Boston, MA -(Ammoland.com)- Boston Mayor Martin Walsh wants to mandate that Doctors teach patients about gun safety. It appears to be another Orwellian definition. Gun safety in these circumstances seems to mean getting rid of guns. There is no mention of using known gun safety experts who have been working on the subject for decades. From bizjournals.com:
Involving doctors in gun safety: This act would require medical professionals to ask patients about guns in the home, and bring up the topics of gun safety. The goal, Boston Police Commissioner William Gross said, is to identify those at risk for domestic violence, suicide or child access to guns in order to guide people to mental health counseling, resources or other help. “We’re just asking them to help identify ways to save lives,” Gross said.
The fact that a patient owns guns would not be put in their medical record, and is not intended to have physicians help solve crimes.
Chief of Health and Human Services Marty Martinez said that while the program is already common practice at many of the city’s community health centers, legislation would broaden the program statewide.
The claim is the ownership of guns will not be put in a patients medical records. If not, how will the ownership of guns help to “guide people to mental health counseling, resources, or other help”? Maybe the information will be stored somewhere else.
This is part of the Progressive push to medicalize all of society. Some of the first big wins of Progressives were to exclude medical issues from most Constitutional protections, in the name of “safety”. The big issue was mandatory vaccinations. Mandatory vaccination arguably violates the First and Fourth Amendments to the Constitution.
That is the model being pushed with guns.
There are big differences. No one claims smallpox is a Constitutional right.
Half, or more, of the population understands that being armed offers many advantages to the person armed. It is why Americans tenaciously support the Second Amendment.
The tactic used by Progressives to undermine and destroy the Second Amendment is to propagandize the population into believing they are safer when they are disarmed. Rudyard Kipling had an answer to in his poem, Gods of the Copywrite Headings:
When the Cambrian measures were forming, They promised perpetual peace.
They swore, if we gave them our weapons, that the wars of the tribes would cease.
But when we disarmed They sold us and delivered us bound to our foe,
And the Gods of the Copybook Headings said: “Stick to the Devil you know.”
It is a longtime tactic of those who want the population disarmed.
Nearly all health journal studies about firearms have the same basic fallacy: They assume that firearms only have bad effects. They fail to consider positive effects. It is as if they tested a new treatment, and only checked to see if there were bad side effects, and never considered if the treatment worked.
Most of the health journal studies have this blind spot, because the authors have chosen to be unarmed. They do not wish to learn that being armed has positive effects. To do so would challenge their world view. People become very uncomfortable when their world view is challenged.
There is at least one study about firearms and outcomes, published in a medical journal, that did not assume firearms always resulted in bad effects. Their finding was the increases in the legal carry of firearms had no effect on homicides or violent crime.
Requiring doctors to ask patients about gun ownership stigmatizes gun ownership. It is a way of chilling the exercise of Second Amendment rights.
Mayor Walsh is not part of the Massachusetts legislature. But he has a large influence on state politics.
Massachusetts is one of the least Second Amendment friendly states in the Union. Will the legislature require doctors to ask about gun ownership in Massachusetts?
They may. It diverts attention away from the high homicide rate in Boston.
About Dean Weingarten:
Dean Weingarten has been a peace officer, a military officer, was on the University of Wisconsin Pistol Team for four years, and was first certified to teach firearms safety in 1973. He taught the Arizona concealed carry course for fifteen years until the goal of constitutional carry was attained. He has degrees in meteorology and mining engineering, and recently retired from the Department of Defense after a 30 year career in Army Research, Development, Testing, and Evaluation.
Doc asks the gun question
well since you opened the floor to topic that are not about my health…hey doc does your wife use a strap-on on your pazzi butt or not? or does she just BEAT you up…because I can plainly see that she has your balls in a jar somewhere??
A silly proposal even with liberals. As a Centrist, I have no obligation to disclose what if any weapons I own. Signed. The GWD.
Doctors everyplace should concentrate on their medical performance and that of the people under them and leave guns the hell alone. They have no business sticking their nose in where it isn’t wanted. Communist mayors need to stick their head back up their own posterior and chase their secretaries around the office for fun. They have no business sticking their nose where it doesn’t belong.
Do you ever wonder why so many people, some of them post on this site, on the left sound and act as if they are Communists? It is because they are communists. Now if you call them out they will deny it. But; as we have all learned, if it sounds like a duck, walks like a duck, it is most likely a duck. They can deny, lie, and obfuscate but it doesn’t change what they are. And once you know your enemy you have a better idea as to how to defeat them. Of course, I guess they could… Read more »
How tough is it to always answer this question: “No. No guns.”. I might talk guns with buddies, but when someone I don’t know personally asks that, my answer is always; “No”. Its so much better than; “none of your business”. They just write that answer down as; “yes”.
.boston may-whore dip-s**t, FU & your clones in what’s left of America