Civil Rights Group Blasts Biden’s Reaction To Wisconsin School Tragedy

The Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms condemns President Joe Biden’s crass exploitation of Monday’s tragic school shooting incident at a private Christian school in Madison, Wisconsin, in an effort to push his tired—and in this case irrelevant, past its expiration date—gun ban agenda.

“With just over one month remaining in his disastrous term,” said CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb, “Joe Biden just couldn’t restrain himself from once again rolling out his one-size-fits-all gun control wish list in his statement from the White House. Demanding that Congress quickly pass universal background check (registration) legislation and ban so-called ‘assault weapons’ and ‘high-capacity magazines’ in response to this terrible crime is one of the stupidest, but expected reactions from a career gun prohibitionist whose history of gaffes is legendary.

“Joe Biden knows 15-year-olds can’t legally buy handguns anywhere in this country,” Gottlieb continued, “so a call for background checks is irrelevant. Police have recovered a handgun which was used in the shooting, so calling for a ban on semiautomatic rifles and their magazines is also irrelevant and dishonest. Indeed, such demands underscore just how irrelevant Joe Biden and his gun ban agenda have become.”

There was no armed school resource officer to protect the children at Abundant Life Christian School, according to published reports.

“We join all Americans in deploring this horrible crime,” Gottlieb said, “but attempting to penalize every law-abiding citizen who owns or may someday wish to purchase a firearm will not undo the tragedy. Biden, and his fellow gun prohibitionists all know the incident in Madison would not have been prevented, even if all of the laws he now wants passed had already been in effect. It is dishonest to suggest otherwise, but, of course, honesty has hardly been the earmark of the Biden administration.

“In the aftermath of this tragedy, common sense and cooler heads must prevail,” he observed. “Instead of shooting-from-the-lip, as Biden has done throughout his 50-plus years in politics, we look forward to working with the next administration on rational preventive measures and intelligent solutions, such as armed resource officers and improved mental health counseling, instead of spewing specious sound-bite suggestions which shift blame from the perpetrator to a constitutionally-enumerated fundamental right.”

Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms

With more than 650,000 members and supporters nationwide, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms ( is one of the nation’s premier gun rights organizations. As a non-profit organization, the Citizens Committee is dedicated to preserving firearms freedoms through active lobbying of elected officials and facilitating grass-roots organization of gun rights activists in local communities throughout the United States.

Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms

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wait, didn’t Biden recently pardon a high profile criminal for illegal possession of a gun?


TA-DA-you win internet of the day post-


Hey, you don’t mean that ‘kid’ who was a habitual drug addict, initials HB? Like his Dad, HB is a Habitual Braggart (and liar). Must have been Hunter, the guy who fathered a child (Brandon’s grand child)… except Bidens don’t acknowledge children conceived or inconveniently born under less than ‘acceptable’ circumstances. I guess accepting responsibility isn’t in their bloodline.

Henry Bowman

I don’t know anything about Wisconsin’s gun laws, but it seems pretty obvious that if a school can’t hire someone to be their full-time guardian, they should have any volunteering staff/faculty to get trained & certified for conceal carry on campus.


I live about 30 minutes North of where this happened and spent close to 20 years working as a contractor in the “City of the Perpetually Offended”, and I’ll tell you this…AIN’T GONNA HAPPEN! Madistan used to have SRO’s in the middle schools and high schools, but had the funding pulled because, wait for it, they were all racist pigs preying on the POC. Never mind the fact that it was the “urban utes” who would jack up the other kids for their lunch money and cigarettes, and start large brawls in the lunch rooms that would spread to the… Read more »


this is a PRIVAE school, so whatever goes on in the res o the town with their gummit skewlz does not aect them. fASTER Saves Lives can fix this… and are waiting for their phone call. f

Silver Creek

I’ve read Isreal schools have soldiers armed with Uzi”s guarding their schools
No school shootings there. And they are surrounded by enemies.
( and no airline hijacking either, armed pilots, armed stewardess, and uncover armed agents)

There are actually people who are against having police on school grounds, because the police will arrest their children. Huh?
Why? Because they are dealing drugs and are gang members?

Others are against having armed teachers because they would miss hitting the school shooter and shoot children in the classroom.
What?? What kind of nonsense is that?


it is liberal thinkspeak!


I think it’s just liberal speak. It’s been proven time and time again that they don’t think at all.

Henry Bowman

Either way, what emanates from their mind is pure diarrhea. Toxic leftism.
Expose them to facts and their heads burst into flames!


