Congress Wants to Ban 24 Million Guns

U.S.A.-( According to data collected by the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco Firearms and Explosives (ATF), U.S. International Trade Commission (U.S. ITC) data, Firearms manufacturers, and the Annual Firearms Manufacturing and Exportation Report (AFMER), modern sporting rifles like the AR 15 and AK 47 styled rifles are flying off the shelves.

Since 2020 over 2,798,000 modern sporting rifles (MSRs) were produced or imported. Since 1990 the data indicates a significant increase year over year of MSR production and/or import into America, resulting in approximately 24,446,000 in circulation to date. Interestingly, 1994 showed us a significant rate of increase in production due to the 94 “assault weapons” ban. 2020 showed us another boost in production and sales due to the nationwide left-wing riots that resulted in the burning down of buildings, assaulting of police officers and billions of dollars in damage.

NSSF President and CEO Joe Bartozzi said, “The firearm industry responds to market demand and this shows that during the elevated period of firearm sales that began in 2020, this particular style of rifle is the top choice for law-abiding citizens for hunting, recreational shooting and self-defense.”

It would seem Democrats are the best gun salespeople in the World. This may explain why they are also working overtime to ban them.

So, what’s an excellent communist lawmaker to do when they see their policies having the opposite effect of their intentions? Well, double down, of course, because reversing course on policies makes too much logical sense. So while the Democrat-led Congress increases the incentive of MSR production to over 24 million, Joe Biden demands another so-called “assault weapons” ban with the new Democrat-driven H.R.1808. In an attempt to remove from the hands of Americans the very rifles they encouraged the production of through their failed policies, the political left is attempting to take another bite at the rotten apple of gun control. Never mind the fact that the first so-called “assault weapons” ban in 1994 did nothing to stop or even slow violence in America. That’s why it sun-setted 10 years later. The proposed list of firearms to be banned is extensive. See the full list here.

In a sane world, banning something you are simultaneously causing increased production of would be laughable. So, you have to ask yourself, does the left enjoy wasting time and money on Constitution-violating laws or are they just incapable of seeing the World the way real Americans see it.

Left-wing policies are conducive to gun sales because they instill fear in one form or another. Often fear of personal safety due to the lack of physical ownership of guns and fear of the reduced ability to purchase firearms in the future due to restrictive gun policies are the driving force behind sales and production increases.

So, while Democrats work very hard to create policies that ultimately increase rifle production sales, they must work twice as hard to push policies that reduce the number of rifles in America. They need to push the anti-gun fear campaign to keep their anti-gunners on board, and they need to push gun control to prevent their political opposition from having the empowerment the 2nd Amendment affords. Like most things they do, this too seems very ineffective and counterproductive to their agenda. That’s what happens when unconstitutional policies are the driving force of your ideology.

Would AR-15 style rifles be as popular today as they are if not for the gun grabbers’ incessant attempts at banning them? The irony here is the more Democrats push for gun restrictions that affect MSRs, the more MSRs show up in the hands of American citizens, forcing manufacturers to produce them at an increased rate year over year just to keep up pace with the demand. A couple of things are true. Democrats are saving firearm manufacturers a boatload of marketing and advertising cash, and they’re getting an overwhelmingly negative response to their policies by real Americans.

About Dan Wos, Author – Good Gun Bad Guy

Dan Wos is available for Press Commentary. For more information contact PR HERE

Dan Wos is a nationally recognized 2nd Amendment advocate, Host of The Loaded Mic and Author of the “GOOD GUN BAD GUY” book series. He speaks at events, is a contributing writer for many publications, and can be found on radio stations across the country. Dan has been a guest on the Sean Hannity Show, Real America’s Voice, and several others. Speaking on behalf of gun-rights, Dan exposes the strategies of the anti-gun crowd and explains their mission to disarm law-abiding American gun-owners.

Dan Wos
Dan Wos
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If the the House of Representatives truly represents their constituents then I’m afraid we have a lot of stupid in this country.

Green Mtn. Boy

These people in testimony in the house come off looking so dumb, even ignorant and they revel in it it seems to bother them not as to be thought as Morons.
And dead tyrants in hell want ice water


Many probably noticed this list is a repeat of many arms that were on the 1994 list. Many long since out of production. Some really cool stuff slipped thru the cracks. Just the same, American citizens will keep their powder dry, firearms cleaned and ready. We are the best internal defense the country has.and only a suicidal government would ever attempt confiscation. Our 2A is of the greatest importance both against foreign and a very possible domestic enemy.


Nadler admitted he wants to ban firearms in common use, an unconstitutional act. My comment with the quotes is somehow held for approval…


Nadler was asked during the markup of the bill “would anyone on the other side dispute that this bill would ban weapons that are in common use in the United States today?” “Yeah, that’s the point of the bill,” the troll replied. He admitted he wants an UNCONSTITUTIONAL BAN. “So to clarify Mr Chairman, you’re saying it is the point of the bill to ban weapons that are in common use in the United States today?” asked Dan Bishop. “Yes, the problem is that they are in common use” Nadler stated. Boom!  Heller could not have been more clear, that… Read more »


Democrats continue show their arrogant stupidity, This is not ignorance just plain old stupidity.

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