Colorado’s Steve Schreiner for NRA Board of Directors

Vote for Colorado’s Steve Schreiner for NRA Board of Directors

Letters to the AmmoLand Editor
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Colorado –-( you are a qualified voter for NRA Board Members I urge you to vote.

Now if you would accept a recommendation, I would sincerely like you to consider voting for Steve Schreiner, of Englewood Colorado, to be on the NRA Board of Directors. Steve is currently on the NRA Board.

In 2010 one of the Board members passed away and Steve, being the next highest (but not elected) vote getter, took over that position and we have benefited greatly from his expertise in political affairs and matters of firearm freedom.

Steve devotes several hours each working day to firearm freedom efforts and to the NRA. On weekends he is at major gun shows in the Colorado region manning a firearms freedom Second Amendment NRA supporting booth.

Steve donates huge amounts of his personal time and money as an advocate of protecting our firearm rights at every opportunity! Schreiner tirelessly recruits people to protect our gun rights and he is without doubt the most dedicated member ever to be on the NRA Board. I know this all to be true–first hand!

I am serious, no other Board member will be more dedicated to protecting our Second Amendment, NONE! He really deserves reelection.

Steve Schreiner
Colorado’s Steve Schreiner for NRA Board of Directors

Many times we look at the ballot and have only what the candidates themselves write up in the Rifleman to judge how we might vote or we may accept NRA recommendations (for unknown agenda reasons). And many times rather than take a chance on someone we don’t know much about we just send in partially filled out ballots…I have done that.

I have personally known Steve Schreiner for 30 years. Schreiner has a solid background in the ways of political operation having been an aide to a U.S. Congressman years ago. He earned a Bronze Star for Valor and also earned the Silver Star in Nam for heroism.

If you were to meet Steve you will find a dedicated, highly-intelligent very active energetic guy with a wily sense of humor who WILL NOT compromise our founding father’s well written Bill of Rights and the Second Amendment. Steve is dedicated! We really do need people like him on the NRA board-seriously, we really do.

If you have room on your NRA Ballot to vote for Steve Schreiner, I urge you to do so he will prove to be incredibly effective on the NRA Board protecting our Second Amendment Rights. .

Thank You For Your Consideration,

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david ker

Is. Steve for keeping public land that we all own public or is he ready to give national Forest and BLM to the states?


PLEASE post the URL for voting !