Virginia: Survey Grades for the Federal Primary & Conventions

Second Amendment But Liars Democrats Fake Lies
Unfortunately, all of the Democrat candidates and about 40% of the Republican candidates have NOT answered the VCDL Federal Candidate Survey.

Virginia – -( The Democrat & Republican parties will be choosing their nominees for the US Senate and some of the House of Representatives districts via either Primaries or Conventions over the next two months.

Virginia Citizens Defense League has surveyed all the candidates running in these Primaries or Conventions.

Unfortunately, all of the Democrat candidates and about 40% of the Republican candidates have NOT answered the VCDL Federal Candidate Survey.

The survey results show a disturbing trend by Democrat candidates to intentionally conceal their position on firearms from gun owners. Only after being safely elected do those same Democrats show their true colors.

The survey questions can be found at:

For candidate contact info and to see who has answered the Survey along with a qualitative assessment of how they answered, go to: It’s important to note that this qualitative assessment describes HOW THE CANDIDATE ANSWERED THE SURVEY, and is NOT an overall assessment of the candidate.

Please contact the candidates in YOUR district who have not answered the VCDL Federal Candidate Survey and politely, but firmly, insist that they complete the VCDL survey and send it in immediately.

If they have misplaced their survey, they can download a copy at:

If one or more of the candidates in your district answered the Virginia Citizens Defense League survey, please contact them and thank them for returning the survey, especially if they responded “Very Pro-Gun”.

Not sure what District you’re in? You can find out at:

If any of the candidates are afraid to take a public stand on these issues now, BEFORE the election, then they are unlikely to be very responsive to your views AFTER the election.

Failure to return a completed survey frequently indicates indifference, if not outright hostility, toward the Right to Keep and Bear Arms. Demand to know where they stand!

Thanks for your help!

Virginia Citizens Defense LeagueAbout Virginia Citizens Defense League, Inc. (VCDL):

Virginia Citizens Defense League, Inc. (VCDL). VCDL is an all-volunteer, non-partisan grassroots organization dedicated to defending the human rights of all Virginians. The Right to Keep and Bear Arms is a fundamental human right.

For more information, visit:

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Unfortunately, all of the Democrat candidates and about 40% of the Republican candidates have NOT answered the VCDL Federal Candidate Survey.

Apparently a lot (a LOT!) of politicians were not paying attention at the end of last year and last January.

We’ll be in touch again in November.


Baldwin, they were paying attention to your peaceful protests them went on to pass whatever bills they wanted. You can’t keep a compliment of supporters stationed at the state house 24/7, or can you? That’s the only way to keep legislators honest.

Deplorable Bill

I don’t live there but if a want to be legislator, or anybody else for that matter, refused to make known his stand on issues, they are NOT TO BE VOTED FOR.

Arm up, carry on.


Guess that photo is a dig at me.

I support 2A, but…

I support 2A but – not in it’s current watered down interpretation. I support 2A but – not GCA, most of FOPA or NFA. I support 2A but – not ATF. I support 2A but – not NRA – instead GOA, SAF, FPC and CCRKBA.


After the developments that occurred after the last election, voters should be taking a keen interest int eh responses of candidates to stop a repeat. If they don’t then they will have to live with their mistakes.


The Bill of Rights of These United States was written to protect the citizens of These United States from the government and abused by the government. The Second Amendment was written so that a CITIZEN could protect himself from the government.

Any infringement of the Bill of Rights should be considered A TREASONABLE OFFENSE.


Butters and Fudds are cancer. They’re worse than any anti-gunner.


I doubt you’ll get many Democrat responses.