Firearms Stored in Cars & Campus Concealed Carry Bills Need Your Support

Firearms Stored in Cars & Campus Concealed Carry Bills Need Your Support
HB 681~Still in Calendars
SB 354~Needs Attention in the Senate

Texas State Rifle Association
Texas State Rifle Association

Houston, Tx –-( The Concern With House Calendar’s Committee

With two months left in session, it may sound like the Texas Legislature has plenty of time to consider and act on legislation of importance to gun owners and sportsmen. In actuality, the deadline for the House to consider House bills is May 12, less than a month and a half away. Time last week was taken up with action on the voter i.d. bill. Debate on the budget is expected to last over three days this week. And the House will be considering redistricting plans and major state agency sunset legislation in the coming weeks.

In 2009, TSRA-backed legislation that would have allowed employees to transport and store firearms in their locked, private motor vehicles while parked at work, died on the House Calendar in the waning days of session when Democrats filibustered the voter i.d. bill and Republicans failed to take procedural action to end an entire week of stalling. This session, the Senate passed SB 321 by Sen. Glenn Hegar (R-Katy), that chamber’s version of the parking lot bill, in mid-March. There are no excuses for the House not acting on this issue this session!

HB 681, the House version of the employee/parking lot bill sponsored by Rep. Tim Kleinschmidt (R-Lexington), has been reported out of the House Business & Industry Committee and is currently pending before the House Calendars Committee – the body which decides if and when a bill is scheduled for a vote by the full House of Representatives. It will soon be joined by HB 750, Rep. Joe Driver’s (R-Garland) bill to allow Texas CHLs – individuals who are 21 or older, have passed a state and federal criminal records check, completed a handgun training course and been issued a licensed to carry by the Department of Public Safety – to protect themselves on the campuses of public colleges and universities. That bill was recently reported out of the House Committee on Homeland Security & Public Safety and is on its way to the Calendars Committee.

Please contact the House Speaker and the following members of the Calendars Committee – politely urge them to set HB 681, the TSRA-backed employee parking lot bill, and HB 750, the TSRA-supported campus carry measure, on the House Calendar as soon as possible!

House Speaker Joe Straus
To send an email, click on this link: Email Speaker Straus

House Calendars Committee Members

Please Help Push Concealed Carry on Campus in the Texas Senate
On Thursday, the Senate Committee on Criminal Justice voted out SB 354 by Sen. Jeff Wentworth, the campus carry companion bill to HB 750. A two-thirds vote of Senators present and voting (21 if they are all there) will be necessary to “suspend the regular order of business” and bring SB 354 up for consideration on the Senate floor in the coming weeks.

Please contact your State Senator and urge him or her to support SB 354 by voting to “suspend the regular order of business” so that the measure can be debated and voted on by the full Senate, and to oppose any gutting amendments to the bill – including any attempt to allow taxpayer-funded public colleges and universities to opt-out of its provisions!

TSRA may be the NRA state affiliate but our money and our members are from Texas. I’m the point person but TSRA members make up the power. Join, renew, or upgrade your membership to the Texas State Rifle Association today.

Keep the faith,

Alice Tripp
Texas State Rifle Association

The Mission of the Texas State Rifle Association is to protect and defend the inalienable rights of the individual Texan to acquire, possess, transport, carry, transfer ownership and enjoy the right to lawful use of firearms for self preservation, for the defense of family and property and the common defense of the Republic and the individual liberties of the people. Visit:

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