U.S.A. –-(AmmoLand.com)-– As a counterpoint to the mass murder in a Texas School, where an unopposed murderer killed 21 children and 2 adults in a “gun free” school. A career criminal with an AR15 opened fire on an unrelated birthday party in Charleston, West Virginia. He was killed by a woman armed with a pistol before he hit any of the children and adults at the party. From the BBC:
A US woman has fatally shot a man who opened fire on a crowd of people with a semi-automatic rifle in Charleston, West Virginia.
Dennis Butler, a 37-year-old with an extensive criminal history, was killed after he targeted a group of around 40 people attending a birthday party.
Police spokesman Tony Hazelett said the woman’s quick reaction saved lives and may have prevented a mass shooting.
It comes amid a national debate over guns after a school shooting in Texas.
Butler had driven by the area earlier on Wednesday evening when he was warned to slow down because children were playing.
He returned armed with an AR-15-type rifle and opened fire from his vehicle on the birthday-graduation party outside the apartment complex in the city.
Mr Hazelett told a news conference that the woman who fired back did not have any law enforcement background. She has not been identified.
“She’s just a member of the community who was carrying her weapon lawfully,” he said. “And instead of running from the threat she engaged with the threat and saved several lives.”
The woman remained at the scene after the shooting, and is co-operating with investigators.
While the investigation remains in the early stages in West Virginia, there is much less to investigate than in Texas. The attempted murderer is dead. He has a long criminal history. From wchstv.com:
Court records indicate as a convicted felon Butler was not entitled to own any guns. He was also wanted by deputies on a misdemeanor charge of transferring and receiving stolen goods from earlier this year. Kanawha magistrate court records show some 20 arrests for local charges.
Butler was a convicted felon and a frequent flyer at the Kanawha County Judicial Annex when it came to getting arrested. Often, those charges were dismissed when witnesses failed to show up.
In 2016, Butler faced unlawful and malicious wounding charges after a woman was shot in Charleston’s East Side. A felon with a firearm charge was linked by court documents to family and child neglect and abuse convictions in Pennsylvania.
The woman who shot and killed Butler is known and is cooperating with the police. There were numerous witnesses who are reported to have given testimony.
We do not know how many shots Butler was able to fire before he was stopped. Butler was shot multiple times, so the woman apparently fired rapidly and accurately. The assault started and was stopped very quickly, a little before 10:45 in the evening. More details are likely to be released in the days to come.
Early reports are often inaccurate.
About Dean Weingarten:
Dean Weingarten has been a peace officer, a military officer, was on the University of Wisconsin Pistol Team for four years, and was first certified to teach firearms safety in 1973. He taught the Arizona concealed carry course for fifteen years until the goal of Constitutional Carry was attained. He has degrees in meteorology and mining engineering, and retired from the Department of Defense after a 30 year career in Army Research, Development, Testing, and Evaluation.
It is funny that the BBC would report this armed self defense story because pretty soon the British people will want Rights, like in America.
And again the unlawfully were not in jail so that we would be protected. The just system Failed miserably.
You are the only one in the way of the criminal, and you sure as hell better be prepared to do something about it. Like in Uvalde the police were not there to protect you, but I am sure they would have been there to count the bodies, and make reports.
This lady needs to be on the Uvalde police department !!
Lawfully ? Does it matter that much when it comes to saving lives ? It doesn’t matter to the unlawful.
again, it is not the inanimate object that good or bad, it is the human holding that inanimate object that uses it for evil or in this case good.
we need more like this