Looking for more advice on the best AR 15 triggers, check out our review of five trigger you should consider.
Las Vegas, NVÂ -(Ammoland.com)-Â Accu-Grip announces a remarkable low-cost patented and patent pending improvement to the AR-15 platform that will actually make shooting more comfortable and inherently much more accurate.
Well first, who doesn’t make something for the AR platform anymore? True, but much of the gear is just flat-out show biz, not something that’s actually useful. This is!
Accu-Grip invented and is now producing a unique adjustable grip for the trigger finger hand (strong hand) that makes for much more effective trigger reach and trigger control and results in greatly improved shooter accuracy. The key to accurate and quick shooting is trigger control. Trigger control can be greatly improved by correct contact between the trigger finger and trigger. The basic trigger length of an AR is just 2.25 inches which is why most shooters position their hand awkwardly or have their trigger finger dangling out the other side of the trigger guard. NO MORE!
The Accu-Grip allows the shooter to lengthen and incrementally adjust the critical grip-to-trigger contact–up to 3.25 inches if desired (above image shows 5/8 inch). While that may not sound like much, any experienced shooter will tell you it is huge and can greatly improve critically important trigger control resulting in more accurate shooting.
Installation takes about five minutes. Accu-Grip fits all MILSPEC and factory lowers and comes with the necessary hardware and Allen wrench for installation. After installation, adjusting the grip to fit the individual shooter takes a few seconds. Movement of the grip is accomplished in 1/10-inch incremental positive hold adjustments and, of course, the grip may be adjusted as many times as the shooter wishes.
- MATERIAL: The patented, all American-made Accu-Grip is molded with DuPont Zytel resin and long strand glass fibers, making it incredibly tough–tougher than the original grips.
- COLORS: Accu-Grips are available in black, dark earth, OD green and desert sand. Other custom colors can be created in quantity on request.
- PRICE: $39.95 MSRP
- BOTTOM LINE: People will spend a bunch of money getting triggers reworked, attaching cheese graters and doing other nifty stuff to the AR, but AR grip-to-trigger length improvement may be more important to better trigger control function and resulting shooter accuracy than anything else done on these rifles for under $500.00. Please see below Additional Background information.
For more information, please visit www.accu-grip.net.
Now off the mark, but wanna’ easy fix to MilSpc triggers?
A set of “Yellow” JP springs.
Less that 10 bucks & you’ll surprise yourself!!!
I own one and must agree with the press release, it is amazing and made my shooting accuracy improve due to better trigger control and improved mechanical leverage between my trigger finger and the trigger. I can now apply correct pressure and it makes my trigger feel much lighter. Neat item, wish it had been around years ago when I was competing.