She did huge harm to this nation.
Senator Ted Cruz should replace Ginsburg the Gun Grabber.
Cruz has already stated he does not want the job. Probably because he knows he needs to keep his seat that he narrowly won last time. Demographics are rapidly changing Texas. 10 to 1 birth ratio between non-white (read: Hispanic) and white babies in the Lone Star State.
Cancer? Oh no she didnt die from that, she died from Covid 19 and it’s all trumps fault
Usually this happens in 3s soooo Pelosi your up followed by Biden on deck.Might not be such a bad year after all.
prosecute the rioters? I missed that, I’m all for it, everytime I see the old Crypt Keeper I change the channel.
Personally I think prosecute is way to easy for traitors I’m thinking of a 7 letter word starts with (E) and ends with (CUTE) you know with all the jail overcrowding and Covid we need to be safe.
He missed Amy Barrett, the person I told him to put up for the job rather than the spineless Kavanaugh.
He cut and pasted only part of the story on the list of potential nominees, only listing the “new” people on the president’s list. Amy Coney Barrett remains on the list near the top, where she belongs. And, since there will be pressure to name a female, she may well be the next Justice.
Thanks, I caught that from another source this morning. I sure hope so, she has an excellent Pro-2A record.
But here was no need for her to die; she already voted Democrat! Oh I see. Now she can vote vote twice!
I have a question. Will those who expire between now and the election, having already voted by mail, have their votes disallowed? Anyone know the real answer?
RoyD, as Stalin said, it depends on who does the counting.
Actually it depends on the state since states control voting, the Fed doesn’t.
I just checked with an ex-election officer. If they die after voting it counts. If they receive the ballot but don’t cast the ballot, it can’t be turned in as a vote. At least in this state.
It is a little-known fact that Justice Ginsburg died early in Trump’s term.
Nancy Pelosi knew a taxidermist, and……
Whomever he picks for scouts, there’s going to be a fight to buy time until after the election. Whomever winds up serving had better know and understand that they ARE accountable to the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY and to the people. Whomever winds up serving had better be a constitutionalist, as in reading and useing it as written, else the socialist, communist, progressive demoncrapic party will do all they can to destroy the U.S.A.
Arm up, carry on
@DB – From all I see, if democrats take congress and presidency they intend to bump SCOTUS to 13 justices allowing them to add four partisan hacks to follow party line. Assumption is that they could then provide statehood to DC and Puerto Rico for an extra 6 electoral college votes in their pocket. Similarly they will expand lower federal courts, allowing them to completely dominate all three branches of federal government. This plan applies next year if they gain power, but they are patient enough to wait until next time they hold the presidency (whenever that might be). With… Read more »
Yes Sir, this election, this nomination for scots is for all the marbles. The socialist, communist, progressive demoncrapic party has clearly stated their intentions. We, on the BIBLICAL and constitutional, righteous side of the issues are going to have to refresh the tree of liberty sooner rather than later. The battle lines are drawn. I hope that we are all ready and prepared for what’s coming.
Arm up and carry on
Oh, my, the left is “threatening violence” if a nomination proceeds.
I’ve been counting, and I don’t think there are any more of those cards left in their deck.
Too bad, Ruthie — you worked for SCOTUS, not Make-A-Wish Foundation.
^^^^under-rated comment^^^^
Sorry Ruth, that ain’t your damn decision to make.
LOL! I wouldn’t put it past him!
I’m sure he’ll surprise us. Justice Ginsberg did not like Trump, that’s for sure. I really hope he does something about replacing Justice Ginsberg before November.
Amy Coney Barrett,Monday morning.
Let it be Tom Cotton, please.
Good, this will save us the trouble of flushing the lower teirs out.
Yes, little sheep, gather around, now go into the firesack.
Wonder how many funerals and impassioned speeches we’ll have to endure on this one. Will the progtard DC gilleratti practice safe Wuhan during the proceedings? Or is the Plandemic officially over now?
I wont watch any of it. All Id do if I were there is to give a solid slap on the back end of the hearse as it creeps by with the last of this creature.
Word has it that NSSF gave her an A+ rating on gun rights.
I was being sarcastic but you are right. We don’t need one of these lukewarm 2-A “supporters”. I wish we could clone another Clarence Thomas each time this happens. He has been the most consistently Constitutional and pro-freedom, of them all.
Why isn’t Trey Gowdy on the list? He would be perfect!