Maybe ” feelspeak ” would be more accurate.


Note, however, that until 1200 Israelis were butchered by Hamas a year or so ago Israel had gun control laws that put New York to shame. Only AFTER the butchery were Israeli citizens (and only Jews who are the preferred targets of genocide) were allowed and even encouraged to get weapons and carry them. Soldiers in Israel’s schools were a great decision, but…


they are learning


Israel has the same problem we suffer from , too many lefties.
When the left rules they push for disarmament of all, and surrender of land thinking that will bring peace. Any person with any sense instantly sees that just a few land surrenders can only result in total surrender of the whole country.


Israel’s national airlines (El Al) employs security measures beyond just armed onboard personnel, the type of arms, though, is irrelevant. Most importantly, there’s the attitude “it CAN happen, we must be ready.”

Henry Bowman

The reason why genocidal muslim jihadists don’t F Around with El Al is because they Found Out at Entebbe. Israeli Special Forces (of which there are several specialist units) don’t play nice; they play for keeps.


I think you need to give some credit to the Biden progs. Whenever they are presented with a situation, they always manage to make the incorrect choice. If asked how many fingers did the shooter have, I am convinced they would answer, “Blue.”


the progs continue with the same trope time after time (guns are bad) while at the same time not doing anything useful to stop these criminals from doing again and again. how about allowing staff to carry, i.e. FASTER program?
it is amoral for them to be sacrificing children to disarm law-abiding citizens.


Your last sentence is so true. Ever use that line with one of those misguided people? I bet they deflect and move on. Like talking to a steel Tee post.


Child sacrifice is a fundamental tenet of the Progressive New Left. Abortion and eugenics are their sacraments.


BUT, the same individuals who are willing to sacrifice a child with unique DNA for convenience of the mother argue against the death penalty for perps who commit multiple horrible murders. Go figure.

J Gibbons

As many have said before, liberalism is a mental disease. That’s the only viable explanation for the contradictions.



Henry Bowman

Psychopathic. Independent studies have proven this.

Henry Bowman

That’s because leftists are BAD PEOPLE. They hate us & want us dead, and they hate our nation as a consequence. They support terrorists and their organizations, and given the chance, they’ll commit treason (like they’ve done with throwing our borders wide open to anyone)!!


that is fitting as Stalin and Lenin would be their gods

Henry Bowman

True. To all leftists, the government is god.


So Biden wants to ban guns while pardoning his son….nice


Good question. If I ran into him and saw he had a gun, I think it would be righteous to put him down like a rabid dog.


Yes a pardon will restore his civil rights.


makes perfect sense, bizarro sense!



Henry Bowman

That depends on the legitimacy of the pardon. If We The People could prove in court that the 2020 election was rigged for Biden, then EVERY pardon or commutation would be VOID!

And if that happens, we’re gonna need to build a lot more prisons; every commiecrat in the country will need to be locked up!!

Henry Bowman

I was specifically addressing Biden’s legitimacy to issue pardons, not the pardons’ target, per se. If it can be established his pardons & commutations are void for legitimacy’s sake, that’s a whole new ball of yarn.
Blanket pardons are rare, and inconceivable when it is given to an individual whose personal relationship with a POTUS creates moral conflict. Not that Lefties have morals to have a conflict with, but I digress.
Blanket pardons are normally the stuff of Tom Clancy or Jack Carr novels, but life now is far stranger than any fiction!


Damn good question I never thought of. He wasn’t found guilty of anything, and even though he left his coke in the white house and hasn’t quit drugs, I guess he could lie again because the past has shown that for him there is no penalty for breaking the law.

Laws for thee not for me.


I don’t think I’m putting myself out on a limb to suggest –
He will lie again, about guns or anything else.


To our so called government!
Why all of a sudden have Christian schools become the target of choice? What was the mental illness that she has. Was she on beta blockers or drugs to change her to a boy?

Tell us, we have a right to know.


She was a new student. Social media attributed to the shooter and a manifesto indicate she was infused with Progressive New Left radical feminist propaganda and advocated for the killing of all males on earth to make the earth a better place. Parents often send very troubled kids to parochial schools as a last ditch effort to save a wayward kid. When kids are propagandized in public schools with leftist nonsense there is often no other option. But the move is more often too little, too late. Tragically that appears to be the case here. Of course Biden is simply… Read more »


Thanks for the info. She wanted to rid males of the earth to make it better. Hum, I guess she thought that all babies could be made from test tubes from now on. I bet all the male ones would have never seen life.

