PBS Agrees in Advance to Film Anti Gun Protest

Philadelphia, PA –-(Ammoland.com)- It appears from the attached email that PBS, (we have not yet been able to verify this) has agreed in advance to film the anti gun protesters that have been targeting the small firearms retailer, Delia’s Gun Shop in Philadelipiha, PA.
The fact that the Public Broadcast Service “PBS” Â had agreed in advance (coordinated) to film an anti-gun protest, says almost all that needs to be said. Ceasefire NJ And Heeding God’s Call are planning a protest in PA for this Tuesday March 15th.
Heeding God’s Call has a list of demands that they want all firearms retailers to sign before they will stop protesting what is already perfectly legal to do:
The List of Demands Includes
- Videotaping the Point of Sale for All Firearms Transactions. Participating retailers will videotape the point-of-sale of all firearms transactions and maintain videos for 6 months to deter illegal purchases and monitor employees.
- Computerized Prime Gun Trace Log and Alert System. Maors Against Illegal Guns will develop a computerized system that participating retailers will implement over time to log crime gun traces relating to the retailer. Once the program is in place, if a customer who has a prior trace at that retailer attempts to purchase a firearm, the sale will be electronically flagged. The retailer would have discretion to proceed with the sale or stop the sale.
- Purchaser Declaration. For sales flagged by the trace alert system, participating retailers will ask purchasers to fill out a declaration indicating that they meet the legal requirement to purchase the firearm.
- Deterring Fake IDs. Participating retailers will only accept valid federal- or state-issued picture IDs as primary identification. Retailers will utilize additional ID checking mechanisms.
- Consistent Visible Signage. Participating retailers will post signage created by the Responsible Firearms Retailer Partnership to alert customers of their legal responsibilities at the point-of-sale.
- Employee Background Checks. Participating retailers will conduct criminal background checks for all employees selling or handling firearms.
- Employee Responsibility Training. Participating retailers will participate in an employee responsibility training program focused on deterring illegal purchasers. The Responsible Firearms Retailer Partnership will create an online training system based on Wal-Mart´s training program.
- Inventory Checking. Participating retailers will conduct daily and quarterly audits. Guidelines will be based on Wal-Mart´s existing audit procedures.
- No Sales Without Background Check Results. Participating retailers would prohibit sales based on “default proceeds,” which are permitted by law when background check has not returned a result within 3 days.
- Securing Firearms. Participating retailers will maintain firearms kept in customer accessible areas in locked cases or locked racks.
If you are in the South Jersey or Philadelphia area today please stop by and support Delia’s Gun Shop.
Heeding God’s Call EMAIL:
Urgent: Protest at NE Philly Gun Shop 4:30 PM TODAY
From: The Rev. Bob Moore [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Tuesday, March 15, 2011 7:43 AM
Subject: Urgent: Protest at NE Philly Gun Shop 4:30 PM TODAYDear Ceasefire NJ Project Contact,
PBS has decided to film a Protest co-sponsored by Ceasefire NJ and Heeding God’s Call from 4:30-5:30 PM Today, Tuesday, March 15 at Delia’s Gun Shop, 6104 Torresdale Avenue, Philadelphia 19135. The goal is to pressure them to sign a Code of Conduct to inhibit sales to illegal purchasers.
We were unable to publicize this before now, to try and avoid a large counter-protest by the NRA and its allies. If at all possible, I urge you to attend the Protest!
The Rev. Robert Moore
Executive Director
Coalition for Peace Action &
Peace Action Education Fund
40 Witherspoon St.
Princeton, NJ 08542
(609) 924-5022 phone
[email protected]