Its only real justification is not to reduce crime but to desensitize the public to the regulation of weapons in preparation for their ultimate confiscation…
Combating the ‘No One Wants to Ban Guns Lie’

America’s oldest Second Amendment News outlet.
Its only real justification is not to reduce crime but to desensitize the public to the regulation of weapons in preparation for their ultimate confiscation…
Certain liberal wack-job mothers have been calling me a Gun Thug. Claiming that I scare them with my vocal gun toting freedom loving rants on social media…
Second Amendment Foundation today launched a public education and awareness effort on more than 160 radio station websites and the Fox News Radio website…
Many American gun-owners are intimidated or confused about their ownership because of the widespread propaganda telling them that we firearm owners are deranged demons, liars, or at best, ignorant…
Help us fight back against the recent push by liberal media looking to flood the web with negative images of gun owners and the NRA. WANTED: Political Cartoon Artists…
While the NJ2AS is in the process of planning our next series of moves, there are a few simple “action items” that we would like to ask you to execute…
Since they do not understand our RIGHTS nor hear our JUST GRIEVANCES, political pain may be the means that WE THE PEOPLE have at our disposal to accomplish our goals and make them pay with their political careers…
Maryland’s new Handgun Licensing provisions are designed specifically to burden ownership, by making it too expensive and time consuming for people to meet the hurdles…
Join Bill at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Colorado Springs to lay down the law to Colorado liberals who threaten American freedoms…
If Sen. Coburn really wants to “compromise” with Schumer, he should make Schumer give up some ground and demand that Congress repeal the Gun-Free School Zones Act
I it will be easier for me to be a criminal, at least I wont be complicit in your work to tear down the documents that my grandfathers gave their lives to protect..
Steve Sanetti, president and CEO of the National Shooting Sports Foundation, emphatically says that the nation’s firearms owners and firearms industry are not responsible for the criminal misuse of firearms…
The Move On crowd was very disappointed that we were there, and WE WERE STRONG, we had more people show-up than they did! We out-powered their PA system with our chanting, we had more people & more signs…
We’ve seen this happen a dozen times in the past 45 years: Anti-gunners introduce legislation to ban most guns or set up a national gun registry. And, too often, so-called “pro-gun” legislators negotiate a “compromise victory” for gun control advocates…
So far, eight Sheriffs in Ohio have vowed to uphold and defend the Constitution against Obama’s unlawful gun control measures. Has yours? If not, call and ask them why…
Governor O’Malley is doing everything he can to offset the tidal wave of pro-gun, pro 2nd Amendment, pro-Freedom emails you have been sending…
The Left is running scared that their hopes for greater gun control may fall short. They are scared that history is going to repeat itself…
Legislation To Begin Moving Soon As Largest Mobilization Of Outdoor Community In NJ History Unfolds…
Chicago legislators want to pass a carry law that is “so restrictive that it’s essentially non-existent”. Chicago legislators want to defy the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals which gave them 180 days to pass a reasonable carry law…
Your gun rights are under siege! It is time to demonstrate to the world that you will no longer tolerate such attacks. GRNC is putting a rally under the office windows of legislators of the NC General Assembly…
Governor Martin O’Malley has made targeting the rights of law-abiding gun owners a legislative priority this session and your help is needed to stop the assaults on the Second Amendment in Annapolis…
I will not stand silent while these unpatriotic proposals are pathetically thrown at us a 11 o’clock at night, to be voted on at once…
Do not think we have come together to wave protest signs, congratulate ourselves, go home, suck it up and bend over. You think you can just make up a law and take our our guns? It doesn’t work like that…
The Obama administration’s gun ban agenda and universal background check system are unconstitutional regulatory schemes to gut the Second Amendment…
O.F. Mossberg & Sons, Inc, America’s oldest family-owned firearms manufacturer, today announced that the company will not attend or support the 2013 Eastern Sports and Outdoor Show in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania…
Tune in Tonight for a major response to President Obama’s Inaugural address by NRA CEO & EVP Wayne LaPierre live on AmmoLand Shooting Sports News…
Just fill in the blanks, your name address, phone and your email, and it sends a very professional email to the President, Vice President and every politician from your state…
It is time to stop supporting New York. It is time to stop going there and more importantly stop spending money there…
The federal gun control measures President Barack Obama, Senator Dianne Feinstein and others now propose represents nothing less than an attack on American freedom…