What a sicko!!!

Silver Creek

I read online about the 15 year old girl manifesto. Wanting to kill every male on earth ( including her own father) Don’t forget that ” 15 year old girls” know ” everything ” and have smart alleck mouths and swear like crazy. Did she really think all women would all get along? Most women are jealous of each other and women will tell you that women are crazy. This proves the point. News said her parents didn’t know where she got the handgun. A few questions. Was she using ” street drugs”? Was she mentally unstable? Bi-polar? Psychotic? Why… Read more »

J Gibbons

As private and parochial schools often end up with these future “dangers to society” it reinforces their need to have armed safety personnel on campus.


I think you know the answer. Drugs are a component but the real problem is and I apologize for bringing family into this conversation, the real problem as I see it are who we allow to teach our children. I’ve read with amazement and sympathy about your newly graduated teacher niece. She’s exactly the kind colleges are cranking out. There’s no way undereducated people like that should be anywhere near “kids with heads full of mush”, the kids have no idea how evil their very nice and seemingly caring teachers actually are. Parents, God Bless them, get sucked in too.… Read more »


Bigfoot I listen to Lars too when I am driving in the car. David Hanson is one smart cookie but Levin has had others on there just as smart and they all have one thing in common. They all say the same thing. Schools and colleges are nothing more than indoctrination centers to warp young minds so they can control them and make them into what they want which is the NWO of thinking and that white people owe people of color for the past and that America is evil from the days of landing on the shore!!!!! I am… Read more »

J Gibbons

Homeschool your children and pick their college (if that’s even needed) very carefully.


No idea but it really makes me laugh though I should be crying. I didn’t know about the swamp until Trump brought it to light but I always felt they were crooked. Now we are going to get to hear about more shenanigans than we would have ever known of because obiDUMBs actions are going to tell on them.

There is something wrong with that.


Wonderful, then we can force them to testify in front of congress and if they lie we can hang them on that.

The one thing this is doing which should be apparent to all is that our government is corrupt, therefore to the people of common sense it should move them to get rid of the swamp. The demonkkkraps will probably stick with their programming but maybe enough will come to their senses and change parties. We will see in the midterms how that is working out.


Nope because the reason they would change is to vote republican because they don’t like what their old party did with their lives.

Lock downs, high energy prices, mandatory green deal and some of them are sick and tired of them pushing gun laws because now they effect their shotgun.

I wouldn’t change parties unless I was going to vote that party but I am a republican and like the old Tareyton cigarettes add, I would rather fight than switch.


She voted to impeach Trump. And it won’t be Trump that has her charged. She was part and parcel of the committee she was on that destroyed all the ‘evidence’ shown to be the reason they decided to impeach Trump in the first place. IMO, she is as guilty as sin. LOCK her up!


According to gout, the J6 committee DID NOT delete anything. I told him that I thought he was genuinely obtuse. Or could he be just a plain liar?


He, IMO, tries real hard to be informed, however, he seeks knowledge in the worst places. He believes the Stuff the leftists feed him.


Here we go again………….Post YOUR proof that they didn’t. By All Means. BTW, how come you can come up with real facts one day and the next day refute everything you said the day before. Just tell us where you heard that little tidbit. Was it MSNBC? Tell us anything so we can get a good laugh going. Today we all need a good laugh…..and you are the perfect one to give it to us.


Yeah, but it ain’t on Google so I really can’ t giggle. Can you imagine what fun we all sitting around a table would have with The Gout, sharing an ice cold brew with him on a hot summer day in Oklahoma? I can…….


I agree….What the heck was I thinking?


Yes! She has now overcome me and today is my caretaker for a while. You remember when I talked about an ulcer on my foot? Probably not. Well yesterday it blew up and I spent 7 hours in ER. The worm has turned,…….


And she is doing really well at that. So glad that she can drive, again. I have a Monday appointment with a surgeon, so that will take a lot of pressure off my foot. Working the throttle ain’t bad, but the brakes are really painful,………LOL


Thanks OV, The only thing I would say about using my left foot for brakes is: I coulda done it 15 years ago, I’m sure. But now? I am usually doing most things by muscle memory because of my age. If I got caught in a freeway speed emergency, I am afraid it wouldn’t be good for anyone involved……


Thanks MM, Absolutely outstanding video. There truly is a movement afoot, and our Creator is definitely in all of it. We are blessed! A little off topic, but did you happen to catch Levine last night?
Most interesting and eye opening one I have seen in a long time.


