Are Gun Owners Responsible for Fixing Mental Health Issues?

Are gun owners responsible for figuring out and resolving the mental health issues we have in our country? The question always comes up from the anti-gun side of the conversation. That is, what do you gun owners propose to do about mental health issues? And the question comes up because, typically, people who commit acts of violence usually have some sort of mental issue. Often, they use a gun but not always. Sometimes it’s a car, a knife, a baseball bat, or whatever they can find.

When the question is asked, “What do you gun owners propose to do about mental health issues?” my response is always the same. “When did it become the responsibility of gun owners to fix the ills of the world, especially when a lot of those problems are caused by left-wing politicians for the purpose of gun restrictions?” The question is asked implying that somehow it is our responsibility, and we gun owners are burdened with the problem of solving mental health issues in this country.

Propaganda works in mysterious ways and the political left has been capitalizing on them. In this case, just by asking, “What do you gun owners propose to do about mentally incapacitated people getting hold of firearms?” responsibility for solving the problem is implied. There is also an inherent assumption that unless the problems of mental health are resolved, gun restrictions on everyone are justified.

Why is it my responsibility as a gun owner to fix mental health issues so that I can keep my 2nd Amendment rights? The truth is, it’s not my responsibility to fix the problem, and I resent the fact that gun-grabbing politicians and anti-gunners are putting that burden on my fellow gun owners and me.

Studies have shown that major mental disorders are higher in prisoners, yet Democrats insist on early release programs and bail reform policies without any attention to mental health. This makes it even more important to me and logical, thinking people that we can defend ourselves against violent actors in America.

The 2nd Amendment doesn’t read: “The right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed as long as gun owners make sure others with mental illness are unable to acquire firearms.”

Mental health issues and gun ownership are two completely different issues, and it’s never the responsibility of the law-abiding gun owner to solve one problem in order to keep a God-given right.

It’s not the responsibility of gun owners to bridge that gap. However, a group called Hold My Guns is surprisingly and respectfully doing exactly that. They have found a way to help in the area of mental health while protecting our Constitutional rights. They are making a difference with a unique and effective approach. They have created a system that makes it easy for people to voluntarily place their firearms with an FFL for any length of time the gun owner may feel necessary while keeping the government out of it. Watch this video for more on this new approach.

If the gun-grabbers in America were really concerned with mental health and guns, they would get to work on the causes of the diseases most likely to cause violent behavior, schizophrenia being one of them. The truth is that gun-grabbing politicians and anti-gun lobbying groups need violent gun-related deaths to justify gun restrictions on law-abiding Americans. They understand that waiting periods, background checks, magazine capacity restrictions, gun free zones, rifle bans, state-mandated training courses, and permit fees do nothing to stop those who should be incarcerated from possessing guns, but it works great to discourage those who would likely stand up to a tyrannical government from being properly armed.

About Dan Wos, Author – Good Gun Bad Guy

Dan Wos is available for Press Commentary. For more information contact PR HERE

Dan Wos is a nationally recognized 2nd Amendment advocate, Host of The Loaded Mic and Author of the “GOOD GUN BAD GUY” book series. He speaks at events, is a contributing writer for many publications, and can be found on radio stations across the country. Dan has been a guest on Newsmax, the Sean Hannity Show, Real America’s Voice, and several others. Speaking on behalf of gun-rights, Dan exposes the strategies of the anti-gun crowd and explains their mission to disarm law-abiding American gun-owners.

Dan Wos
Dan Wos
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It’s frustrating how the burden of addressing mental health issues in our country is often placed squarely on the shoulders of gun owners. The question, “What do you gun owners propose to do about mental health issues?” seems to imply that it’s our responsibility to solve this complex societal issue in order to safeguard our Second Amendment rights. But when did it become our job to fix the world’s problems, especially when many of these issues are exacerbated by political agendas aimed at restricting firearms?


The last paragraph of this article spells it all out, thank you.

Politicians (even democrats) are not ignorant, as we would like to believe; well okay, there are some exceptions. However, left-leaning lawmakers know all too well exactly what they are doing to achieve their end-goals of absolute power over the people. So make no mistakes in your votes.

They’ve been working toward this goal for decades and have reached the point where they feel the only thing still in their way is the 2nd Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. And Trump.


My current choice for disposing pills to the criminally deranged is a Sig 2340


Just going by the title alone. Oh hell no. Are all democrats responsible for all mass shootings because they are 99.9 percent done by their own twisted mental kind. The answer is no. Each individual is responsible for themselves and their own actions just like we are responsible for our own medical care with the doctor we got to keep when obummer care was put in place. Sarcasm!!! Senate and House voted to pass the new budget that included making a new agency for RED FLAG LAWS providing information, funding and training for the new people that will be coming… Read more »