Gowdy is highly respectable and extremely effective at doggedly pursuing the “truth”. That is not what a “judge” least of all a supreme court justice does. … RBG like to many others appointed to SCOTUS were at the time “emotional” picks based on then seeming momentous issues; that is why they were poor choices, as would Gowdy be a poor choice. … We need boring, apolitical, academic, individuals who can be faithful to the Constitution: to decide constitutional issues and not be tempted to make law (only void unlawful laws). … Given all SCOTUS justices have law clerks to perform… Read more »
@Sisu – Now that is the correct approach. Must think long term in selecting someone who is to provide long-term stability for the remainder of their life.
Unfortunately clear-apolitical thinking is not allowed in Washington. Seems to me that that’s problem is quite a bit worse than it has been over the last several decades – though it is possible I’m just become more aware of the sickness at core of that city.
She has been “dead” for years. She might have been # 1 in her class of her law school but she could not get a respectable law firm to hire her. But even she was not as low of a POS as obozo.
@C8 – To be fair she couldn’t get hired by “respectable” law firms due largely to systemic sexism of the time.
Despite claims Tom the contrary, we are past that now. Sexism and racism still exist, but in this country they are not systemic and mostly come from a few disaffected individuals. Have seen enough of the world to say people are treated far more impartially here than in most (if not all) other countries.
I bet Lindseypoo is getting his tutu pressed just in case he is selected. After all, he was a JAG in the military.
OMG, that was a horrible nightmare I had last night! No more pizza and beer for me before bed, ever again! {{{SHUDDER}}}
Suds parties amongst the sand dunes.
“The Lord works in mysterious ways”
Since the democrats have treated President Trump like crap from the day he announced his intent to run for office the first time he needs to remember the hate they have for him and he should pick a female with a solid conservative belief who doesn’t have any scandals in her backround.
He should reach out to GW Bush for opinions and names, that might help him change some of the never Trumpers to his side for the election which he will need.
Oh HELL NO!!!!! We don’t need any input from the Bushes whatsoever!!!!! They have done enough harm to this country, as is. They got their boy Kavanaugh in, likely discussing him over their dear old dad’s dead body with Trump at dad’s funeral.
NowayHose A The Bushes have proven themselves not of sufficient qualtiy to speak on this issue. Keep them far away from the entire process.
Yes, because Bush 2 has his finger on the pulse of who’s best qualified to serve on the Supreme Court. And he hates Trump. Seriously, are you delusional or just an idiot?
As if I care what a putz like you thinks. Nice try; no cigar.
And the poster formerly known as “USA” is just a delusional idiot for agreeing with uncle dudley’s “brilliance.”
Her death was not unexpected. Both sides have had plenty of time to form their plans. The rioting we’ve seen up `til now suddenly appears to have been an integral part of the Democrat’s plan.
The riots were always an integral part of the dhimmirat plan.
Replace her NOW, do it ASAP. The Dems will do everything that can to stop or slow the filling of her seat before the election.
Old Vet,
I think the problem is on your end, I’ve tried clicking on PS’s stuff and haven’t had any problems.
Did ALL your lights blink or just the ones on your computer? Is it a laptop or a desktop? Do you have it on an UPS or just plugged into the wall?
I don’t know what your computer savvy-ness is. If you want some help, I’ll try to figure out what’s going with it.
PS & OV,
You didn’t get caught by anything on our end.
Are you having nasty weather in your area?
I’m thinking that you’re having power blips as opposed to brown or blackouts, and it’s messing with either your machines or your ISPs’ servers.
Switching could easily be the problem. Many years ago we were having hits all the time. I left a Simpson plugged into an outlet in clear view just so I could see what they were doing with switching and load leveling. That’s when I decided that everything got put onto UPSs. If it has a compressor or electronics rather than electrics it got one. Picked up a few generators as well. When we lose power in my neighborhood, I just light them up and continue to march.
Looks like there’s a bunch of us that went to different schools together. I got out of it when Flukes started being the thing you had to have. I’ve got a pair of 6KW, a 3.5KW and a little one for running tools, if I need to, outside of the house. A buddy has a 20KW diesel and thinks mine are “cute”.
Trust me, I totally get where you are coming from. I live in a townhouse, there isn’t any place to put something that size where I can keep an eye on it. If I don’t, it won’t be there when I need it. I’d love to have a real welder. About all I can swing is a little portable I can hook up to one of the gens. Well, that and a mapp-oxy brazing torch.