I record them so I can fast forward through the commercials. I would watch Sat. today and Sunday on Mon. Thanks for the heads up.
Glad you liked the video.


The chairman of the committee investigating the J6 committee and Stephen A Smith are on the docket……..too bad Gout can’t understand when he watches TV either. After all he can’t cut and paste a news and opinion show.


What gets me is that they destroyed evidence that would support that their actions were a political sham/scam. I think when something like that happens that they should find out who it was that destroyed it, who ordered it done and then they spend appropriate jail time or hang by the neck time for reparations of their sins against America.

Hitlary should be in jail for life for election interference right along with Comey!!!! Let them share the same cell just for fun.


I agree wholeheartedly.


OMG, just finished watching it. I just don’t understand how the left can get away with all of this and not wind up kicked out of congress at the least and they should be behind bars to boot for election interference.

I pray Trump gets voter ID through before the mid terms and that something will be done about it.


Maybe Peelosis will stay in Germany, cuz if she tries to come back before Trump gets in, she WILL get in. She is pretty much behind all this GET TRUMP facade concerning Jan. 6th. I am about to watch my local news while tonight’s Life Liberty and Levin airs so I don’t have to watch the commercials either. I watch every new episode that comes by doing it the same way. Have been doing it that way ever since he had the Fox show.


I loved the Levin show last night where it said that there is video footage where Nancy is taking the blame for not being prepared for the peaceful protest on Jan 6. Her daughter had the footage.

Wild Bill

You participate. In fact, it seems like the only reason that you come here is to annoy people.

Wild Bill

A link to a bs news story is no evidence.

Wild Bill

A demand for evidence is premature because the narrative is still controlled by this administration, current Congresspersons, law enforcement controlled by the current administration, and the corrupt media. Lets give the Trump administration, a new republican majority, and a Kash Patel FBI about six months to investigate.

Wild Bill

Yes, he should but Biden is too busy pardoning convicted Chinese spys, and a record 1500 other convicted democrats.


the fact the demoncrats are all criminals

Wild Bill

Yeah, gout is a very sketchy thinker.

Wild Bill

Is he playing lawyer?

Wild Bill

We will see what he knows.


I hope I’m not premature, but hopefully it is a Christmas present to us readers and gun enthusiasts here at Ammoland.


Chanukah, celebration one less Stalinist


I have not heard that. That is awesome. I hope the addled brain fraudster sticks to his “guns” but I’m afraid one of the fellow pedo’s on the staff slips a pardon for pencil neck into the stack. The dumbass would never know.

Wild Bill

Ok, Mr pretend lawyer, what proposition do you day that Burdick v. US stands for?

Wild Bill

That is not my question, Mr Pretend lawyer. My question is “ What proposition do you say that  Burdick v. United States, 236 U.S. 79 (1915) stands for?

Wild Bill

Yes, there is a whole line of information about pardons begining with Hamilton’s Federalist No. 74; running through Ex Parte Garland (1867); and Schick v Reed (1974) [the Nixon case. ed]. Each well worth reading.

Wild Bill

Each royal court, world wide, was different. So which one are you writing about?

Wild Bill

It is my pleasure to correct you because you are wrong. It is technically impossible for a president to leak classified information. All authority to classify and unclassify information comes from the president as chief executive. There is no routine, requirement, or ritual that the president need engage in to unclassify information. The president could waive his hand, raise and eyebrow, or just open his mouth to unclassify information in any form.


Nice! I couldn’t do as good at copying and pasting in a 12 hour shift, if I actually tried. You sir, have my utmost respect as being the best court jester of all time.
Too bad you are not funny….just talking to try to stimulate your brain cells into a thought of your own. Tis a pity


I disagree. Danny Kaye was the best court jester ever. Had Get Out existed in the time of court jesters it is likely he would have quickly been drawn and quartered considering the way he tries to irritate.

Wild Bill

No, the appeals court that you mention considered the actions of an agency below the level of POTUS.
All authority to classify/declassify comes from the office of the POTUS, thus rules for levels below the POTUS can not be made mandatory for the POTUS.
I happen to know a person that used to be a high up person and an expert on classifying and declassifying information and can not be fooled by such word games.
The fact checkers that you cite need to be fact checked by some real experts.

Wild Bill

All authority to classify or declassify originate with the office of the president. Any and all rules apply to echelons below that office.
Any rule that a president makes for themself is little more than a suggestion… like a New Year’s resolution. A POTUS could make and unmake his own rules in the blink of an eye.
Use your head.

Wild Bill

Ohhhh, so that is it.

