Arizona Citizens Defense League Looking For Pro Gun Volunteers

Catalina, AZ –-( If you can spare a few hours we would deeply appreciate your help. AzCDL’s phenomenal growth is primarily because of the hard work of our volunteers. These are great opportunities to educate the public about our hard won successes like Constitutional Carry (
- Douglas area volunteers, please contact Duke ([email protected]).
- Phoenix area volunteers, please contact John ([email protected]).
- Tucson area volunteers, please contact Tom ([email protected]).
In July, AzCDL will be working the following events.
July 10 & 11 is the Crossroads gun show at the Arizona State Fairgrounds in Phoenix.
Please contact [email protected] to volunteer.
July 17 & 18 is the Arizona Arms Association gun show at the Beaudry RV Center in Tucson.
Please contact [email protected] to volunteer.
Also on July 17th is a Tea Party rally in Douglas at the 10th Street Park.
Please contact [email protected] to volunteer.
If your AzCDL membership is coming up for renewal, you’ll save $10 if you renew at any event! It’s like getting paid to attend! Sustaining memberships also get a FREE AzCDL t-shirt. Not a member? Not a problem! You can join AzCDL at these events and still get the $10 discount.
And, don’t forget AzCDL’s annual meeting! If you join or renew your membership for $25 or more, you are entitled to attend AzCDL’s annual meeting on October 2nd for FREE. Details can be found at AzCDL’s website: .
A listing of upcoming Arizona gun shows can be found at: .