I wondered about that. I’ve been running speedtests on the servers in this area and we’re consistently running about 100mbs. I haven’t seen any scrolling, so apparently the bandwidth is still good. That’s the upside of being able to hear your neighbor go to the bathroom. I wa raised out in flyover and I miss not seeing my nearest neighbor. It’s a dream I still have. Don’t want to die behind enemy lines.
@Dave – Thanks for clearing that mass of spam we recently got. Seems they are rolling through more frequently lately.
Tell me about it. Anne and I have to have a talk.
Glad to hear it. Make sure you’re running an UPS and the power hits won’t matter as much. ‘Course if it’s the ISP’s server that gets hit, all bets are off. I know that when we get power hits my stuff stays up and I don’t lose connections. BOTH the computer and the modem, as well as the router are on UPSs.
When looking for likely candidates among the list of potentials, if any are Protestants, you can narrow the list a bit by eliminating them. That is, IF there were ever any Protestants on the list to start with. For some reason, since John Paul Stevens was appointed around 1975, there have been NO Protestants on SCOTUS, only Catholics Jews, or maybe athiests.
An interesting and relevant point.
While the following article is only a glimpse into RBG and her disturbed views, it is cogent. I expect it will “disappear” soon; consider printing it for others –
An excerpt: “… Frankly I had thought that at the time Roe was decided, there was concern about population growth and particularly growth in populations that we don’t want to have too many of. …”
Racist witch, put her in the ground and shovel dirt on the witch.
They couldn’t get him with more money than has ever been spent in senate campaign, with all of that enthusiasm, pent up anti-Trump hatred, and out spending Cruz 2-1. He is not in danger of losing his seat. Besides he isn’t up for reelection for 4 more years, and he may just run for President again.
Nope, he IS in danger of losing his seat. That is why he is staying put. Last election was way, way closer than he had imagined.
Coincidence…??? I think not…
The story above is incomplete, in that it only lists Trump’s new additions to his list of potential nominees. Since he will be under immense pressure to name a female, the top runner is Amy Coney Barrett of the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals. She stood up well to the evil democrats who tried to smear her for her Catholic faith at her confirmation hearings. She is an awesome person who, in addition to her court duties, teaches law at Notre Dame Law School and raises her 7 children, two of whom were adopted from Haiti.
So Amy Coney has foreign black children as trophy kids to display to her friends. No thanks. I’ll take someone a little more grounded in American life.
Yu misjudge her motive, and those of her husband too. I know a number of families who have adopted “foreigh _____ children” but NOT as trophy kids. On what BASIS to you malign that CHOICE to take on kids from another country? You act as if that is a malum in se. I know of well above a dozen ushc children who were adopted from “offshore” raised well, and are now uptanding productive citizens, some now raising their own families. Some are black brown, red, yelllow.. God only made ONE RACE.
So it offends you that someone should show compassion to children, of any color, who have lost everything or are unwanted? How very Christian of you. I thought that was part of what being an American was about. You’re an asshole.
Nothing more ‘grounded in American life’ than adopting kids from poor nations. Congrats! You have richly earned the ‘putz of the year’ award.
She’s more Pro2A than a number of the people we hear from in this forum. Look up her credentials and rulings.
Probably the easiest to do seeing as how she was already more than halfway there.
Cold but thoughtful.
@OV – Not Antarctica since the sun does set in summer, but pretty darn far south.
@NRA Ben – Grill and penguins lately?
“Everybody has a plan until they get punched in the mouth.”
Mike Tyson
@wjd -There are gullible people everywhere. Don’t get overconfident simply because correct answer is obviously to you. When I taught, an appalling number of student couldn’t figure out rough proportional dimensions from a picture. They struggled with homework question asking for rough width of an object when provided it’s height and a picture clearly showing 2:1 ratio. If supposedly educated people (graduated high school in top ten percent of their class) cannot get that – how do you expect them to apply logic to something as complex as politics? If they cannot make simple connections described above, I doubt they… Read more »
There are reasons this is what it is, we just don’t generally talk about them in open conversation.
Waiting for some nut job to come out and blame Trump for Ginsburg’s death. Who will it be?
Watch out if you live in an area with a college.
Violence can erupt anywhere. Kenosha, Wisconsin is a good example.
Praise God for her life and for the next selection!