Wild Bill

Do you know what the ABA is? It is merely an association.
The ABA’s blurb is neither authoritative nor addresses what the POTUS need do to declassify. It only addresses agency levels not the office of the president.

Wild Bill

And you have come to a wrong conclusion, again, because your theory is based upon an incorrect premis.

Wild Bill

Ok, but could you move on from here?

Wild Bill

The light hits the words and reflect up into his eyes. The information goes into his brain, where the information gets all twisted around, and comes out his mouth (in this case his fingers) unpreposessing and wrong.

Wild Bill

If “he” is GO then, thank you for saying what needs to be said.

Wild Bill

Typical democrap change the definitions stuff. He is not to be heeded. Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Rifle.

Wild Bill

Thank you. Yep, she, I, and every critter here are in good shape. We brought horse food home the other day and she can still throw a 50 lb bag of horse food around like it was a grocery bag of lettuce.


I’m correcting you………you are WRONG!

Wild Bill

Insurection … no. Just gulity of something.

Wild Bill

Why should the rules of classification apply to anyone else, you ask. Because they don’t have the authority over the rules as does the POTUS.

The court booted Smith’s case. Hadn’t you heard?

Wild Bill

The allegation is based upon crap. that case is never coming back … absent more extraordinary corruption.

Wild Bill

The education process is always ego bubble bursting, but he has to go through it. Like everyone else.


My 2nd awaiting approval tag just popped on a reply to you. Crazy.


have they thrown her commie azz out of fine state of Wyoming

Maybe something about covering or destroying evidence


So far there have been no reports of the shooter being on psych or transgender meds. From what I have heard, her mind was twisted by a far more pervasive drug-unfettered access to online radicalization. She was enamored with the Columbine killers and didn’t have a happy home life.


perjury, supression/destruction of evidence ….maybe. And disgracing the people of the great state of Wyoming


The kid was the child of multiple divorces by the same set of parents. She was not dealing well with it and was in therapy. The real question is “How did she get the weapon”? Her Dad thought the Christian school might help her. I guess he misjudged her and the impact of those multiple divorces on her.


proof that sometimes one parent is better than two


Joe Biden’s ” Gun Free School Zone Act ” made the public schools a huge killing zone a whole nation wide while the Clinton’s held their co-presidency. This attracted crazies because they thought it’s now safe to kill all the kids and there will be no one armed that can stop them. I believe that now public schools are now including ” SRO’s ” ( student resource officers the crazies now turn to private religious schools. They are the most likely locations to have no police and least likely to have armed teachers. I believe the crazies would think of… Read more »


honesty and politicians somehow those two words do not belong on the same page


This school, and every other private school in the nation, NEED to look into Ohio’s fASTER Saves Lives Training and equipping any adult staff to be full time security, no one knows who is/is not carrying a any given time… and PERfEC track record.. not one incident involving a firearm at any school with this programme, now going on 20 years. and nO COST t tas[ayers OR school.


I look at the long game:
The DNC has no agenda to ban firearms. The agenda is to “cancel” the USA, and that can’t happen until it disarms the vast majority of patriotic citizens.


Yes. They can want all they want but getting it done is completely different especially in today’s world where the legacy media is hated more than Congress. They have been trying to amend the Constitution with the Equal Rights Amendment for Women for 40 years. Not going to happen in our or our children’s children lifetimes. And as Barretta used to say, “You can take that to the Bank!”


What Liz did was tampering with a witness, remember the Lady who said Trump to take over the limo from the SS. She went behind her lawyer’s back and told her to lie to the J6 committee.That is good for 20 years.


bidens handlers reaction!

Wild Bill

It is not surprising that the party of evil wants to eliminate one of the checks and balances that were so painstakingly crafted by the founding fathers.


So, universal background checks would somehow prevent a 15 year-old from buying a handgun. Please explain how this would work since a 25 year old can’t legally purchase a firearm at all.


“…since a 25 year old can’t legally purchase a firearm at all.” Wait, this is Wisconsin, not New York, New Jersey, California, Massachusetts, or D.C. I don’t know of ANY state in the continental US that allows kids 15 years old to buy firearms. ??? typo ???

Silver Creek

I think that was a typing error and he meant to type 15.

Still, dementia Joe went on a rant about ‘assault rifles” , high capacity magazines, extended background checks ( what is that exactly?), and school shootings.

You want to stop school shootings? Do like Israel does and put soldiers armed with Uzi’s, or police , or even National Guardsman at ever school with orders to shoot on sight any school shooter.